Up to four players can assume the role of a ghost-hunting team in Phasmophobia’s popular cooperative horror game, which has them scouring different haunted places for spirits to identify and capture.
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There are currently 14 different sorts of ghosts in Phasmophobia, each with their own strengths, weaknesses, and telltale signs that players may use to track them down. We’ll go over each of these in detail in this guide.
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Spirit – Fingerprint
– Writing for Others Without Their Consent
– Spirit Box Non Smudge Sticks last twice as long as regular smudge sticks. –
Death – Wraith
It’s called a Spirit Box.
Low Temperatures –
The ability to travel through closed doors, with no audible footsteps, as well as the ability to teleport to other players
Salt will not attack you if you interact with them.
EMF Level 5 Phantom
Low Temperatures –
– Ghost Orbs are a type of item.
As soon as you see it, you lose a lot of Sanity
When you take a picture of it, the object will vanish.
Ghostbusters–Fingerprints in the Dark
It’s called a Spirit Box.
Can impact multiple objects at once, but is ineffective in a room with no one present.
Ghostwriting by Shade
– Electromagnetic Field (EMF) Level 5
– Ghost Orbs are a type of item.
Will not engage in conversation with a large gathering of individuals.
No one will be hunted in bunches.
Fingerprint of the Revenant
– Writing for Others Without Their Consent
– Electromagnetic Field (EMF) Level 5
When hunting, he is nimble and adept at switching targets.
When the target is hidden, move slowly.
Fingerprints of Banshee
– Electromagnetic Field (EMF) Level 5
Cold Temperatures will target a specific player who is particularly vulnerable to the Crucifix.
It’s called a Spirit Box.
– Ghost Orbs are a type of item.
If its objective is more away from its target, it travels faster.
Disabling the device’s unique ability requires turning off the electricity.
Mare – Box of Spirits
Low Temperatures –
– Ghost Orbs are a type of item.
At night, they become more violent.
It will become less aggressive if the lights are turned on.
Ghostwriting by a Demon
It’s called a Spirit Box.
Low Temperatures –
Extremely threatening.
You won’t lose your mind by playing with a Ouija board.
Oni is a Ghostwriter who specializes in
– Electromagnetic Field (EMF) Level 5
It’s called a Spirit Box.
In the presence of others, one is more active
Territorial behavior can help distinguish them from others.
Ghostwriting by Yurei
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– Ghost Orbs are a type of item.
Low Temperatures –
Sanity is drained more slowly
When they employ Smudge Sticks, they become stuck in the place they prefer.
Fingerprints of Hantu
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– Ghost Orbs are a type of item.
– Writing for Others Without Their Consent
Moving quickly in frigid temperatures
Taking it easy while it’s hot
Yokai – Box of the Spirit
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– Ghost Orbs are a type of item.
How To Find Evidence
There are several methods for detecting each of the six forms of evidence listed below. It’s important to remember that ghosts don’t always leave a trail of evidence, and that evidence may only accumulate over time as the spirits grow more active.
Spirit Box
Ghosts frequently use a Spirit Box to converse with the player and leave behind audio evidence. This is the small hand-held radio that a ghost will use to answer queries, however it may speak spontaneously at times.
There must be no light and a close proximity between the spirit and the player for the Spirit Box to activate. It is also worth noting that some ghosts are only activated by players who are alone in their room. If the Spirit Box is turned on and left on the ground, the spirit can also speak via it.
EMF Level 5
The EMF reader will light up and beep at various levels (2-5) based on the intensity and type of activity that’s taking place nearby. The EMF reader, like the Spirit Box, works best when positioned on the ground.
Level 5 readings are typically found in close proximity or in the ghost’s favorite room, though it may take some time for the ghost to become more active or for it to be provoked to come out of its shell.
Ghost Writing
Using a Ghost Writing Book, you can collect ghost writing by simply leaving the book in the room where the ghost resides. There is no rhyme or reason to what the ghost writes (or draws) in the book. As before, it’s possible that a ghost won’t engage with the book right away, and that it will take some time to become more active.
Ghost Orbs
Orbs of light that appear to be ghostly are known as Ghost Orbs and can be observed in the dark using a video camera, head-mounted camera, or one of the surveillance cameras on huge maps.
If the ghost is roaming across a bigger area, though, it may be possible to capture a glimpse of its orbs utilizing the surveillance cameras.
Freezing Temperatures
In the presence of a ghost, temperatures tend to drop, especially in the area where the ghost is located, but it can take some time for the room to cool down. In addition, if the power is turned off, all of the rooms will cool down, making it a more tough challenge on Professional difficulty.
