This isn’t entirely new to the Animal Crossing series, but crafting has taken on a far larger part in New Horizons than ever before. The show’s brand-new concept of making your own meals from scratch has proven to be a tremendous hit with the public.
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Because it is so new, even seasoned DIYers are discovering new things. DIY guide provides everything you need to get started, from workbenches to recipes, so you can make the most of this exciting new pastime.
Bạn đang xem: New Horizons Guide: How To Get DIY Recipes in Animal Crossing? Update 03/2025
DIY Recipes and Workbenches in Animal Crossing: New Horizons Explained
What is crafting in Animal Crossing: New Horizons?
Animal Crossing’s latest installment features DIY recipes and crafts that players have never seen before. Being stuck on a deserted island means there aren’t many resources to work with at the start of the game, aside from basic materials like twigs and stones.
Because of this, crafting is introduced, which allows players to manufacture everything from tools (such as the axe and shovel) to clothing to furniture.
Tom Nook, bottles on the beach, and swinging balloon presents, such as Tom Nook, are some of the more predictable sources of the “DIY recipes” that the player acquires. Each time a player returns to the workbench, they can pick up their “learned” recipe from their inventory. As long as you have the right supplies, you can make anything you desire.
How do you get DIY workbenches for crafting?
Recipe development in the game requires a workbench built from scratch. Throughout the entire game, Tom Nook gives a free workbench at Resident Services, allowing players to produce as much as they like.
A simple DIY workbench that only requires five pieces of hardwood and one iron nugget was sent to players by Nintendo via postal service. This recipe was added to the game in an early version. Resident Services’ own workbenches can be installed or carried about the island in the early stages of the game.
The game has a wide selection of workbenches, which is fantastic for those of us who value diversity as much as we do. Peeking into your neighbors’ houses can give you a glimpse of some of the various workbench designs that are available. Giving your neighbors stuff they may use instead of your desired workstation may even allow you to get the workbench of your dreams.
Many different types of workbenches, some of which can be customized, can be found on New Horizons.
- Instructable home-made workbenches.
- You may construct your own miniature workbenches.
- Replicas of commercially available workbenches for home use
- An adorable and functional DIY table.
- Construct your own Ironwood Workbench!
How do you customise furniture?
While you’re there, take advantage of the customization kits available at Timmy & Tommy’s.
Even if you’re content with the wood, color, or fabric that’s currently in your bed, you might prefer something new. Obsessive recipe collectors might benefit from Nook’s Cranny’s custom kits, which let them take their DIY endeavors to the next level.
Following these steps (in that sequence) is the beginning of furniture customisation:
- The museum on their island can be unlocked.
- Arrive on the island with three new immigrants and establish it.
- You must attend Tom Nook’s customization workshop in order to obtain a total of 50 customisation kits worth 30,000 Bells.
Once you’ve completed the chores, you’ll be able to use fabric to customize a number of pieces of furniture with your own designs and patterns from Sable, in addition to the pre-set options like color, wood type, and design.
The design you use on an object cannot be given to your friends or anybody else that joins the game outside your island, so just be aware (likely due to safety concerns). Your islanders will not be able to pick them up, give them to someone else, or even write a letter with them attached.
Sharing a QR code for the design with a friend allows them to add the item to their furnishings. If you’re willing to put in a little more effort, you’ll get far more out of this.
How To Unlock Cooking
Mileage for the Be a Chef! program is 2,000. Before you begin your new culinary journey in Animal Crossing, you must first improve your Recipe+ at the Nook Stop Terminal! On your NookPhone, the Cooking option will be available in the DIY Recipes+ app.
Adding savory and sweet to your NookPhone’s food categories is now possible! Produce may now be used to make items like flour from wheat and sugar from sugarcane, for example.
Grilled Sea Bass with Herbs and Tomato Curry as well as Carrot Potage and Pancakes are some of the starters. This is only a small fraction of what’s available.
Working kitchen furnishings is a requirement for these brand-new Cooking DIY recipes as well. You’ve also gained access to a new Stonework Kitchen DIY Recipe that will make your life even easier.
How To Cook Food
In Animal Crossing: New Horizons, look for a Kitchen item and interact with it to open up your cookbook and select a recipe.
The production of more fundamental ingredients like Sugar or Flour is required for many cuisines, but it is not always necessary.
Flipping through your DIY Recipes+ cookbook is all you need to do to find a recipe. Visit this page for more information about Leif’s seeds if you need to grow vegetables and other food items.
How To Unlock New Cooking Recipes
The simplest way to expand your Cooking DIY Recipes collection is to purchase the Basic Cooking Recipes book from the cabinet at Nook’s Cranny for 4,980 Bells. Among the numerous new dishes you’ll be able to sample are Carrot Cake, Organic Bread, and Seaweed Soup.
Many Cooking DIY Recipes can be obtained by obtaining fish and other sea life when fishing on your island’s ocean and rivers.
A Red Snapper, tomato, and a Manila Clam caught in the water are all you need to make Pesce All’Acqua Pazza. For instance, for instance.
If you visit the houses of your neighbors and see them in the kitchen, they’ll be happy to share their cooking DIY recipes with you!
Last but not least, we’ve heard that the sky’s balloon presents may contain DIY cooking recipes.
Savory Cooking DIY Recipes List
The ‘Savory’ part of Animal Crossing: New Horizons has 55 Cooking DIY Recipes!
Aji Fry
In order to get the Aji Fry DIY Cooking Recipe, you must catch a Horse Mackerel.
