The initial Pokemon games, Red and Green, were launched on the Game Boy in Japan in 1996, and since then, the franchise has created a legacy that can be traced back to that time.
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Since then, the series has expanded into film and television, as well as a steady stream of original and spin-off video games for Nintendo systems.
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If you’ve ever wondered how each Pokemon game relates to the overall timeframe of the Pokemon franchise, this list is for you.
You should keep in mind that this list only includes games that are considered to be part of the “core” Pokemon series.
Gen 1
Pokemon Red, Green, and Blue
On February 27, 1996, it was released
It runs on a Game Boy.
Pokemon Red and Green were the first games in the Pokémon series to be released outside of Japan, with an improved Blue version following soon after.
In addition to the initial 151 Pokemon species, these games would feature the capturing, training, battling, and trade elements that the series is known for.
Pokemon Red and Blue
On September 28, 1998, it was released.
It runs on a Game Boy.
Pokemon Red and Blue would be updated by Nintendo in the United States two years after the original release. Outside of Japan, the original Green version was not available.
Because the Pokemon concept attracted to players of all ages, regardless of their prior experience with video games, they would go on to become a cultural phenomenon.
Pokemon Yellow
On October 19, 1999, it was released
It runs on a Game Boy.
After a year, Pokemon Yellow was launched, which allowed trainers to explore the Kanto region with a Pikachu that appeared on-screen and accompanied the player when they weren’t fighting.
Pokemon, a popular animated series, was a major inspiration on the game’s visual style.
While Blue is technically the first ‘third version’ released by Nintendo, Yellow is generally seen as the beginning of this technique.
Gen 2
Pokemon Gold and Silver
The 15th of October, 2000 is the scheduled release date for this film.
Playstation Portable
Because of the Game Boy Color’s hardware capabilities, Pokemon Gold and Silver were able to employ a wider color palette, incorporate more in-game treasures, and have more gyms than any prior Pokemon game.
They featured new personalities, added 100 new Pokemon, and gave players the opportunity to explore the new Johto region.
In Kanto, after finishing the main story, players might face the eight original gyms, roughly increasing the amount of time available to them.
For the first time, Pokemon could be bred in Gold and Silver.
Pokemon Crystal
The 29th of July, 2001 is the date of the film’s release.
Playstation Portable
Pokemon Crystal is notable for being the first Pokemon game to allow players to select their character’s gender and for the first time introducing animated Pokemon sprites into the series.
When Pokemon Crystal was released, it was the first mainline Pokemon game to have animated sprites, making it a defining moment in the series.
Gen 3
Pokemon Ruby and Sapphire
March 19, 2003 was the release date.
The Game Boy Advance is the appropriate platform for this project.
As the first mainline games on the Game Boy Advance, Pokemon Ruby and Sapphire marked the beginning of a new era for both Pokemon and Nintendo handhelds.
As compared to earlier games, this one contained 135 new species and far more intricate worlds.
New stat-based Pokemon natures, 2v2 bouts, and more side activities, such as Pokémon Contests and Secret Bases, rounded out the list of highlights.
It is also criticized for not containing all of the Pokemon species, with only 202 of the 386 making an appearance; this would become a bone of controversy among fans and a frequent issue in succeeding games.
Pokemon Emerald
Date of Publication: May 1st, 2005
The Game Boy Advance is the appropriate platform for this project.
Combat Frontier, a post-game region where players may battle other powerful trainers in exchange for “Battle Points,” a currency used to purchase special in-game gifts, was launched two years after Ruby and Sapphire.
Gen 4
Pokemon Diamond and Pearl
The 22nd of April, 2007 is the scheduled release date.
DS handheld game console
The longest time between generations was four years between the release of Pokemon Diamond and Pearl and the first time players could play them.
As a result of having to make use of the dual-screen capabilities of the Nintendo DS, the game looks a little dated now.
Arceus, the legendary Pokemon considered to be responsible for the inception of the cosmos, was among the 107 new Pokemon introduced in Pokemon Diamond and Pearl.
Pokemon Platinum
The 22nd of March, 2009 is the scheduled release date.
DS handheld game console
The Sinnoh region was revisited in Pokemon Platinum, where the legendary Pokémon Giratina may be found in an other dimension.
Legendaries gained new forms, and the Battle Frontier from Emerald was incorporated.
Gen 5
Pokemon Black and White
When will it be out?
DS handheld game console
Pokémon Black and White included a record-breaking 156 brand-new Pokemon as well as the Unova region, in which players had to defeat all eight gym leaders before taking on the game’s legendary Elite Four.
Rotation and Triple Battles, two new battle tactics introduced in this generation, will not be used again in following games.
Only available to players who had access to the Pokémon Global Link website, this unique Dream World location allowed players to befriend Pokémon with special skills that were otherwise unavailable in-game.