While a thermometer is an excellent tool for locating rooms with lower than normal temperatures, the player’s breath will make freezing temperatures obvious even in the absence of a thermometer in certain conditions.
A UV lamp or a glowstick can be used to find fingerprints, which are currently the least prevalent sort of evidence. It is usual to find the ghost’s fingerprints and handprints around objects it interacts with.
However, keep in mind that not all ghosts leave fingerprints when they contact with items. It is also possible for a ghost to leave fingerprints on an object, however this is not always the case.
Ghost Types
All of the above-mentioned sorts of ghosts and their abilities will be examined in greater detail below.
It’s vital to remember that the personalities of ghosts are always randomized, so identifying them only by their actions might be difficult. Shades, for example, are naturally reserved and will avoid engaging with players if the room contains more than one, although this is true of any species of ghost. However, a Spirit, a Mare, or an Oni could be extraordinarily hostile, rivaling a Demon in terms of aggression.
In addition, the model of the ghost is also randomly generated, and there are currently 11 forms in the game. However, if you see a ghost, you can’t identify it based just on its physical characteristics.
The best way to figure out what kind of ghost you’re dealing with is to have at least two pieces of evidence. If the players can’t identify a ghost early on based on its different strengths and weaknesses, it’s definitely best to wait.
Now that we’ve cleared that up, let’s get started!
On paper, spirits are the least terrifying ghosts in the game. This makes it more difficult to identify them if players haven’t collected all three clues. Keep in mind, though, that they might be just as violent and lethal as any other ghosts you’ve encountered.
Smudge Sticks, on the other hand, can keep the spirits at away for twice as long. As opposed to other ghost varieties, they can prevent the Spirit from hunting for an additional 90 seconds because to this ability. Although they can allow the player a few precious seconds to hide, Smudge Sticks cannot stop a ghost search that has already begun.
When it comes to dealing with spirits, wraiths are among the trickiest. Flying means that they might theoretically hunt without producing any sound, making it considerably more difficult to hide and track them. Because of this, they are able to teleport to specific players, which causes a burst of EMF activity when they do so.
On the other hand, if a Wraith comes into contact with a pile of salt, it will immediately stop hunting, although it is likely to become more aggressive as a result. Placing salt mounds at strategic choke points, or keeping a Wraith at bay using Crucifixes or Smudge Sticks, is an excellent strategy for dealing with a Wraith.
When a Phantom appears before a player, it drains their Sanity faster than other ghosts, making it a dangerous form of ghost. This is true for both hunts and non-hunt-related apparitions. However, if you take a picture of a Phantom with the Photo Camera, it will vanish right there and then.
Keep the lights on and use Sanity Pills if necessary to maintain a high degree of sanity and ward off the ghost’s wrath. However, if the ghost vanishes right after you take a picture of it, you may have a Phantom on your hands.
Only Poltergeists can affect a huge number of objects simultaneously, while all ghosts can interact with the surroundings. Even when the player is not looking directly at the Poltergeist, the event can still drain their Sanity. This allows the Poltergeists to gently drain the Sanity of the players.
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It’s also important to note that Poltergeists aren’t particularly effective if the room they’re inhabiting is completely vacant. As long as they stick to rooms with no people present, it will be easier to spot them because of their distinctive behavior.
It doesn’t matter what kind of ghost it is; if there are more than one player in the room, Shades will always be aloof and unresponsive. Because of this, it might be difficult to spot early on, as players tend to cluster together to build morale and preserve a sense of imagined security.
When it comes to other types of ghosts, group safety is merely an illusion, but Shades, on the other hand, prefer to target lone victims, thus they won’t attack groups of people.
While it’s easy to avoid a Shade, it’s also more difficult to discover and recognize one if players don’t split up, making it more dangerous. To make matters worse, players may decide to break up when their Sanity depletes and the activity of ghosts grows on larger maps.
It is nearly hard to outrun a revenant, a particularly aggressive ghost who, unlike other ghosts, can change targets in the middle of a pursuit. Even if its prey has vanished, the Revenant will take its time and wander around in search of another victim.
If you find yourself in a Revenant’s path, it’s imperative to find a safe hiding spot as soon as possible and to use a Crucifix or Smudge Sticks to fend off the hunts until you can get away.
In contrast to the Revenant, who assaults everyone in its path, a Banshee will only hunt down and murder one player at a time, then go on to the next. However, if its primary aim is outside the building, it will behave like a typical ghost.
To make matters worse, because of Banshees’ ability to teleport to their prey, they can begin a hunt immediately once they arrive. The Banshee can’t be evaded by line of sight blockers, which is a huge issue in small, cramped maps where escaping the ghost is extremely tough.