To prepare the Aji Fry, gather the ingredients and equipment listed below:
- A single Horse Mackerel is available.
- Whole Wheat White Flour, 1 Tablespoon
Anchoas Al Ajillo
The DIY Cooking Recipe for Anchoas Al Ajillo can be unlocked by catching an anchovy.
Anchoas Al Ajillo can be made with the following materials and supplies:
Some anchovies would be nice.
Apple Jam
Obtain the recipe for Apple Jam by cooking with villagers at home or in the Restaurant in the Happy Home Paradise.
In order to make apple jam, you’ll need the following:
Each of the following three food items
Baked Potatoes
Take a lesson from the locals in Happy Home Paradise on how to cook Baked Potatoes.
To create the baked potatoes, gather the following ingredients and equipment:
Some potatoes are all that is needed.
Bamboo-Shoot Soup
You may now make Daisy Mae’s recipe for Bamboo-Shoot Soup at home.
To cook the Bamboo-Shoot Soup, you’ll need the following ingredients and equipment:
A pair of bamboo twigs
Barred-Knifejaw Carpaccio
Barred-Knifejaw Carpaccio can only be made by catching a Barred Knifejaw.
In order to make the Barred-Knifejaw Carpaccio, you’ll need:
a single Barred Bite Knifejaw.
Locals in Happy Home Paradise bake their own bread in their homes and in the restaurant they own.
You’ll need the following supplies and equipment to create the bread:
3-Cup Measurement for Flour
Bread Gratin
Be inspired by the villagers in Happy Home Paradise to create Bread Gratin at home or in the restaurant.
You’ll need the following ingredients to prepare the Bread Gratin: (1)
- The Flour is 2 Tablespoons.
- 2 cups of whole wheat flour is a minimum.
Brown Sugar
Brown sugar is included in the Basic Cooking Recipes book, which Nook’s Cranny owns the key to.
Gather the following goods and equipment to manufacture brown sugar:
This batch has five sugarcanes.
Carpaccio Di Capesante
Make Carpaccio Di Capesante like the villagers in Happy Home Paradise, either at home or in a restaurant.
To make Carpaccio Di Capesante, follow these steps:
A pair of scallops
Carpaccio Di Marlin Blu
Unlocking the DIY Cooking Recipe for Carpaccio Di Marlin Blu unlocks the Blue Marlin.
The following materials and supplies are needed to make this dish:
It’s a single Blue Marlin
Carpaccio Di Salmone
The only way to get this recipe is to catch one of these fish.
To prepare the Carpaccio Di Salmone, follow these simple instructions.
Each participant gets their own salmon.
Carrot Bagel Sandwich
Unlock the recipe for a Carrot Bagel Sandwich at Happy Home Paradise by chatting with villager chefs or dining in the Restaurant.
You’ll need the following to prepare a Carrot Bagel Sandwich:
- 2 cups of whole wheat flour is a minimum.
- Three carrots
Carrot Potage
By default, you will be able to access the Carrot Potage recipe for making your own.
It is possible to make the Carrot Potage with the following materials and items:
- Whole Wheat White Flour, 1 Tablespoon
- Only two carrots are allowed.
Carrot-Tops Curry
Carrot-Tops Curry DIY Cooking Recipe in Happy Home Paradise can be unlocked by talking to the villagers, who can prepare it at home or in the restaurant.
Ingredients and equipment needed to prepare Carrot-Top Curry include:
- 3-Cup Measurement for Flour
- Three carrots
Champiñones Al Ajillo
The villagers who cook at home or in the restaurant in Happy Home Paradise can help you get the DIY recipe for Championes Al Ajillo.
Championes Al Ajillo can be made with these materials and artifacts.
- Flat Mushroom Only.
- single, inconspicuous fungus
- This item contains one of the rarest mushrooms.
Cherry Jam
Happy Home Paradise’s recipe for Cherry Jam can be found by cooking together at home or in the Restaurant.
In order to produce Cherry Jam, the following products and supplies are required:
- Three cherry pies
Clam Chowder
Discover the DIY Cooking Clam Chowder Recipe from the Turkey Day Recipes book during the Turkey Day event at Nook’s Cranny..
Ingredients and materials for Clam Chowder are as follows:
- Whole Wheat White Flour, 1 Tablespoon
- Three clams imported from the Philippines
Coconut Oil
Unlock the Coconut Oil Cooking Recipe in Happy Home Paradise by talking to locals who cook at home or in a restaurant.
To make your own coconut oil, gather the items and equipment listed below:
- The third nut
Fish And Chips
The villagers in Happy Home Paradise can teach you how to make Fish & Chips at home or in the restaurant.
Fish and Chips can be made with the following ingredients and supplies:
- Some potatoes are all that is needed.
- One spray is all it takes.
To begin with, the Flour DIY Cooking Recipe is available to all players.
Flour can be made with the following ingredients:
- 5 ounces of wheat
French Fries
The people who already know how to cook handmade French fries can teach you how to do it in Happy Home Paradise.
You’ll need the following goods and equipment to make French fries:
- Potatoes are the third most common vegetable in the United States.
Fruit Pizza
Learn how to cook Fruit Pizza the old-fashioned method in Happy Home Paradise from the locals who make it at home or in the restaurant.
To prepare the Fruit Pizza, you’ll need the following ingredients:
- 3-Cup Measurement for Flour
- a solitary bit of food
- a solitary orange.
- Pears in one piece.
- a solitary piece of peach fruit
- cherry
Fruit Salad
Learn how to prepare fruit salad at Happy Home Paradise from the villagers who do it at home or in a restaurant while having fun!
