Dark Souls changed the gaming industry by giving players a sense of accomplishment after overcoming adversity.
The third and final Dark Souls game is a perfect representation of the series’ best (and most difficult) qualities. It’s a classic for a reason, but if you’re not familiar with the game’s mechanics, you might feel completely lost.
Bạn đang xem: Dark Souls 3 Weapon Tier List Update 02/2025
One of the most crucial aspects of the game is its intricate arsenal, which we explain in detail here. Listed below is a ranking of every weapon in Dark Souls 3, from best to worst. Using this as a reference, hopefully “You Died” won’t be popping up on your screen too often in the future, right?
Okay, let’s get started.
Please take note that spells and shields are not included in this list. Remember that this list also takes into account the usefulness of weapons in PvP and invasions.
Dark Souls 3 – A Quick Introduction
Action role-playing game Dark Souls 3 is played from a third-person perspective. To win the game, you must play as an Unkindled Ash and restore the Lords of Cinder to their thrones at Firelink Shrine.
The third installment in the Dark Souls series, Dark Souls 3, was released in 2016. The game was made by FROMSOFTWARE and published by BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment for PC and PS4.
Dark Souls 3 has gameplay that is similar to its two prequels. Players can choose from a wide array of weapons, including bows, spears, and swords, to dispatch their foes. The use of a shield can protect the user from harm by deflecting incoming projectiles.
The game is notoriously challenging, so picking the right weapon is crucial if you want to have any chance of success. In this article, we’ll discuss some of the best weapons in Dark Souls 3 and help you pick the right one for your playthrough.
The game’s best weapons are these. When compared to the weapons one tier below them, they are almost always superior.
Weapon | Type | Scaling | Skill |
Scythe of Dubious Hand | Dagger | Languages: STR (D) SKL (D) INT (E) FTH (E) | Quickstep |
Blade of the Corvids | Dagger | English to Spanish and Spanish to English | Void Area |
Knight’s Sword of Lothric | Cutting Edge | A STR-D and a SKL-D | Stance |
Blade Length | Perpendicular Sword | “STR-D” and “SKL-D” | Stance |
Pontifical Sword, Knightly, Curved | Sword, Curved | “STR-D” and “SKL-D” | Blade of Frost |
Lich Scar | Sword, Curved | Code: SKL-E-INT-D FTH – D | Spinning Clash |
Blessed Bident | Spear/Pike | C STR D SKL E FTH STR D | Charge |
Plough with Four Blades | Spear/Pike | A STR-D and a SKL-D | Charge |
Punctured Sword | Katana | E STR SKL B | Hold |
The Mighty Sword of Gael | Superb Blade | STR C SKL D | Dangerous Sword |
Blade of a Black Knight | Superb Blade | “STR-D” and “SKL-D” | Perseverance |
The Big Sword of the Wolf Knight | Superb Blade | Strong-C Skill-D | Wolf Slasher |
The Mad King’s Crucifix | Halberd | FTH-D STR-D INT-E | Idiocy of a Mad King |
Great Sword, Split-Leaf | Halberd | “STR-C SKL-E” | Wheel of Wind |
The Mighty Scythe of Friede | Reaper | STR – E SKL – B INT – C FTH – C | Position of Elfriede |
Arbalest | Crossbow | Tackle | |
Twin Swords, Gotthard | Short Sword Pair | A STR-D and a SKL-D | Spin Clash |
Valorheart | Perpendicular Sword | Strong-D / Skeptical-D | Pose of a Lion |
These weapons are top-notch, but they are more difficult to master than S-tier weapons. They’re nearly as useful and flexible, so it wouldn’t hurt to check them out.