It’s also easier to keep Banshees from hunting with a Crucifix, as its effective range has been raised from 3 meters to 5 meters, which is beneficial because Banshees are able to teleport around Crucifixes.
As one of the most dangerous ghosts in the game, Banshees may be identified early on because of their aggressiveness and focus on a single player—hunts that begin suddenly when everyone’s Sanity is still high are a clear clue that the players are dealing with a Banshee.
While other ghosts prefer to stay away from electronic devices, the Jinn can move considerably more quickly toward its objective while the building’s power is on, and it can occasionally generate an undetectable pulse that can reduce the sanity of individuals within 25 feet by as much as 25 percent.
The fundamental downside of a Jinn is that turning off the power also disables its special abilities, as you might imagine. Even though it may seem contradictory, players are safer in a Jinn’s haunted house when the lights are turned off.
Instead of the Jinn, Mares are drawn to darkness and frequently try to turn out the lights or blow a fuse in order to plunge the entire building into complete darkness. In dimly light locations, they are more aggressive, while in well-lit ones, they are less aggressive.
That’s why it’s critical to keep frequently-visited areas well-lit, whether with electronics or candles, in order to avoid being hunted and stay safe from the Mare. Keep in mind the location of the fuse box and, if you can, have players stay near to it in case the Mare decides to set it off.
In Phasmophobia, demons are one of the most threatening ghosts since they are the most violent. Unlike other types of ghosts, they will begin hunting earlier and more frequently, making them an absolute nightmare to deal with on big landscapes and at higher levels.
To identify demons without harming the players’ Sanity is possible with a Ouija board, so if the board reappears, players find and ask their inquiries without enraging the demons themselves, they will be able to do so more readily.
Ghosts known as Oni are extremely threatening, yet they aren’t inherently aggressive, as they aren’t prone to frequent, furious attacks like Demons or Mares. When they find themselves in the same room as another player (especially if there are more than one), they become extremely active, tossing objects at rapid speeds and slamming doors, among other things. A player’s Sanity can take a significant hit from all of this, and it’s also a disheartening experience for them.
Although they can be mistaken for a Poltergeist or a Jinn due to their proclivity for interacting with the environment and their fierce sense of territoriality, these rapid spurts of activity are also a telltale indicator by which an Oni can be detected quite readily early on.
In addition to the Phantom’s capacity to drain the players’ sanity at twice the normal rate of speed, the Yurei is another terrifying ghost. Furthermore, this is a concern during hunts, as even being within 10 meters of the Yurei can swiftly sap a player’s sanity.
The Smudge Sticks, on the other hand, have a greater effect on the Spirit. To make the player’s Sanity levels more steady while they accomplish optional objectives and determine the position of the ghost chamber, these will prohibit it from hunting for 90 seconds, but will also limit it to its favorite room.
An interesting new ghost type introduced in June 2021, the Hantu’s abilities revolve around the temperature inside the structure.
This is because in chilly places, a Hantu will move faster, while moving slower in warmer areas. As a result, players should always keep the power on while playing, especially on wide-open maps with few hiding spots where outrunning the ghost is your best bet for survival.
As for the Yokai, it’s another new ghost from the June 2021 update, and it’s a real pain for gamers that like to talk a lot.
However, the Yokai’s hearing range is smaller than that of the other ghosts, which makes it more hostile when people are conversing close to it. It is also particularly sensitive to voices while hunting.
The presence of a Yokai, while not as frightening or threatening as some other ghosts, will cause the players to limit their conversation to a minimum.
How to Identify Ghosts
What is the hardest ghost in Phasmophobia?
A total of three demons. Phasmophobia’s demons are among the game’s deadliest spirits. In contrast to other ghosts, they are more violent and might strike more frequently. It’s common for gamers to fail to work efficiently, spending more time evading detection than collecting evidence.
What phobia is Phasmophobia?
Phasmophobia, or a fear of ghosts, can be difficult to diagnose since it is so subjective. While listening to or seeing a ghost story or watching a movie about ghosts or other supernatural beings, many individuals get butterflies in their stomachs. In most cases, people are able to regulate their fear, and some even find pleasure in the sensation.
What is a wraith in Phasmophobia?
In Phasmophobia, the Wraith is one of the most dangerous ghosts. It is also the only known ghost with the capacity to fly and to pass through solid objects like bricks and concrete.
That’s all the different kinds of ghosts you’ll see in Phasmophobia for the time being! For now, we’ll keep this post updated as we learn more about the game’s development, including the addition of new ghost types and changes to the behavior of ghosts that are already in the game.
Our Phasmophobia Equipment Guide and comprehensive review of the game are also available for your perusal.
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