You’ll need the following ingredients to make the Fruit Salad:
- a solitary bit of food
- a solitary orange.
- Pears in one piece.
- a solitary piece of peach fruit
- cherry
Gnocchi Di Carote
You can learn how to make Gnocchi di Carote at Happy Home Paradise from the locals who do it at home or in the restaurant.
To make Gnocchi Di Carote, you’ll need the following ingredients and accessories:
- The Flour is 2 Tablespoons.
- Three carrots
Gnocchi Di Patate
Nook’s Cranny has the Gnocchi Di Patate DIY Cooking Recipe from the Basic Cooking Recipes book.
Make Gnocchi Di Patate with the ingredients and utensils listed below:
- The Flour is 2 Tablespoons.
- Potatoes are the third most common vegetable in the United States.
Gnocchi Di Zucca
Learn how to cook Gnocchi di Zucca at home or in a restaurant at Happy Home Paradise.
It is possible to make Gnocchi Di Zucca with the following materials and supplies:
- The Flour is 2 Tablespoons.
- Three orange-shaped pumpkins.
The Turkey Day event at Nook’s Cranny includes a gratin from the Turkey Day Recipes book.
The following ingredients are required to make the Gratin:
- 3-Cup Measurement for Flour
- Some potatoes are all that is needed.
Grilled Sea Bass With Herbs
The recipe for Grilled Sea Bass with Herbs for Homemade Cooking is available by default.
For the Grilled Sea Bass With Herbs, you’ll need the following ingredients and equipment:
- One sea bass
- Five or more weeds in a clump
Jarred Bamboo Shoots
This DIY cooking guide shows you how to prepare Daisy Mae’s famous Jarred Bamboo Shoots at home.
The Jarred Bamboo Shoots can be made using the following components and products.
- Three bamboo shots
Jarred Mushrooms
When you visit Happy Home Paradise, you can learn how to make jarred mushrooms at home or in the Restaurant.
Jarred Mushrooms can be made with the following ingredients and supplies:
- Mushrooms in twos
Kabu Ankake
This Kabu Ankake DIY Cooking Recipe can be accessed by following the instructions.
The following ingredients are required to produce Kabu Ankake:
- a turnip’s worth
Karei No Nitsuke
Karei No Nitsuke can be made at home by catching a Dab.
The Karei No Nitsuke can be made by putting together the following pieces:
- One spray is all it takes.
Minestrone Soup
Learn how to make Minestrone Soup the easy way by watching the villagers in Happy Home Paradise make it in their own kitchens or at the restaurant.
The Happy Home Paradise Restaurant or the homes of the villagers have the recipe for Minestrone Soup.
- 2 Garlic Cloves
- A spud of any kind
- Please, as many carrots as you want.
Mixed-Fruits Bagel Sandwich
From the villagers who cook at home or in the Restaurant in Happy Home Paradise, you can learn the DIY Cooking Recipe for Mixed-Fruit Bagel Sandwich.
Make a Mixed-Fruit Bagel Sandwich with these ingredients and tools:
- The Flour is 2 Tablespoons.
- a solitary bit of food
- a solitary orange.
- Pears in one piece.
- a solitary piece of peach fruit
- cherry
Mixed-Fruits Sandwich
At Happy Home Paradise, cooking at home or in a restaurant reveals the recipe for a Mixed-Fruit Sandwich.
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The following ingredients and supplies are needed to make a Mixed-Fruit Sandwich:
- The Flour is 2 Tablespoons.
- a solitary orange.
- Pears in one piece.
- a solitary piece of peach fruit
Mushroom Crepe
Locals at Happy Home Paradise can teach you how to cook Mushroom Crepe at home or at the restaurant.
In order to make the Mushroom Crepe, you will need the following:
- The Flour is 2 Tablespoons.
- single, inconspicuous fungus
Mushroom Curry
In Happy Home Paradise, you may watch the villagers preparing mushroom curry in their own homes or at the restaurant.
In order to prepare the mushroom curry, you’ll need the following materials and equipment:
- 3-Cup Measurement for Flour
- Flat Mushroom Only.
- single, inconspicuous fungus
Mushroom Pizza
In Happy Home Paradise, villagers who cook at home or in the Restaurant can unlock the recipe for Mushroom Pizza.
Ingredients for a Mushroom Pizza are as follows:
- 3-Cup Measurement for Flour
- Two Mushrooms arranged in a Circle
- 2 Mushrooms that are Flat
Mushroom Potage
Make Mushroom Potage like the villagers prepare it in their own kitchens or in the Happy Home Paradise Restaurant and learn how to cook it the old-fashioned manner.
Follow these steps to prepare the recipe: Ingredients and equipment
- Whole Wheat White Flour, 1 Tablespoon
- Flat Mushroom Only.
Mushroom Salad
Mushroom Salad can be made at home or in the Happy Home Paradise Restaurant to obtain the recipe.
You’ll need the following ingredients and supplies to make a mushroom salad:
- Flat Mushroom Only.
- single, inconspicuous fungus
Olive-Flounder Meunière
During Nook’s Cranny, the Olive-Flounder Meunière DIY Cooking Recipe from the Turkey Day Recipes book will be unlocked.
Meunière for Olive-Flounder can be made from this list of ingredients and tools:
- Olives with a Flounder
- The Flour is 2 Tablespoons.
Orange Marmalade
It is possible in Happy Home Paradise to learn how to make your own Orange Marmalade at home, or at the Restaurant.