Weapon | Type | Scaling | Skill |
A Dagger of Aquamarine | Dagger | Skills: STR (English) | Skills: (German) | Intelligence: (German) | Diamond Sword |
Bad Ghru Dagger | Dagger | E STR SKL C | Quickstep |
Straight Sword of Anri | Perpendicular Sword | In other words, STR-D SKL-E | Stance |
Inky Blade | True Sword | STR C SKL D | Stomp |
Straight Sword with a Ringed Knight | Sharp & Straight | Strong-C Skill-D | Ember |
Sharpened Barbed Sword | In a Straight Line | “STR-D” and “SKL-D” | Stance |
Sunlight Sword: A Blade of Truth | Perpendicular Sword | TRANSLATE FROM STR TO SKYLISH | A Vow to the Sun |
War Axe Made of Millwood | Axe | This is a STR-C SKL-E sentence. | War Cry |
Snake Hatchet Man | Axe | A STR-D and a SKL-D | War Cry |
A Sabre Adherent | Sword, Curved | “STR-D” and “SKL-D” | Coaxing Wedge |
Scimitar | Sword, Curved | E STR SKL B | Whack It Around In A Circle |
Longsword of the Lothric Knight | Spear/Pike | A STR-D and a SKL-D | Charge |
Knightly Sword with Rings | Spear/Pike | Languages: STR (D) SKL (D) INT (E) FTH (E) | Ember |
Cleaning Pole | Katana | STRD SKLD | Hold |
Uchigatana | Katana | E STR SKL C | Hold |
The Onyx Sword | Awesome Sword | D STR E SKL E INT D FTH D | Blackflame, Elfriede’s |
Claymore | Awesome Sword | D-Strength D-Kindness D | Stance |
Great Sword of the Hollow-Slayer | Superb Blade | D STR SKL C | Stance |
The Mighty Sword of Justice | Superb Blade | Skills: STR-D, SKL-D, INT-D | Judgmental Attitude |
Great Sword Banishment | Sword of Great Curved | “STR-D” and “SKL-D” | Spin Clash |
Great Curved Sword of Harald | Great Curved Sword | I’m looking for a STR-D and a SKL-D. | Sever |
Hammer of Gundyr | Halberd | STR C SKL E | Rallying the Troops |
Glaive | Halberd | D STR SKL E | Sweep, Spin |
Warpick | Hammer | In short: STR C SKL E | Galvanize |
Pick, Heysel | Hammer | I.N.T.C. STR.D. SKL.E. | Continuous Singing |
Poisonous Mace | Superb Cutter | STR – C | Spin Bash |
A Mighty Machete, Yhorm’s Own | Great Axe | STR – C | War Cry |
Great Sword of the Lothric Knight | Ultimate Powerful Blade | To summarize: STR C SKL D | Stomp |
Stunning Astora Sword | Ultimate Powerful Blade | STRAIGHT D RIGHT C | Charge |
Estoc | Sword thrusting | A STR-D and a SKL-D | Barrier Separator |
The Rapier of Crystal Sage | cutting blade | Idioms: STR E SKL E INT C | Stance |
Scythe of Corinth, the Great | Reaper | D STR SKL C | Swipe the Neck |
Strong bow | Crossbow | Tackle | |
Avelyn | Crossbow | Tackle | |
Knights with Winged Twinaxes | Two-Handed Axes | A STR-D and a SKL-D | Turn the Linking Wheel |
Twin-bladed Swords for Sale | Curved Sword Pair | E STR SKL C | Spinning Clash |
Generally reliable weapons with a few weak spots. If you master them, you may still be able to triumph over those who wield more powerful weapons.