Pokemon Black 2 and White 2
On October 7, 2012, the album was released.
DS handheld game console
Black 2 and White 2 are the first games in the series to break from the usual release structure, which included a third edition of the most recent games.
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After the events of Black and White, gamers would return to the Unova region two years later, where they would discover new regions and encounter Pokémon previously unavailable.
Gen 6
Pokemon X and Y
When is it coming out?
3DS handheld game console.
Pokemon X and Y, situated in the Kalos region, were released two years later on the 3DS, Nintendo’s newest handheld.
Hairstyles and skin tones might be changed for characters of this generation in addition to clothing and accessories.
First and foremost, X and Y were the first mainline games to offer completely 3D graphics for the settings and characters, as well as 72 new Pokemon.
New Fairy-types and “Mega Evolutions” were introduced in the combat system during the sixth generation.
Last but not least, the addition of Pokemon-Amie and Super Training gave players new ways to engage with their pets and develop their abilities.
X and Y would not see a third edition or sequels, despite predictions of a Pokemon Z release.
Gen 7
Pokemon Sun and Moon
On November 18, 2016, it was released.
3DS handheld game console.
In addition to the 81 new Pokemon and the Alola territory, the 3D graphics of Pokemon Sun and Moon have been kept from their predecessors’ games.
The Alolan variants of certain known Pokemon were also given new appearances and types.
While Mega Evolutions had returned, “Z-moves,” powerful moves that could only be used once each battle by Pokemon with a special item, had also made their way back into Pokemon’s arsenals.
Sun and Moon’s deviation from the previous games’ system, in which players had to battle the eight gym leaders before facing the Elite Four, has sparked debate among fans.
It was instead required that gamers pass several “trials” before they could challenge an island’s “Kahuna.”
Pokemon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon
To be released on the 17th day of November of this year
3DS handheld game console.
When Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon were launched a year after the original games’ release, they were set in the same Alola region as the original games, but they had a different storyline and included new characters and Pokemon.
Gen 8
Pokemon Sword and Shield
On November 15, 2019, it will be released.
Nintendo Switch is the only supported platform.
The release of Pokemon Sword and Shield on the Nintendo home platform marks the beginning of the eighth generation. These are the games that have sparked the greatest debate and controversy among fans.
There were numerous complaints about the game’s aesthetics, performance, and most notably, a limited number of Pokemon that could be caught.
The remaining creatures were added to the PokeDex in two later expansions, however these two games’ quality is still hotly discussed.
Sword and Shield’s new Dynamax evolutions, which unlock new Pokemon skills and powers, are among the game’s best ideas and mechanics.
In addition, a brand-new Wild Area allowed players to engage in dungeon-style “Max Raid Battles” online with one another.
Pokemon FireRed and LeafGreen
September 9, 2004 was the release date.
The Game Boy Advance is the appropriate platform for this project.
Pokemon FireRed and LeafGreen are upgraded remakes of the original Red and Blue games that were released soon after Ruby and Sapphire.
The graphics and sprites have been brought up to date to match the gen’s look at the time.
The return of a female playable character and new features like the Vs. Seeker also made an appearance in these games.
Pokemon HeartGold and SoulSilver
Release Date: March 14th, 2010
DS handheld game console
Two of the most content-heavy Pokemon games of all time were remade in HeartGold and SoulSilver, released between Platinum and Black & White.
There was an alternate version of the plot that included aspects from Crystal and the option to have any Pokemon follow the player.
Pokemon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire
November 21, 2014 is the release date.
3DS handheld game console.
Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire, which was out a year after X and Y, benefited from the prior games’ 3D aesthetics and online battling/trading features.
New “Primal Reversion” forms for Groudon and Kyogre, as well as the ability to fly over the Hoenn region using Latios or Latias, are introduced in the remake.
Pokemon Let’s Go, Pikachu! and Let’s Go, Eevee!
Scheduled to be released on Friday, November 16th, 2018
Nintendo Switch is the only supported platform.
Let’s Go, Pikachu! and Let’s Go, Eevee! were released nearly two decades after Yellow. adapted the classic model by incorporating many of the capturing and fighting aspects seen in the 2016 AR-based mobile game Pokemon Go, a spin-off that quickly gained popularity.
The Switch’s 3D capabilities let players to experience a previously seen adventure in high definition on a new level of realism.
Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl
On November 19, 2021, it will be released.
Nintendo Switch is the only supported platform.
This is the first generation of Pokemon games to be produced by a company other than Game Freak, and it was released fifteen years after Diamond and Pearl.
As in the originals, players battle other trainers and capture Pokemon as they travel through the Sinnoh area.
In addition to a top-down isometric third-person perspective, Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl offers a distinct “chibi” visual style.