You’ll need the following to make the Orange Marmalade:
- The number three is associated with the color orange.
Organic Bread
The Organic Bread recipe from the Basic Cooking Recipes book may be found in Nook’s Cranny.
Supplies and equipment are required for making organic bread:
- Whole Wheat Flour
Peach Jam
People in Happy Home Paradise can teach you how to make peach jam in their kitchens or at the restaurant.
It’s possible to make Peach Jam with the following components and equipment:
- The third fruit is ripe for picking.
Pear Jam
At Happy Home Paradise, you may learn how to make your own homemade pear jam from the owners and staff.
Making Pear Jam Requires the Following Supplies and Equipment:
- In groups of three, pears
Pesce All’Acqua Pazza
To learn how to make Pesce All’Acqua Pazza, you’ll need to catch a Red Snapper.
The Pesce All’Acqua Pazza can be made with the items and supplies listed below:
- 1 Red Snapper
- Tomatoes, 1
- A single Manila Clam in its shell.
Pickled Veggies
The staff at Happy Home Paradise can teach you how to create pickled vegetables at home or in the restaurant.
To prepare Pickled Veggies, you’ll need the following ingredients and supplies:
- Please, as many carrots as you want.
- A spud of any kind
- Tomatoes, 1
- 1 Orange-colored Carrot
Pizza Margherita
Pizza Margherita can be made at home or in the Happy Home Paradise Restaurant.
Ingredients for a Margherita pizza include:.
- 3-Cup Measurement for Flour
- 2 Garlic Cloves
You may make your own Poke at home by catching a salmon.
Making a Poke is as simple as having the following ingredients on hand:
- Each participant gets their own salmon.
- Tomatoes, 1
Potato Curry
From the villagers who cook at home or at the Restaurant, you can get the recipe for Potato Curry in Happy Home Paradise.
In order to make the Potato Curry, you will need the following:
- 3-Cup Measurement for Flour
- Potatoes are the third most common vegetable in the United States.
Potato Galette
Unlock the DIY Potato Galette Cooking Recipe from the villagers who cook at home or in the Restaurant facility in Happy Home Paradise.
You’ll Need the Following Ingredients and Tools to Make a Potato Galette:
- The Flour is 2 Tablespoons.
- Potatoes are the third most common vegetable in the United States.
Potato Potage
Get the recipe for Potato Potage in Happy Home Paradise from villagers who cook at home or in a restaurant.
You’ll need the following to create Potato Potage:
- Whole Wheat White Flour, 1 Tablespoon
- Some potatoes are all that is needed.
Pull-Apart Bread
Learn to make Pull-Apart Bread the Happy Home Paradise way from the locals who do it themselves at home or in the restaurant.
To prepare Pull-Apart Bread, you’ll need the following ingredients and supplies:
- The Flour is 2 Tablespoons.
Pumpkin Bagel Sandwich
The Pumpkin Bagel Sandwich Cooking Recipe will be unlocked by default.
To prepare the Pumpkin Bagel Sandwich, you’ll need the following:
- The Flour is 2 Tablespoons.
- Three orange-shaped pumpkins.
Pumpkin Curry
Learn how to make Pumpkin Curry at home or at the restaurant from the staff of Happy Home Paradise.
A Pumpkin Curry can be made with the following ingredients and objects:
- 3-Cup Measurement for Flour
- Three orange-shaped pumpkins.
Pumpkin Pie
Nook’s Cranny will unlock the Pumpkin Pie recipe from the Turkey Day Recipes book during the event.
The following ingredients and supplies are needed to make the Pumpkin Pie:
- 3-Cup Measurement for Flour
- 2 tsp. granulated sugar
- a pair of orange pumpkins
Pumpkin Soup
To discover how to make pumpkin soup the old-fashioned way in Happy Home Paradise, just chat to the locals.
To prepare Pumpkin Soup, you’ll need the following ingredients and supplies:
- Three orange-shaped pumpkins.
Learn how to prepare Salad from residents in Happy Home Paradise who do it in their own kitchens or restaurants.
Make the salad with the following items and tools:
- Tomatoes, 1
- Please, as many carrots as you want.
- A spud of any kind
- 1 Orange-colored Carrot
Salad-Stuffed Tomato
Learn to cook salad-stuffed tomatoes from the residents in Happy Home Paradise, whether at home or in a restaurant.
With these ingredients, you can make the salad-stuffed tomato.
- Three cherry tomatoes
Salade De Carottes Râpées
Residents of Happy Home Paradise who cook in their own kitchens or at the Restaurant can access the Salade De Carottes Râpées DIY Cooking Recipe.
You’ll need the following ingredients to create Salade De Carottes Râpées:
- Three carrots
Salmon Bagel Sandwich
To make a homemade salmon bagel sandwich, go out and catch some fish.
To prepare the Salmon Bagel Sandwich, you’ll need the following ingredients and equipment:
- The Flour is 2 Tablespoons.
- Each participant gets their own salmon.
Salmon Sandwich
It’s time to catch a fish so that you may make your own salmon sandwich at home.
With the help of the following ingredients and supplies, you can make a salmon sandwich:
- 2 cups of whole wheat flour is a minimum.
- Each participant gets their own salmon.
Sardines In Oil
Learn how to manufacture your own Sardines in Oil by using an Anchovy as a guide.
To prepare Sardines In Oil, you’ll need the following ingredients and equipment:
- One anchovy, all by itself
Sautéed Olive Flounder
The Sautéed Olive Flounder DIY Cooking Recipe can be found by catching an Olive Flounder.
