The optimal Genshin Impact Yoimiya build depends on your preferred playstyle and the gap in your party that needs to be filled.
Yoimiya is a versatile character that can take on a variety of roles. Even better, she has a powerful F2P build that can compete with even the most powerful five-star weaponry.
Bạn đang xem: What Build Is Best For Yoimiya? The best Yoimiya weapon, Artifacts, and more Update 03/2025
Pyro DPS character
The best Yoimiya weapon for DPS and Pyro
Yoimiya’s greatest weapon is Mitternacht Waltz if you’re looking to use him as a Pyro damage dealer. Elemental Skill damage is increased by 20% to 40% for five seconds when the four-star bow is used with conventional attacks. Using an Elemental Skill also increases normal attack damage at the same rate.
Yoimiya’s Elemental Skill adds Pyro to her normal attacks and increases their damage, so Mitternacht Waltz primes her to deal high numbers.
Yoimiya’s Elemental Skill adds Pyro to her normal attacks and increases their damage, so Mitternacht Waltz primes her to deal high numbers.
The best Yoimiya Artifacts for DPS and Pyro
Yoimiya’s Elemental Skill adds Pyro to her standard attacks and increases their damage, so Mitternacht Waltz primes her to deal huge numbers.
- Using Yoimiya’s Elemental Skill, Mitternacht Waltz allows her to unleash a barrage of devastating fireballs.
- Using Yoimiya’s Elemental Skill, Mitternacht Waltz sets her up to deal massive damage.
Her Pyro damage is significantly increased by the four-piece outfit. It’s primarily useful for her basic attacks and Elemental Skill, but you can also increase the power of her Elemental Burst if you have a strong Energy producer in your team.
If you can’t buy the Crimson Witch set, Martial Artist is a good option.
- increases the normal and charged attack damage by 15% with a two-part effect
- Elemental Skill has a four-part effect: for eight seconds, it boosts the damage done by normal and charged attacks by 25 percent.
- Pyro DMG Bonus +15 percent in a two-piece effect
- 40% DMG increase with the 4-piece effect for Overloaded and Burning. DMG’s Vaporize and Melt DMG abilities are increased by 15%. Using an Elemental Skill increases the 2-Piece Set Bonus by 50% of its starting value for 10s. There can only be a maximum of three stacks.
- The ATK is up by 18% while using the 2-piece effect.
- Effect: When casting an Elemental Skill, characters with 15 or more Energy lose 15 Energy and DMG from Normal/Charged/Plunging Attacks is raised by 50% for 10s, depending on the skill. During that time, this effect will not reactivate.
Yoimiya’s F2P
Best F2P weapon for Yoimiya in Genshin Impact
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Yoimiya can use any 5-star bow because to their high basic attack values. Weapons with high ATK, Crit, or Crit DMG substats are ideal for her in F2P games. At level 90, these are Yoimiya’s greatest free-to-play weapons.
510 base ATK
ATK is up 41.3 percent as a secondary stat.
Yoimiya’s finest 4-star weapon in Genshin Impact is Rust. It can even be compared to certain 5-star bows because of the significant attack increase it delivers passively. At refinement rank 1, the passive boosts the normal attack by 40%. However, Yoimiya’s charged attacks aren’t amazing, so it’s a worthwhile compromise to reduce the charged attack by 10%. All of the gacha banners have Rust, which is a 4-star bow.
In terms of ATK, it stands at 454
ATK increased by 55.1% as an added bonus.
Yoimiya can also benefit from the Inazuma craftable bow, which has a high attack stat. Even when the character is at maximum strength (which is rare), Hamayumi’s passive boosts the normal attack by 16/20/24/28/32/32 percent (depending on refining level). If Yoimiya doesn’t use Elemental Burst, this weapon can make her a beast.
Best artifacts for Yoimiya in Genshin Impact
Yoimiya’s DPS will be boosted by the Pyro DMG bonus on the Goblet, ATK percentage on Sands, and Crit Rate on the Helmet. Crit Rate, Crit DMG, and ATK percentage are the most important substats for a player to obtain.
Unlike Gladiator’s Finale, which improves Yoimiya’s normal attack by 18 percent, the 4pc bonus from Shimenawa’s Reminiscence genuinely sets it apart. When Elemental Skill is used, the 4pc set bonus is activated, and it consumes 15 energy to boost the usual attack by 50%. Yoimiya’s Pyro damage gets an outrageous attack boost while this effect lasts for 10 seconds.
For Yoimiya, 2pc Gladiator’s Finale + 2pc Crimson Witch of Flames can be an option if players lack a decent set of Shimenawa’s remembrance. There is a 15% Pyro damage bonus from the 2pc Gladiator and the 2pc Crimson.
What build is best for Yoimiya?
Talents is the best Yoimiya build for the time being.
- Bow attacks can be used for up to five consecutive shots.
- An Aimed Shot with enhanced DMG can be performed in a charged attack. …
- This attack deals AoE damage to allies in its path as it falls to the ground, launching a hail of arrows at your enemies below.
Is Yoimiya good for Main DPS?
With characters like Bennett and Xingqiu, who complement Yoimiya’s Pyro element, as the group’s primary DPS, the group is stronger.
Why is Yoimiya bad?
Genshin Impact’s Yoimiya is one of the characters with the lowest starting HP and DEF, but unlike the other characters, she lacks a defense. The reason for this is that her auto-attack multipliers are so high that if she moves while firing, she would miss out on a lot of damage.
What are the best F2P weapons for yoimiya in Genshin Impact?
At level 90, these are Yoimiya’s greatest free-to-play weapons. Yoimiya’s finest 4-star weapon in Genshin Impact is Rust. It can even be compared to certain 5-star bows because of the significant attack increase it delivers passively. At refinement rank 1, the passive boosts the normal attack by 40%.
We propose Shimenawa’s Reminiscence for the artifacts. Yoimiya’s normal, charged, and plunging attack damage is increased by 50% for ten seconds if she has 15 or more energy when she casts elemental talents.
With a shield, you can additionally use the Summer Night’s Bloom four-piece set and get an additional 40% in normal and charged attack damage. ‘ Zhongli’s debuffing of adversaries and Yoimiya’s ability to focus on damage output make him a good fit for the team composition.
Genshin Impact’s greatest Yoimiya build. Check out our Genshin Impact Tier List if you’re still unclear if Yoimiya is the ideal character for your party. Kokomi, the head of the Sangonomiya Resistance, has just been added to the cast. Our greatest Genshin Impact Kokomi build shows how this healer can fit into your team..
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