1st-Gen: Red, Green, Blue, and Yellow
Game Boy’s “Chromatic” phase began in 1996. The covers of the first two editions featured Charizard and Venasaur, respectively, in red and green. The Green version was only available in Japan at the time of its release.
Blastoise was featured on the cover of both the Blue and Red editions. These were first released in 1998.
As if that wasn’t enough, the Yellow Special Edition was also released in 1998. It has a cover with Pikachu on it. Also, he is your character’s on-screen compassion and your first Pokémon in the series.
A total of 151 Pokémon may be found in the Kanto region during the games. Professor Oak’s starting options are Bulbasaur, Charmander, and Squirtle.
2nd-Gen: Gold, Silver, and Crystal
The next three Pokémon games, Gold, Silver, and Crystal, were released in 2001, completing the Japanese and American release schedules. The character’s name could be customized for the first time in these games.
In addition, Crystal was the first game to allow players to select their gender. Gold and Silver, on the other hand, were limited in scope.
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Regardless, the generation brought in a number of new Pokémon, bringing the total number of species to 251. Pokémon Chikorita, Cyndaquil, and Totodile are the three starters in Johto.
3rd-Gen: Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald, FireRed, LeafGreen
In 2002, Nintendo released Ruby and Sapphire, the first games in the “Advanced” generation for the Game Boy Advance. A new battle mode and a few minor graphical tweaks were added to Emerald when it was released in 2004.
As a result of the addition of 135 new Pokémon in these games, the new maximum is now 386. Added to this is the neighborhood of Hoen. In this regard, the map was even more comprehensive than before.
New RPG mechanics, such as Pokémon Natures, are also notable additions.
Fire and Green remakes (FireRed and LeafGreen) were also introduced in 2004. In Kanto, these things happen, although they have a lot in common with gen-3 games. As a result, the studio was able to make Gen I, II, and III all work together.
4th-Gen: Diamond, Pearl, Platinum, SoulSilver, HeartGold
The Nintendo DS games Diamond and Pearl were released in 2006. These are the most popular Pokémon games on the market at the moment.
Additional features, such as the use of the tactile screen, can only be found on the newer Nintendo DS handheld systems. Wi-Fi, underground locales, and a 3D game design are among the other enhancements.
Five distinct time periods have been included in the new version of the game. It complemented the map’s frigid, icy mountains and created an engrossing environment for exploration.
A recreation of both Diamond and Pearl, Pokémon Platinum launched in 2008. Mini-games could also be played in a “Wi-Fi Plaza,” another feature. Similarly, a GTS system was created in the game, allowing real-world users to trade anonymous Pokémon over Wi-Fi.
Both games have 107 new Pokémon, therefore there are now 493 total Pokémon. Turtwig, Chimchar, and Piplup were the three beginning Pokémon in the new territory of Sinnoh.
In 2009, SoulSilver and HeartGold were released as remakes of Silver and Gold. Changes made possible by the Nintendo DS can be seen in these.
5th-Gen: Black, White, Black 2, White 2
The “Black&White” generation consists of four individuals: Black, White, Black 2, and White 2. For the Nintendo DS, the original titles were released in 2010; while the sequels were released in 2012.
There were 159 new Pokémon released as a result of these submissions, making the new cap of 649. The successors didn’t introduce any new Pokémon, but the new area now comprises 300 different species from all of the previous generations.
Reshiram (Black) and Zekrom (White) were the two starter Pokémon in the new territory of Teselia / Unova (White).
In the end, the 5th generation brought substantial improvements in terms of graphics and performance over the generations that came before it.
6th-Gen: X, Y, Omega Ruby, Alpha Sapphire
X and Y are the sixth generation of Pokémon. These first appeared on the Nintendo 3DS in 2013. 72 new Pocket Monsters and 48 “Mega-evolutions” were introduced as a result of these submissions. Whatever the case may be, the new upper limit was 721.
The Kalos region is the setting. The Eiffel Tower was transformed into the Prism Tower as a nod to reality.
New RPG features and character customization choices were also incorporated in the game’s update.
However, the three starter Pokémon are Chespin, Fennekin, and Froakie (in that order).
Finally, in 2014, there were remakes of 3rd-generation games. Pokémon Omega Ruby and Pokémon Alpha Sapphire make up this collection. The remakes and the originals work together as expected. The “XY” generation’s advancements can be seen in the remakes.
Alpha Sapphire and Omega Ruby both feature a customizable Secret Base, which is different from the original games.
7th-Gen: Sun, Moon, Ultra Sun, Ultra Moon
Nintendo 3DS and Nintendo 2DS versions of Pokémon Sun/Pokémon Moon were released in 2016. The Alola region and 81 new Pokémon were introduced in these games (a total of 802).
In addition, Sun & Moon presents the most novelties in the franchise’s history. PokémountsZ-Moves, for example, and novel combat and training mechanisms are two examples.