Sautéed Olive Flounder requires the following:
- Olives with a Flounder
- single, inconspicuous fungus
Savory Bread
Locals in Happy Home Paradise can provide you with the Savory Bread Recipe.
You’ll need these ingredients to prepare savory bread:
- 3-Cup Measurement for Flour
- Please, as many carrots as you want.
- Tomatoes, 1
- A spud of any kind
Sea-Bass Pie
The secret to Sea-Bass Pie lies in catching a Sea Bass.
Use the following materials and equipment to make a Sea Bass Pie:
- 3-Cup Measurement for Flour
- One sea bass
Seafood Ajillo
At Happy Home Paradise’s Restaurant or in their own kitchens, you can learn how to create Seafood Ajillo in the style of the locals.
In order to make the Seafood Ajillo, you’ll need the following:
- A Tiger Prawn is included in the package.
- Octopus that is alone by itself
- There are also scallops.
Seafood Pizza
The villagers in Happy Home Paradise can teach you how to create Seafood Pizza at home or in the restaurant.
To make the Seafood Pizza, gather the ingredients and tools listed below:
- 3-Cup Measurement for Flour
- A Tiger Prawn is included in the package.
- Manila clams, two
Seafood Salad
In Happy Home Paradise, you may find out how the locals cook a delectable seafood salad from the people who prepare it every day.
The Seafood Salad can be made with the following ingredients and supplies:
- Octopus that is alone by itself
- One Delightful Shrimp, Please!
Seaweed Soup
Nook’s Cranny has the recipe for Seaweed Soup, which you may unlock by visiting Basic Cooking Recipes.
To prepare Seaweed Soup, you’ll need the following ingredients:
- Kelp comes in two varieties: edible and toxic.
Snack Bread
In Happy Home Paradise, you can learn how to make Snack Bread at home or in a restaurant.
ingredients and supplies needed for the making of snack bread:
- 3-Cup Measurement for Flour
- Sugar should not exceed one teaspoon per serving.
Spaghetti Marinara
In Happy Home Paradise, you can learn how to make Spaghetti Marinara from locals who prepare it at home or in the restaurant.
You’ll need the following to create Spaghetti Marinara:
- 3-Cup Measurement for Flour
- Tomatoes that have been pulverized
Spaghetti Napolitan
Visit Happy Home Paradise or the Restaurant to learn how to cook Spaghetti Napolitan.
To prepare a Spaghetti Napolitan, follow these steps:
- 3-Cup Measurement for Flour
- Tomatoes that have been pulverized
Squid-Ink Curry
When you’ve caught a squid, you’ve gained access to the Squid-Ink Curry Recipe for Home Cooking.
In order to prepare Squid-Ink Curry, gather the following materials and tools:
- 3-Cup Measurement for Flour
- Octopus that is alone by itself
Squid-Ink Spaghetti
Squid-Ink Spaghetti is a simple home-cooking recipe that can be unlocked by catching a squid.
The following objects and resources can be used to create Squid-Ink Spaghetti:.
- 3-Cup Measurement for Flour
- Octopus that is alone by itself
Sugar’s Homemade Cooking Recipe is available by default.
You’ll need these items and supplies to manufacture Sugar.
- This batch has five sugarcanes.
Tomates Al Ajillo
Make Tomates Al Ajillo from the people in Happy Home Paradise, whether they’re cooking at home or dining out.
To create the Tomates Al Ajillo, you will need the following materials and ingredients.
- Three cherry tomatoes
Tomato Bagel Sandwich
It’s possible to find the ingredients for a Tomato Bagel Sandwich Recipe at Happy Home Paradise Restaurant or in the homes of the villagers themselves.
A Tomato Bagel Sandwich requires the following ingredients:
- The Flour is 2 Tablespoons.
- Three cherry tomatoes
Tomato Curry
You’ll automatically be given access to the Tomato Curry Homemade Cooking Recipe.
Tomato Curry can be made with the help of the items and ingredients listed below:
- 3-Cup Measurement for Flour
- Three cherry tomatoes
Tomato Puree
The recipe for Tomato Puree from the Basic Cooking Recipes book can be found for free at Nook’s Cranny.
You’ll need the following ingredients to produce Tomato Puree:
- Three cherry tomatoes
Turnip Salad
You can now make Daisy Mae’s Turnip Salad at home!
The following items and equipment can be used to prepare a tasty Turnip Salad:
- a turnip’s worth
- Tomatoes, 1
Veggie Crepe
You may get the recipe for Veggie Crepe in Happy Home Paradise from villagers who cook at home or in the Restaurant.
Make the Veggie Crepe using these ingredients and supplies:.
- The Flour is 2 Tablespoons.
- Tomatoes, 1
- 1 Orange-colored Carrot
Veggie Quiche
Find out how to make Veggie Quiche from the residents of Happy Home Paradise who are either making it at home or working in the restaurant there.
The following goods and supplies will go into making the Veggie Quiche.
- Whole Wheat White Flour, 1 Tablespoon
- A spud of any kind
- 1 Orange-colored Carrot
Veggie Sandwich
In Happy Home Paradise, villagers who cook at home or in the Restaurant can unlock the DIY Cooking Recipe for Veggie Sandwich.
For the Veggie Sandwich, you will need the following:
- The Flour is 2 Tablespoons.
- Tomatoes, 1
- Please, as many carrots as you want.
Whole-Wheat Flour
In the Basic Cooking Recipes book, you’ll find a DIY recipe for whole-wheat flour that you can find at Nook’s Cranny.