Weapon | Type | Scaling | Skill |
Thief’s Blade | Dagger | STR D SKL D | Quickstep |
Spam Buster | Dagger | E STR SKL D | Breaker of Defenses |
Short-Boned Tall Sword | Dagger | E STR E SKL E | Let the Dragon Out! |
The Straight Sword of Irithyll | Sharp & Straight | A STR-D and a SKL-D | Stance |
Broadsword | Perpendicular Sword | Strong-C Skill-D | Stance |
Meat Chopper | Axe | STR – A | Sharpen |
Axe of the Dragon Slayer | Axe | A combination of STR-D and SKL-E | War Cry |
Brigand’s Blade | Axe | “STR-D” and “SKL-D” | War Cry |
We use Carthus Shotel because | Serrated Blade | E STR SKL C | Spin Clash |
Curved Carthus Sword | Sword, Curved | We’ll need a STR-D and a SKL-D. | Flick Your Fingers Around |
Ghru Curved Sword, Rotting | Sword, Curved | E STR SKL C | Spinning Clash |
Fire-Spearing Gargoyle | Spear/Pike | E STR D SKL D INT FTH E | Energized Spark |
Banner of War in Lothric | Spear/Pike | STR D SKL D | Banner of War in Lothric |
Greatlance | Spear/Pike | “STR-D” and “SKL-D” | Charge |
Killer of Dragons Sword | Spear/Pike | It’s STR-D, SKL-C, and FTH-D. | A Flash of Lightning |
The Sword of the Dragon Slayer | Spear/Pike | FTH-D STR-D SKL-D | Lighting Strike |
The Chaos Sword | Katana | E STR SKL A | Hold |
This Holy Sword of Wolnir | Superb Blade | In order: STR D SKL E FTH D | Fire from Heaven |
Great Sword of the Moonlight | Awesome Sword | CONJ STR E INT C | Moonlight Whirlpool |
Murakumo | Sword of Great Curved | D STR SKL C | Hit It With A Spinning Slash |
Curved Sword of the Old Wolf | Sword of Great Curved | “STR-D” and “SKL-D” | Wolf Leap |
Glaive of the Black Knight | Halberd | A STR-D and a SKL-D | Sweep, Spin |
Lucerne | Halberd | A STR-D and a SKL-D | Sweep, Spin |
Mace | Hammer | “STR-C SKL-E” | Perseverance |
Hardened Club | Hammer | STR – C | War Cry |
Awesome Group | Powerful Hammer | STR – C | War Cry |
Hammer of Ledo, the Great | Powerful Club | STR – B | Stone Cold |
Excellent Cleaver | Great Axe | D STR SKL E | Sharpen |
Great Axe of the Dragon Slayer | Great Axe | Languages: STR: D SKL: E FTH: D | Lightning Strike |
Superb Blade | Super Powerful Sword | I’m looking for a STR-D and a SKL-D. | Stomp |
Sword of Ultra-Great Fumes | Super Powerful Sword | The letters stand for: STR-A SKL-E | Stomp |
Rapier, Ricard | Sword thrusting | STRAIGHT D RIGHT C | The Lunge and Press of Ricard |
Medieval Crossbow | Crossbow | Tackle | |
A Composite Bow | Bow | A STR-D and a SKL-D | A Rifle Fired |
Miniature Rifle | Crossbow | Tackle | |
Ubadachi & Onikiri | Katanas in a pair | D STR SKL C | Onislayer |
Arrow Points | Sword thrusting | E STR SKL B | Pointed Quill |
These are ordinary weapons, nothing special. They’re still reliable, but using them usually puts you at a disadvantage.
Weapon | Type | Scaling | Skill |
Harpe | Dagger | E STR SKL C | Quickstep |
Dagger | Dagger | A STR-E SKL-C | Quickstep |
The Sacred Blade of Lothric | Perpendicular Sword | I’m looking for a STR-D and a SKL-D. | The Holy Glow of Lothric |
Morion’s Sword | Sharp & Straight | A STR-D and a SKL-D | Stance |
Quick Sword | In a Straight Line | D STR SKL C | Stance |
Straight Sword, Astora | Sharp & Straight | D STR SKL E | Stance |
Hand Axe | Axe | A STR-D and a SKL-D | War Cry |
Combat Axe | Axe | This is a STR-D and SKL-D sentence. | War Cry |
Curved Sword of the Storm | Sword, Curved | D STR SKL C | Tornado |
Falchion | Serrated Blade | Both STR and SKL are at the D level. | Attack with a Spinning Knife |
Curved Sword of the Guardian, Painted | Sword, Curved | STR – E SKL – B | Dance in Chains |
Partizan | Spear/Pike | This is a STR-D and SKL-D sentence. | Sweep, Spin |
Old Ghru Sword | Spear/Pike | STR D SKL D | Charge |
Shadow Knife | Katana | TRANSLATE FROM ENGLISH TO SPANISH | Hold |
Darkdrift | Katana | E STR SKL D | Darkdrift |
Big Blade of the Twin Princes | Big Knife | A B C D E F G H | The Sacred Flame and Light |
The Great Sword of Drakeblood | Superb Blade | A STR-D and a SKL-D | Stance |
Poor Man’s Sword | Big Knife | “STR-D” and “SKL-D” | Stomp |