Adding Z-Crystals to Gims was another significant addition. Trainers can perform powerful moves only once every battle with the help of them.
The inclusion of Pokémon from various regions was also noteworthy. Pokémon come in a variety of shapes and sizes based on the temperature.
Finally, Rowlet, Litten, and Popplio are the three starter Pokémon.
Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon, improved versions of the original 7th-gen games, were released by Nintendo in 2017. Pokémon Necrozma is the focus of these stories, which include new Pokémon and alternate plots.
8th-Gen: Sword, Shield, Brilliant Diamond, Shining Pearl
The Nintendo Switch versions of Pokémon Sword and Shield were released in 2019 on the system. Keep in mind that the Switch is both a portable gaming console and a desktop computer as well.
In addition to 81 new species, there are also 13 new regional forms. As of this writing, there are around 883 Pokémons in the game.
Grookey, Scorbunny, and Sobble are the three beginning Pokémon in Kanto.
Armor Island and The Crown Tundra extensions were published by Nintendo in 2020.
Eventually, Nintendo re-released the original games, this time with the expansions included. Originals were rare, but re-editions are what you’d find now.
Sword and Shield were novelties that modified the way random encounters worked. Wild Pokémon don’t have to worry about fighting each other when they’re out in the open. A new open-world section was also introduced to the games.
Z Moves and mega-evolutions were not included in the games, as they had been in previous versions. Instead, they included fresh ideas like Galar regional variants and “Dynamax,” a mechanism that lets Pokémon to temporarily become enormously large in scale.
As of right now, the ILCA studio is hard at work creating new games for the fourth generation of home consoles. Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Pokémon Shining Pearl can be pre-ordered. In late 2021, these Chibi-style games for the Nintendo Wii will be released (cutesy miniature models).
The only Pokémon games in the main series not developed by Game Freak are Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl. The trailer is here:
Spin-offs Titles
Pokémon lovers can enjoy additional features in spin-off games. Pokedex filling and trading (or fighting) between compatible consoles and handheld games are two of their most notable features.
In 2000, Pokémon Stadium was released for the Nintendo 64. There will be 3D arena battles amongst Pokémon. Red, Blue, and Yellow Pocket Monsters could be swapped out for each other by the players.
Game Boy Color’s Pokémon Trading Card Game debuted in 1996. Basically, it’s all about collecting cards of the first 151 Pokémons.
In 2001, Pokémon Stadium 2 was released for the Nintendo 64 platform. New game modes, modest graphics enhancements, and the second generation of Pokémons are also included.
Pokémon Colosseum is a title from the third generation of video games. It first appeared on the Nintendo GameCube in 2004. The title was created by the Genius Sonority studio.
Single-player campaigns and Pokémon duels are both available in Colosseum. Using animals from the Game Boy Advance is also an option.
Colosseum’s successor is Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness. It was released for the GameCube in 2005. The story of capturing “Shadow” Pokémon is carried on in this RPG sequel.
In 2004, Pokémon Box was released for the GameCube. Pokémon Ruby, Sapphire, and Pearl can be stored in this facility. Pokémon can reproduce and create more creatures inside the box. It was only accessible in the United States.
In 2007, Nintendo released Pokémon Battle Revolution on the Wii. It’s a simple tournament game that takes place in ten different locations.
It was released for the Nintendo Wii in 2008. One thousand five hundred Generation IV Pokémon can be moved over. Using your Miis, you can interact with the Ranch’s 3D models of your Pokémons.
There are no 7th generation Pokémon games that work with any console. No previous-generation games will work with it either.
For Nintendo Switch, the games Pokémon Let’s Go, Eevee! and Pokémon Let’s Go, Eevee! (2018) were released. As a result, they were the first Pokémon games to be released on Nintendo 3DS XL.
Kanto is where these games take place. Move the Joy-Con to capture Pokémon and battle against NPC trainers in the game as a player.
Depending on the version, the first Pokémon you see are either Pikachu or Eevee. Additionally, these games use elements from both Pokémon Yellow and Pokémon Go.
What Pokémon game should I start with?
‘POKEMON FIRERED’ is a great place to start if you’re looking for a classic Pokemon game. Beginning in Kanto, the original area in the history of Pokemon, this series follows a young boy named Ash Ketchum. This game is also fairly easy to win.
How many gens of Pokémon are there?
For a total of a decade and a
A Pokemon generation corresponds to a certain console game in which a particular Pokemon initially appears. Pokemon have evolved throughout the course of eight generations.
What is the hardest Pokemon game?
If you’re looking for a challenge, Pokemon Platinum is your best bet. The original Sinnoh games lacked all the refinement that Platinum provides.
Those are the 18 core Pokémon video games, listed in chronological order. Despite the fact that many of these games have a lot in common, the developers reworked and improved the originals in order to make newer and better versions.
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