For making Whole-Wheat Flour, you will need the following:
- 5 ounces of wheat
Sweet Cooking DIY Recipes List
Animal Crossing: New Horizons’ “Sweet” area’s DIY Recipes include 55 different options!
Apple Jelly
You can receive the recipe for Apple Jelly whether you make it at home or at a local restaurant in Happy Home Paradise.
Ingredients and equipment needed to make apple jelly include:
- Apple earbuds
Apple Pie
Unlock the recipe for Apple Pie from the villagers or the restaurant in Happy Home Paradise.
You’ll need the following ingredients and equipment to prepare an apple pie:
- 3-Cup Measurement for Flour
- 2 tsp. granulated sugar
- Apple earbuds
Apple Smoothie
From the villagers who cook at home or in the Restaurant, you can get the recipe for Apple Smoothie.
Apple Smoothie requires the following components:
- Apple earbuds
Apple Tart
Apple Tart can be found in the restaurant of Happy Home Paradise, or by the locals themselves.
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You’ll need the following materials and tools to make an Apple Tart:
- Whole Wheat White Flour, 1 Tablespoon
- Sugar should not exceed one teaspoon per serving.
- a solitary bit of food
Brown-Sugar Cupcakes
Nook’s Cranny’s Basic Cooking Recipe book has a recipe for Brown Sugar Cupcakes.
The following ingredients are required to create Brown Sugar Cupcakes:
- There is 1 cup of whole-wheat pastry flour required in the following recipe.
- Sugar made from the ground up
Brown-Sugar Pound Cake
Unlock the Brown-Sugar Pound Cake DIY Cooking Recipe from the villagers who cook at home or in the restaurant in Happy Home Paradise.
The following ingredients can be used to make Brown-Sugar Pound Cake.
- The Flour is 2 Tablespoons.
- Sugar made from the ground up
Cake Salé
Learn how to create Cake Salé from the residents of Happy Home Paradise, whether they’re doing it at home or in a restaurant there already.
There are only a few materials and supplies needed to make this Cake Salé.
- The Flour is 2 Tablespoons.
- Please, as many carrots as you want.
- A spud of any kind
Carrot Cake
Nook’s Cranny offers the Carrot Cake recipe from the Basic Cooking Recipes book for free.
Ingredients and equipment needed to make carrot cake include the ones listed below:
- Whole Wheat White Flour, 1 Tablespoon
- Sugar should not exceed one teaspoon per serving.
- Please, as many carrots as you want.
Carrot Juice
Carrot juice is simple to prepare if you ask the residents of Happy Home Paradise, and you may learn how to do it at home or at the restaurant.
Carrot Juice can only be made with these materials and supplies.
- Only two carrots are allowed.
Carrot Scones
Get the recipe for Carrot Scones from villagers cooking at home or in the Restaurant in Happy Home Paradise.
The following is a list of ingredients and equipment required to prepare carrot scones.
- 2 cups of whole wheat flour is a minimum.
- Sugar should not exceed one teaspoon per serving.
- Only two carrots are allowed.
Cherry Jelly
People in Happy Home Paradise can teach you how to create Cherry Jelly at the Restaurant or in your own kitchen.
Cherry Jelly can be made with the help of the resources and equipment listed below:
- top it up with a cherry
Cherry Pie
Unlock the Cherry Pie DIY Cooking Recipe in Happy Home Paradise by interacting with villagers who cook at home or in the Restaurant.
This List of Ingredients and Tools Will Help You Make A Cherry Pie:
- 3-Cup Measurement for Flour
- 2 tsp. granulated sugar
- top it up with a cherry
Cherry Smoothie
If you’re in Happy Home Paradise, you can either make your own Cherry Smoothie from scratch, or you can get it from the restaurant.
In order to make the Cherry Smoothie, you will need the following:
- There are a few things you’ll need to make the Cherry Smoothie.
Cherry Tart
Cooking at home or in a restaurant will help you get the recipe for Cherry Tart.
The following ingredients and supplies are needed to make this Cherry Tart:
- Whole Wheat White Flour, 1 Tablespoon
- Sugar should not exceed one teaspoon per serving.
- cherry
Coconut Cookies
Unlock the recipe for Coconut Cookies in Happy Home Paradise from the villagers who cook at home or in the restaurant.
Make Coconut Cookies with the ingredients listed below.
- Whole Wheat White Flour, 1 Tablespoon
- Sugar should not exceed one teaspoon per serving.
- Apart from the rest of the group
Coconut Milk
Obtain the recipe for Coconut Milk in Happy Home Paradise by cooking with the villagers at home or at the Restaurant.
Coconut Milk can be made with the following ingredients:
- A serving of two ounces
Coconut Pancakes
The people in Happy Home Paradise create delicious Coconut Pancakes, and you can learn how to make them, too.
In order to make the Coconut Pancakes, you will need the following:
- The Flour is 2 Tablespoons.
- 2 tsp. granulated sugar
- A serving of two ounces
Coconut Pudding
You can learn how to make Coconut Pudding from the locals in Happy Home Paradise, either at home or in the Restaurant.
This Coconut Pudding can be made with the ingredients listed below:
- Sugar should not exceed one teaspoon per serving.
- A serving of two ounces
In Happy Home Paradise, you have the option of making your own cookies from scratch or using a recipe from a local resident’s kitchen.
To prepare the cookies, you’ll need the following ingredients and supplies:
- Whole Wheat White Flour, 1 Tablespoon
- Sugar should not exceed one teaspoon per serving.
