Once you get the hang of the fishing mini-game in Spiritfarer, catching fish is a breeze.
For those new to the game or who just need some advice, we’re here to help.
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We’ll walk you through the basics of fishing in Spiritfarer and provide a comprehensive list of all the fish you can catch.
How To Fish
The fishing mini-game in Spiritfarer is unlocked at the beginning of the game. Start fishing by talking to the chair behind your ship’s quarters, past the Captain’s. Stella’s Everlight will be converted into a fishing rod when the fishing mini-game begins.
When you hear a bell ring, you’ve successfully caught something. Make sure to let go of the line when your fishing pole begins to turn red. You’ll lose the fish if you keep reeling after your pole goes red.
If you’re reeling in a fish, you may not feel any resistance at all. Rarer fish, such as tuna, are far more difficult to catch because of their high resistance. Try to be as patient as possible and concentrate on keeping time with the fish’s beat.
In addition to providing meals for your ship’s Spirits, any fish you catch can be sold in shops around the world or used to satisfy NPC errand objectives.
All Fish Locations
To collect all 33 fish in Spiritfarer, you’ll need to upgrade your ship to reach the Ice, Rock, and Mist Regions. The geography and the weather both have an impact on the types of fish that can be found.
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Current speculation suggests that as your ship grows larger, new types of shellfish, such as mussels and oysters, may become available.
Central Region
- Fish of the Sea: Albacore
- Shrimp from the Bay
- Shrimp with black stripes
- Cod
- Sole
- Herring
- Squid
- Fish, particularly mackerel (while raining)
- The Shell Is Empty (Ship Hull)
- The common mollusk (Ship Hull)
- Clam with a hard shell (Ship Hull)
- Onion (Ship Hull)
- Giant Scallop/Scallop (Ship Hull)
- Insect (Ship Hull)
Ice Region
- Tuna with a Bluefin Fillet
- It’s called “blue salmon” for
- Char
- Lobster
- sand crab
- Fish, particularly mackerel (while raining)
- The Shell Is Empty (Ship Hull)
- The common mollusk (Ship Hull)
- Clam with a hard shell (Ship Hull)
- Onion (Ship Hull)
- Giant Scallop/Scallop (Ship Hull)
- Insect (Ship Hull)
Rock Region
- Fish of the King
- Lobster
- Mahi-Mahi
- Octopus
- Tuna of the Yellowfin variety
- Cuttlefish
- Fish, particularly mackerel (while raining)
- The Shell Is Empty (Ship Hull)
- The common mollusk (Ship Hull)
- Clam with a hard shell (Ship Hull)
- Onion (Ship Hull)
- Giant Scallop/Scallop (Ship Hull)
- Insect (Ship Hull)
Mist Regions
- It’s anchovies! (Northern Region)
- Cobia is a scavenger (Northern Region)
- Flounder is a type of little fish (Northern Region)
- Lobster is a delicacy in many cultures (Northern Region)
- Tuna with a Yellowfin Flavor (Northern Region)
- Shrimp that are black in color (Southern Region)
- The eel (Southern Region)
- Occupied by a squid (Southern Region)
- Salmon Sockeye
- Haddock
- Halibut
- Fish, particularly mackerel (while raining)
- The Shell Is Empty (Ship Hull)
- The common mollusk (Ship Hull)
- Clam with a hard shell (Ship Hull)
- Onion (Ship Hull)
- Giant Scallop/Scallop (Ship Hull)
- Insect (Ship Hull)
How To Unlock ‘Collector’ Achievement
By finding every fish, figurine, gem, metal and recipe in Spiritfarer, you can earn the ‘Collector’ achievement.
Given the difficulty of this achievement, we suggest playing the game normally until the entire map has been exposed to you. The next step is to narrow your focus to certain collections.
Types Of Fish
There are a total of 33 distinct species of fish aboard your ship. Let’s take a look at each fish, its location, and the meteorological conditions in which it may be found. First, let’s talk about where you can find fish by fishing from your boat’s rear. You can catch every fish in the game no matter where you are or what conditions you’re in.