Flamberge | Superb Blade | A STR-D and a SKL-D | Stance |
Blood-Red Halberd Hilt | Halberd | A STR-D and a SKL-D | Perseverance |
Halberd | Halberd | D-Strength D-Kindness D | Charge |
Knightly Halberd with Wings | Halberd | D STR SKL E | Spin the Chain |
Early Riser | Hammer | In other words, STR-D SKL-E | Perseverance |
Club | Hammer | STR – C | War Cry |
Powerful Club | Powerful Club | STR – D | Perseverance |
An Earthquake Hammer | Powerful Hammer | STR – C | Quake |
Dragon’s Teeth | Powerful Club | STR – C | Perseverance |
The Mighty Hammer of Smough | Superb Cutter | STR – C | Perseverance |
The Mighty Hammer of Vordt | Superb Cutter | STR – C | Perseverance |
Big Hammer of the Devil | Great Axe | A B C D EXP – D FTH – D | Aura of Evil |
The Mighty Sword of Lorian | Super Powerful Sword | A B C D E F G H | Light of Lorian |
Slain Holy Great Sword | Ultimate Powerful Blade | STR C SKL D | Sacrificed Fire |
Great Scythe, Pontiff | Reaper | E STR SKL A | Frost |
Huge Cleaver | Reaper | STR English Simplified Chinese | Swipe the Neck |
Claw | Fists/Claws | E STR SKL C | Slashing Leap |
Automatic Crossbow | Crossbow | Fire Again | |
Precision Rifle | Crossbow | Tackle | |
Twisted Spears Drang | Twin Peaks | “STR-D” and “SKL-D” | Charge |
The Great Sword of Farron | Twin Giant Swords | D STR SKL C | Parry |
You have no chance of victory when using these weapons. They lack superior qualities and are usually just watered-down versions of more potent weapons. Challenge yourself with these.
Weapon | Type | Scaling | Skill |
The Dagger in the Hand | Dagger | STR E SKL E | Void Area |
Blocking a Knife | Dagger | E STR SKL C | Parry |
Candlestick of the Cleric | Perpendicular Sword | Strong-D (Strong), Skilled-D (Skilled), and Intuitive-C (Intuitive | A beacon of hope |
In the Thrall’s Axe | Axe | This is a STR-D and SKL-D sentence. | Quickstep |
Eleonora | Axe | STR D SKL E | Dinner Bell |
Moon-shaped Sword | Sword, Curved | Code: SKL-C INT-D | Convex Knife |
Shotel | Sword, Curved | The formula is: STR E SKL C | Spinning Clash |
Pike | Spear/Pike | D STR SKL C | Charge |
Bone Sword | Spear/Pike | E STR SKL D | Let the Dragon Out! |
Arrow with Wings | Spear/Pike | D STR SKL C | Charge |
Arrow of Arstor | Spear/Pike | D STR SKL C | Breaker of Defenses |
Spear of Ritual Gold | Spear/Pike | E STR SKL D FTH B | Continued singing |
Bloodlust | Katana | E STR SKL C | Bloodlust |
Great Sword of Fire | Big Knife | A STR-D and a SKL-D | Ember |
The Big Knife of the Executioner | Superb Blade | “STR-C SKL-E” | Stomp |
Long Sword with a Curved Carthus | Great Curved Sword | D STR SKL C | Spinning Clash |
Tinder in the fire | Halberd | I.N.T.B. STR.D.SKL.D. | Torture Fire |
The Mighty Hammer of Morne | Superb Cutter | A-D B-D C-D D-A-D | Fury of Morne |
Awesome Solid-Wood Hammer | Superb Cutter | STR – C | Spin Bash |
In a Big Club | Superb Cutter | STR – C | War Cry |
Adventurer Who Explores Planet Earth | Great Axe | STRAIGHT C FORTH D | Hell on Earth |
Great Sword of the Black Knight | Super Powerful Sword | STR C SKL D | Stomp |
Zweihander | Super Powerful Sword | “STR-D” and “SKL-D” | Stomp |
Rapier, Irithyll | cutting blade | A STR-D and a SKL-D | Breaker of Defenses |
Caestus | Fists/Claws | A STR-D and a SKL-D | Perseverance |
Toy Knives | Fists/Claws | This is a STR-E SKL-C translation. | Quickstep |
Satanic Fist | Fists/Claws | FTH-E STR-D INT-E | Fire Tornado |
Short Bow | Bow | E STR SKL D | Quick Rifle |
White Bow of Birch | Bow | E STR SKL D | Blind Arrow |
Dragon Rider’s Spear | Bow | D STR SKL E | Puncture |
Pharis’s Black Bow | Bow | E STR SKL C | Three-Pointer by Pharis |
Blast Axe | Identical Hammers | STR C SKL E | Spin Bash |
Protector Twinswords | Curved Sword Pair | A STR-D and a SKL-D | Spinning Clash |
Magical Swords for the Dancer | Curved Sword Pair | A B C D E F G H | Grace of a Dancer |
These weapons have no place in player versus player combat. Put them to good artistic use (or just use them for the memes).