Frosted Cookies
The residents in Happy Home Paradise gave you the recipe for frosted cookies, which you may use to make them at home or in a restaurant.
Cookies can be frosted with the following ingredients and tools:
- Whole Wheat White Flour, 1 Tablespoon
- 2 tsp. granulated sugar
Frosted Pretzels
Happy Home Paradise homeowners can teach you to create frosted pretzels, either in their kitchens or in the restaurant.
Gather the following supplies and equipment to make the Frosted Pretzels:
- Whole Wheat White Flour, 1 Tablespoon
- 2 tsp. granulated sugar
Fruit Cupcakes
It’s possible to get a recipe for fruit cupcakes in Happy Home Paradise by talking to restaurant staff.
Fruit Cupcakes require the following ingredients and supplies:
- Whole Wheat White Flour, 1 Tablespoon
- a solitary bit of food
- a solitary orange.
- Pears in one piece.
- a solitary piece of peach fruit
- cherry
Fruit Scones
Watch the villagers in Happy Home Paradise cook Fruit Scones at home or in the restaurant to learn how.
To create the Fruit Scones, you’ll need the following ingredients and supplies:
- The Flour is 2 Tablespoons.
- a solitary bit of food
- a solitary orange.
- Pears in one piece.
- a solitary piece of peach fruit
- cherry
Fruit-Topped Pancakes
Gather ingredients from the villagers to make Fruit-Topped Pancakes in your own kitchen or in a restaurant in Happy Home Paradise.
To prepare the Fruit-Topped Pancakes, you’ll need the following ingredients:
- The Flour is 2 Tablespoons.
- a solitary bit of food
- a solitary orange.
- Pears in one piece.
- a solitary piece of peach fruit
- cherry
Mixed-Fruits Crepe
From villagers cooking at home or at the Restaurant in Happy Home Paradise, you can learn the DIY Cooking Recipe for Mixed-Fruit Crepes.
You’ll need the following supplies and equipment to make the Mixed-Fruit Crepe:
- The Flour is 2 Tablespoons.
- a solitary bit of food
- a solitary orange.
- Pears in one piece.
- a solitary piece of peach fruit
- cherry
Mixed-Fruits Pie
Visit Happy Home Paradise’s restaurant or your own kitchen to learn how to create a Mixed Fruit Pie from a local chef.
There are a few things you’ll need to get started making the Mixed-Fruit Pie:
- 3-Cup Measurement for Flour
- a solitary bit of food
- a solitary orange.
- Pears in one piece.
- a solitary piece of peach fruit
- cherry
Mixed-Fruits Tart
In Happy Home Paradise’s Restaurant or in your own kitchen, you can learn how to make a Mixed-Fruits Tart from a local chef who lives nearby.
For the Mixed-Fruit Tart, below are the ingredients and equipment:
- Whole Wheat White Flour, 1 Tablespoon
- a solitary bit of food
- a solitary orange.
- Pears in one piece.
- a solitary piece of peach fruit
- cherry
Orange Jelly
Unlock the Orange Jelly DIY Cooking Recipe from the locals in Happy Home Paradise’s Restaurant or at their homes.
This is what you need to make the orange jelly:
- A pair of bright orange sneakers.
Orange Pie
In Happy Home Paradise, you can learn how to make Orange Pie from locals who are either baking it themselves or serving it up in the restaurant.
An orange pie can be made by using the following materials and equipment:
- 3-Cup Measurement for Flour
- 2 tsp. granulated sugar
- A pair of bright orange sneakers.
Orange Pound Cake
Orange Pound Cake DIY Cooking Recipe in Happy Home Paradise can be unlocked from local villagers who prepare food at home or in a restaurant.
For the Orange Pound Cake, you’ll need the following ingredients and supplies:
- The Flour is 2 Tablespoons.
- Sugar should not exceed one teaspoon per serving.
- A pair of bright orange sneakers.
Orange Smoothie
There are villagers in Happy Home Paradise who can teach you how to create an Orange Smoothie, whether you’re making it yourself or ordering it from a local restaurant.
For the Orange Smoothie, these are the ingredients:
- A pair of bright orange sneakers.
Orange Tart
You can find a recipe for an Orange Tart in Happy Home Paradise by talking to the villagers who are either cooking at home or in the restaurant.
The following ingredients and supplies are needed to make an Orange Tart:
- Whole Wheat White Flour, 1 Tablespoon
- Sugar should not exceed one teaspoon per serving.
- a solitary orange.
You’ll automatically be given access to a recipe for pancakes.
Pancakes can be made with the following materials and supplies:
- The Flour is 2 Tablespoons.
- 2 tsp. granulated sugar
Peach Jelly
The people of Happy Home Paradise can teach you how to create Peach Jelly in the Restaurant or in your own kitchen.
It’s possible to make Peach Jelly with the following components and supplies:
- Peach
Peach Pie
The Peach Pie DIY Cooking Recipe may be unlocked in Happy Home Paradise by villagers cooking at home or in the Restaurant.
You’ll need the following supplies and objects to make a Peach Pie.
- 3-Cup Measurement for Flour
- 2 tsp. granulated sugar
- Peach
Peach Smoothie
From a local chef at Happy Home Paradise’s Restaurant or one of the villager’s homes, you can learn how to make a Peach Smoothie.
The following ingredients and equipment are needed to make a Peach Smoothie:
- Peach
Peach Tart
Those who live in Happy Home Paradise can teach you how to create Peach Tart at home or in a restaurant.