- Furogawa
- The Tuna Spot is an indoor tuna restaurant.
- Crow’s End in the Northeast
- Furogawa
- It’s Hummingberg, not Hummingbird (in Spring)
- Oxbury
- Tuna Spot in Hummingberg, California (in Winter)
- The Last Stand
- It’s Hummingberg, not Hummingbird (in Spring)
- Furogawa
- Crow’s End in the southwest
- The Last Stand
- A Dead End
All of the fish that will attach to your ship’s hull are listed here.
- Oxbury
- Anywhere in the World
- Crow’s End in the Northeast
- The Last Stand
- It’s Hummingberg, not Hummingbird (in Winter)
You may also come across non-fish goods in addition to the ones listed above.
Cooking With Fish
From the ship’s kitchen, you can prepare a variety of fish dishes. Below you’ll find a list of the different kinds of fish.
- Fisherman: A typical fish having fins and a tail (including eel)
- Cuttlefish, Squid, and Octopus are all examples of cephalopods.
- On the ship’s side, you’ll find a variety of shellfish.
- Crustacean: Snow Crab, Lobster, and All Shrimp Types
- Every type of sea creature can be found in the form of seafood.
‘Fish’ is a phrase that can be used to refer to not only the 33 sea species, but also the entire category. Many recipes require fish from a specific category, but there are a few that require a specific species. All fish-based dishes are included here.
Spiritfarer Fishing Guide: How To Catch Fish
You’ll need to get into the mindset of a fisherman before you can begin fishing. To begin fishing, all you have to do is locate the fishing chair and interact with it. The bob will be thrown into the water at this point. To begin reeling in the fish, press and hold X on Xbox One, Square on PS4, Y on Nintendo Switch, and E on the keyboard as soon as the bob starts moving in the water. While reeling in your catch, you’ll notice the color of your rod changing from yellow to gold. In Spiritfarer, you can catch a standard fish by doing this. Tuna and Haddock are two examples of species that won’t be affected by this method of fishing.
Fish like Haddock and Tuna can only be caught if you keep an eye on the color of your rod. In contrast to while reeling in easy fish, the rod’s color will begin to change from orange to red. The string will snap if it turns totally red, preventing you from catching the fish. As soon as the rod’s color changes to orange, you must begin tapping the reel-in button repeatedly in order to catch these fish instead of simply hanging on to it. Holding the reel in button can be resumed once the color returns to yellow. To obtain your reward, fish, keep doing this till you do.
To summarize, if you want to catch fish in Spiritfarer, you’ll need to pay attention to the color of your fishing rod. You can capture all the fish in Spiritfarer, including Tuna and Jellyfish, using this approach.
How do you fish in Spiritfarer?
- Make your way to Stella’s fishing chair and press [Interact] to sit down and cast your line.
- When the lure dips, it means there has been a nibble.
- Keep pressing [Interact] to reel in the catch after you’ve hooked it. Look at the rod/color line’s for clues….
- Stop fishing by pressing [Cancel].
How do you fish in Spiritfarer switch?
As soon as you see movement in the water, you may begin reeling in the fish by pressing X on Xbox One, Y on PlayStation 4, and E on the keyboard. While reeling in your catch, you’ll notice the color of your rod changing from yellow to gold. In Spiritfarer, you can catch a standard fish by doing this.
How do you catch rare fish in Spiritfarer?
Fisherman’s Guide to Catching Exotic Fish by Spiritfarer
How do you fish tuna in Spiritfarer?
Hold down the Square Button on PS4, the X Button on Xbox One, or the Y Button on the Nintendo Switch until your fishing rod becomes red when you get a bite from one. The rod will cool down if you release the button and start pressing it to keep it loose.
It’s easy to lose track of time while fishing. Try to go fishing at least once a week. As previously stated, these fish can be found at any hour of the day. While everyone else is fast asleep, go out and catch some fish!
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Danh mục: Guide