Weapon | Type | Scaling | Skill |
Candlestick for the Scholar | Dagger | “STR C” “SKL C” | A beacon of hope |
Serrated Sword, Broken | In a Straight Line | A STR-D and a SKL-D | Stance |
Spear | Spear/Pike | D STR SKL C | Cracker, The Shield |
The Sword of Yorshka | Spear/Pike | All D’s: STR, SKL, and FTH | Pacify |
Javelin Follower | Spear/Pike | STRC SKLE | Cast a Spear |
Storm Sovereign | Big Knife | “STR-D” and “SKL-D” | Lord of the Storms |
Cleaved Crescent | Halberd | “STR-D” and “SKL-D” | War Cry |
Ariandel’s Red Rose | Whip | Key: STR C SKL E FTH B | Awakening |
Blacksmith’s Hammer | Hammer | STR – C | Perseverance |
Hammer of Flaming Gargoyles | Powerful Club | FTH-E STR-D INT-E | Fired Up Anger |
The Great Hammer of the Old King | Powerful Club | A STR B INT C FTH C | Fireproof Persistence |
Knightly Great Axe in Black | Great Axe | STR C SKL D | War Cry |
Great Axe | Great Axe | “STR-C SKL-E” | War Cry |
A Mighty Cathedral Knight Sword | Ultimate Powerful Blade | A combination of STR-C and SKL-E | Stomp |
Rapier | cutting blade | STR English Skeptical C | Stance |
Sharp Claws | Fists/Claws | E STR SKL C | Flurry of Raptors |
Dark Hand | Fists/Claws | Idioms: STR E SKL E INT C FTH – C | Lifedrain |
Longbow | Bow | In short: STR E SKL D | Puncture |
The Great Bow of Onislayer | Great Bow | E STR SKL C | Arrow that Punctures |
Millwood, the Big Bend | Great Bow | “STR-C SKL-E” | Stab the ground |
The Ultimate Dragon Slayer Bow | Great Bow | I’m looking for a STR-D and a SKL-D. | Arrow that Punctures |
Bow of the Darkmoon | Bow | Code: SKL-E-INT-C | Shadow Moon Bow |
Great Swords Accompanied the Ringed Knight | Linked Super-Excellent Blades | To sum up: STR C SKL E INT E FTH E | Ember |
Major General Twindaggers | Daggers in Pairs | A STR-D and a SKL-D | Quickstep |
Dark Souls 3: 15 Weapons That Make The Game Too Easy (& How To Obtain Them)
Astora Greatsword
The Astora Greatsword is a light weapon with low skill requirements, making it immediately useful for many builds. It excels, however, in the hands of those with high Dexterity. This makes it one of the best weapons for infusions, making it even better than it already is.
This weapon can be found on a body in the graveyard outside the Cleansing Chapel in the Cathedral of the Deep. This early-game weapon can be used by most characters of any build to deal damage to a wide range of foes.
This remarkably light ultra greatsword gains S-tier scaling in dexterity when enhanced to 10. With its 244 base physical damage, this weapon is well-suited for builds that prioritize this stat and prioritize high single-hit impacts. The Astora Greatsword is in the same class as other weapons, and even light attacks that manifest as wide, horizontal slashes can stagger and stun-lock many opponents. The Charge ability makes devastating use of the sword’s length and power by allowing it to lunge forward at high speed.
Exile Greatsword
When compared to other curved greatswords, the Exile Great Sword deals the most damage, but its terrible reach puts it in a lower tier. However, with the ability Spin Slash and the right build, it can swiftly slash through enemies. With Spin Slash, the player slices their way around their foes before unleashing a powerful attack.
This weapon can be acquired at Farron Keep in the game’s later stages. One of the Exile Watchdogs guarding the ruins is currently in possession of it.
Therefore, this curved greatsword is a fantastic weapon for taking on more resistant foe. The Exile Greatsword is worth getting because of the damage it deals to poise and health with both normal attacks and its weapon skill, though strength builds with some intelligence might be interested in giving it a simple infusion to increase its damage output. After this infusion and 10 upgrade, the large curved blade does 161 physical damage and 169 magical damage, scaling well with strength at the B level and surprising at the S level in terms of intelligence.
Executioner’s Greatsword
The Executioner’s Greatsword is an unusual weapon that, in the hands of a strong fighter, can be devastating. Its special ability to steal six FP with each kill makes it an excellent choice for Pyromancy builds, as the wielder will always have enough FP to use their spells.
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It is discovered on a body near the Cleansing Chapel in the Cathedral of the Deep, next to the Astora Greatsword. It’s a powerful, early weapon that can be upgraded to greater effectiveness in the hands of a pyromancer.
Due to its flat blade, it is assumed that this greatsword only inflicts strike damage. The Executioner’s Greatsword deals a special type of physical damage normally reserved for hammers and other blunt weapons, making it particularly effective against heavily armored foes who are vulnerable to strike damage. It can’t be infused, but it can be upgraded to level 10, at which point it deals 262 damage per hit and scales well with strength (B). Its Stomp ability (spinning variant) is unusual for greatswords, but it works wonders against waves of weaker foes.
Fume Ultra Greatsword
The Fume Ultra Greatsword is a must-have for any strength build as it is a massive weapon that can also be used as a shield. Although cumbersome to wield, this sword packs a serious punch when it connects. The Fume Ultra Greatsword requires precise timing to hit enemies effectively, but when it does, the results are devastating.
Knight Slayer Tsorig throws the sword into the Smoldering Lake. He’s up ahead, before the exit that leads to the ballista on the surface, after players have traversed the areas with the rats and basilisks. Tsorig can be found in front of a lava pool if the player takes the left set of stairs leading to the exit.
When maxed out, the sword’s Strength scaling deals a minimum of 260 base physical damage. The sword can be strengthened and improved with Twinkling Titanite, but it cannot be infused.
Dark Sword
The Dark Sword is an effective tool for newer players or those using a hybrid strength-and-dexterity build. It’s a straight sword with a lot of power and an acceptable range. Its main benefit is the Stomp feature, which allows the user to lunge forward to gain confidence and then attack or slash upwards with great force.
There are a few ways to acquire it, the first being by killing Darkwraiths at the High Wall of Lothric. Darkwraiths in Farron Keep are another source; the Perimeter Bonfire is a good place to farm them because the local Ghru weaken them.
Infusing this straight sword, despite its name, is best done with something more refined than something dark. The dark infusion’s mediocre scaling with wisdom and belief is useless against this weapon, which is clearly designed for builds focused on strength and dexterity. The Dark Sword, thanks to its refined infusion, has B-tier scaling in both strength and dexterity, allowing it to deal 198 damage.
Vordt’s Great Hammer
In the hands of a character with a high strength build, Vordt’s Great Hammer is a weapon of cold, icy death. Frostbite can be inflicted within two or three hits, dealing 11% of a player’s maximum HP as damage, plus an additional 85 damage on top of that, and negatively affecting stamina regeneration. To use it effectively, you need to have at least 20 strength.
It’s possible to get Vordt’s soul, the boss of the Boreal Valley, early on by defeating him at the High Wall of Lothric. Although this soul can be used to craft the hammer, doing so will prevent the player from acquiring the powerful Pontiff’s Left Eye ring.
After reaching the maximum 5 upgrade for this great hammer, players won’t miss the infusion or buff features at all. Its 320 base physical damage scales fairly well for a B-tier weapon at this level. Because of its slower attack speed, this weapon benefits greatly from the common skill Perseverance, which allows the user to stand firm in the face of enemy attacks and land additional blows, resulting in better damage trading and faster frost buildup.
Farron Greatsword
The Farron Greatsword is an exceptional ultra-greatsword that swings out in a wide arc when it attacks. This early game weapon is a great choice for quality or dexterity oriented character builds. The weapon is a must-have for any Abyss Watchers fan, just like the Abyss Watchers armor set. The weapon shines brightest in player-versus-player contests.
In order to obtain this weapon, you must first defeat the Abyss Watchers and then transfer the Soul of the Blood of the Wolf.
Even though it’s an ultra-greatsword, the weapon scales well with Dexterity (A) and deals 258 points of damage at max level. It provides no active bonuses or passive enhancements, but does 20% more damage to Abyssal enemies. As a one-handed weapon, it can be blocked or parried.
Hollowslayer Greatsword
Because it deals an extra 20% damage to all hollow enemies, including several bosses, the Hollowslayer Greatsword is a fantastic weapon to use throughout the entire game. This is the best weapon to use against hollows, so many players keep it with them all the way through the story and into New Game Plus.
Defeating the boss Curse-Rotten Greatwood in the Undead Settlement is where you can find it surprisingly quickly in the game. This weapon, or the equally potent Arstor’s Spear, can be forged with the soul.
The weapon’s unique bonus damage, when added to its base 264 physical damage, can be quite impressive. However, the weapon cannot be infused or buffed and scales poorly. With its massive bonus damage and wide, horizontal light attacks, the Hollowslayer Greatsword can utterly decimate the weak Deacons of the Deep. Against Slave Knight Gael’s second and third phases, it can be especially useful because he becomes vulnerable to hollow attacks when he is knocked down in his first phase.
Irithyll Straight Sword
The Irithyll Straight Sword is an exceptional straight sword with the added ability to inflict frostbite. Due to its high base damage and additional frostbite effect, the weapon is great for low-level players. Due to its long range, the weapon becomes quite useful at higher levels. The Irithyll Straight Sword can be used to great effect against a wide variety of foes and can help players traverse the vast majority of the game’s environments.
After dispatching the Outrider Knight in the Undead Settlement area, players will gain access to the sword. Siegward of Catarina can be found before the Road of Sacrifices, at the bottom of the elevator shaft.
A Quality Build is recommended for maximum use of this weapon, which deals 216 base damage and a constant 55 frostbite damage. The weapon can be improved with Twinkling Titanite, but it is not possible to strengthen or infuse it further. The Irithyll Straight Sword is a great weapon for both PvE and PvP.
Lothric Knight Sword
The Lothric Knight Sword’s strength lies in its adaptability to a wide variety of fights. It’s a flexible weapon that can be easily adapted to the player’s playstyle and build through infusion and buffing. Moreover, it has an admirable 110 critical modifier.
Farming the Lothric Knights on the High Wall of Lothric for their swords is another simple way to acquire one early in the game. If you need a sword that can be adapted to your specifications, this is the one to get.
At 10, this straight sword can gain A-tier or S-tier scaling with nearly any infusion that allows scaling, making it nearly unrivaled in its versatility. In addition, the Lothric Knight Sword can be upgraded to deal between 215 and 275 total damage (across all types of damage) via most of these routes. The unexpectedly long range of this blade is a distinct advantage, especially when combined with powerful attack thrusts.
Black Knight Sword
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The Black Knight Sword is widely regarded as one of the finest PVP blades. The player’s poise is increased, allowing them to deal devastating damage, thanks to Perseverance. Excellent poise damage, along with good reach, speed, low stamina consumption, and the ability to deal 20% more damage to demons.
It can be found midgame on a body in Smouldering Lake. In all honesty, this may end up being your only weapon for the rest of the game and even New Game Plus, depending on your character’s build and playstyle.
The Black Knight Sword, like many other weapons, relies on its base and bonus damage to be effective. When maxed out, this greatsword deals 302 physical damage, putting it on par with ultra greatswords. The versatility of its user is enhanced by a wide range of attacks, from slashes to thrusts.
The Claymore
The Claymore can be compared to the Lothric Knight Sword, another greatsword. Since it can be infused and buffed to suit a wide variety of builds and playstyles—especially those of casters—Stance makes it an extremely flexible weapon. It also has less stringent requirements in terms of character level than the Black Knight Sword.
The fact that the Claymore is discovered early on is another one of its many advantages. You’ll find it on the plateau, close to the first fire pit and the dozing wyvern. It is also possible, though much later in the game, to acquire it from a variety of enemies in Irithyll of the Boreal Valley.
Even after being upgraded to 10 with any possible infusion, it still does not reach S-tier scaling, but its base damage at this maximum level more than makes up for it. After combining the potentials of its various damage types, the majority of its paths deal between 250 and 300 damage. The Claymore’s user has an advantage in combat due to the fact that it is one of the longest greatswords available.
Ringed Knight Paired Greatsword
Greatsword enthusiasts will flip for the Ringed Knight Paired Greatswords, which allow them to use not one but two blades at once. The Ringed City downloadable content includes the weapon, which is optimal for Strength and Quality builds. Players have the option of using either dual or single wield, the former dealing more damage at the expense of attack speed.
Before entering the cathedral area, a Ringed Knight will drop a pair of greatswords. Spears of the Church advancement takes place near the altar.
When fully upgraded, the swords deal 322 base physical damage and scale to C in Strength and D in Dexterity. Twinkling Titanite can be used to improve the sword, but it can’t be buffed or infused. However, players can add some fire damage to their sword strikes by using the Ember weapon skill.
Sellsword Twinblades
Fans’ favorite weapon is the Sellsword Twinblades, which is a surprising choice. In the hands of a dexterity build, these scimitars become devastating, especially after being infused with sharpness. These swords can quickly dispatch even the most formidable bosses, but they lack the ability to block, so good dodging is essential.
If you choose to begin the game as a Mercenary, you will begin with one of these weapons. If you decide to play as a different class, you won’t be able to get their starting equipment until fairly early on in the game, and then only in the swamp behind the Black Knight on the Road of Sacrifices.
Sharp-infused Sellsword Twinblades have a high damage potential due to their 10 physical attack bonus and their ability to deal 183 damage per hit. Although its regular and heavy attacks are swift, it is its Spin Slash ability that truly makes it devastating.
Dragonslayer Greatbow
The Dragonslayer Greatbow is a massive bow that was used by the dragonslayers during the Age of Gods and will quickly dispose of any enemies your team faces. The bow takes a while to load, but its arrows deal significant damage when they hit their target. However, greatbow ammunition will be hard to come by and in short supply.
After killing Irityhll in the Boreal Valley, players can loot his body for the Dragonslayer Greatbow. They will also encounter foes in the area who use bows similar to their own. Rarely, a Silver Knight who is using a Dragonslayer Greatbow may also abandon it.
It is impossible to fortify or infuse the weapon after it has been upgraded with Twinkling Titanite. When maxed out, it deals 220 base physical damage and scales with Dexterity C. Players with a 40/40 Quality Build would gain 427 AR when using a 5 Dragonslayer Greatbow.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. What is the best weapon in Dark Souls 3?
This is a challenging question to answer because of the wide variety of possible playstyles and builds. However, some weapons are more impressive than others due to their power or adaptability. The Murky Hand Scythe, Lothric Knight Sword, and Demon’s Scar are all excellent weapons, and they all belong to the S tier.
2. What is a tier list?
The best units for any given play style and build can be quickly identified with the help of a tier list. It ranks them, usually from best to worst, and players can use this information to make better decisions about which items to use in their games.
3. How often is the Dark Souls 3 weapon tier list updated?
When a significant update, such as a patch or downloadable content, is released for Dark Souls 3, the weapon tier list is usually updated as well. However, if there are major changes to the metagame (how players construct and play their characters), it can be updated more frequently.
4. What factors are considered when making a Dark Souls 3 weapons tier list?
Making a ranked list takes into account many criteria. Damage dealt, adaptability, bulk, and longevity are also key considerations.
5. Why is the E tier ranked at the bottom?
Most weapons in the E tier are either inferior to other options in their category or are not suitable for the majority of build and play styles.
6. Why do players use tier lists?
Players consult tier lists to help them select the best equipment for their playstyle. Players can save time and effort if they are already aware of the best weapons instead of trying them all.
Final Words
Dark Souls 3 has a wide variety of weapons, so you should be able to find one that suits your play style. Get out there and start discovering Dark Souls 3’s world, and keep checking back for more updates as they are made.
Have we made good decisions? In Dark Souls 3, which weapons do you find most useful and why? What do you think? Tell us in the comments!
Enjoy your games until we meet again!
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