You’ll need the following materials and equipment to create a Peach Tart:
- Whole Wheat White Flour, 1 Tablespoon
- Sugar should not exceed one teaspoon per serving.
- a solitary piece of peach fruit
Pear Jelly
It’s possible to produce your own Pear Jelly in Happy Home Paradise using just ingredients that can be found in the local villagers’ homes or restaurants.
These ingredients are needed to prepare pear jelly:
- There are two pears in this dish.
Pear Pie
It’s possible to locate a recipe for Pear Pie in Happy Home Paradise that uses only local products.
To make the Pear Pie, start by preparing the following ingredients:
- 3-Cup Measurement for Flour
- 2 tsp. granulated sugar
- There are two pears in this dish.
Pear Smoothie
Unlock the Pear Smoothie DIY Cooking Recipe at Happy Home Paradise from villagers who cook at home or in the Restaurant.
In order to make the Pear Smoothie, gather the following materials and tools:
- There are two pears in this dish.
Pear Tart
Cooking at home or in the Restaurant in Happy Home Paradise unlocks the Pear Tart DIY Cooking Recipe.
The following materials and equipment can be used to make a Pear Tart:
- Whole Wheat White Flour, 1 Tablespoon
- Sugar should not exceed one teaspoon per serving.
- Pears in one piece.
Plain Cupcakes
Happy Home Paradise’s DIY Cooking Recipe for Plain Cupcakes can be unlocked either cooking at home or in a restaurant.
You’ll need the following to create Plain Cupcakes:
- Whole Wheat White Flour, 1 Tablespoon
- Sugar should not exceed one teaspoon per serving.
Plain Scones
Learn how to bake scones like the ones served in villagers’ homes and restaurants by visiting Happy Home Paradise.
Plain Scones can be made with the following ingredients and supplies:
- The Flour is 2 Tablespoons.
- Sugar should not exceed one teaspoon per serving.
Pound Cake
Villagers and staff at Happy Home Paradise’s Restaurant can teach you how to bake pound cake the old-fashioned way.
You’ll need the following to prepare the Pound Cake:
- The Flour is 2 Tablespoons.
- Sugar should not exceed one teaspoon per serving.
Happy Home Paradise has a restaurant where you can make your own pretzels, thus unlock the recipe by doing so.
To create the pretzels, you’ll need the following:
- Whole Wheat White Flour, 1 Tablespoon
- Sugar should not exceed one teaspoon per serving.
Pumpkin Cupcakes
In Happy Home Paradise, you may either learn how to bake Pumpkin Cupcakes at home or in the restaurant from the locals how to do it.
To create the pumpkin cupcakes, you’ll need the following materials and supplies:
- Whole Wheat White Flour, 1 Tablespoon
- Sugar should not exceed one teaspoon per serving.
- a pair of orange pumpkins
Pumpkin Pound Cake
Find out how to create Pumpkin Pound Cake at home or in the restaurant in Happy Home Paradise by watching the cooks.
To prepare the Pumpkin Pound Cake, you’ll need the following ingredients and equipment:
- The Flour is 2 Tablespoons.
- Sugar should not exceed one teaspoon per serving.
- a pair of orange pumpkins
Pumpkin Scones
At Happy Home Paradise, villagers who cook at home or in the Restaurant can unlock the DIY Cooking Recipe for Pumpkin Scones.
Gather the following materials and equipment before you begin baking the pumpkin scones:
- 2 cups of whole wheat flour is a minimum.
- Sugar should not exceed one teaspoon per serving.
- a pair of orange pumpkins
Roost Sablé Cookie
You can get the recipe for Roost Sablé Cookie at home if you buy a cup of coffee from Brewster five days in a row.
The following ingredients are required to prepare the Roost Sablé Cookie:
- Whole Wheat White Flour, 1 Tablespoon
- 2 tsp. granulated sugar
Spooky Cookies
Recipes for Halloween-themed cookies that can be made at home or with the help of Jack-o-Lanterns or balloons.
To make the Spooky Cookies, combine the materials and supplies listed below in the following order:
- Whole Wheat White Flour, 1 Tablespoon
- 1 Orange-colored Carrot
- A single yellow pumpkin can be found.
- white squash in a single piece
- In its original form, there is only one pumpkin.
Sugar Crepe
Villagers in Happy Home Paradise can help you unlock the recipe for Sugar Crepe by cooking at home or in the restaurant.
Using the following ingredients and supplies, make a Sugar Crepe:
- The Flour is 2 Tablespoons.
- 2 tsp. granulated sugar
Thumbprint Jam Cookies
In Happy Home Paradise, you can learn how to make Thumbprint Jam Cookies from locals who are either baking them at home or serving them in the restaurant.
These Thumbprint Jam Cookies call for the following ingredients and equipment:
- Whole Wheat White Flour, 1 Tablespoon
- Sugar should not exceed one teaspoon per serving.
Tomato Juice
Unlock the DIY Tomato Juice Recipe from the villagers who cook at home or in the Restaurant facility in Happy Home Paradise.
For Tomato Juice, the following are required:
- 2 Garlic Cloves
Veggie Cookies
Residents of Happy Home Paradise can teach you how to bake Veggie Cookies in their kitchens or at the restaurant.
Combine the following ingredients and tools to make the Veggie Cookies.
- Whole Wheat White Flour, 1 Tablespoon
- Sugar should not exceed one teaspoon per serving.
- Tomatoes, 1
- Please, as many carrots as you want.
- 1 Orange-colored Carrot
Veggie Cupcakes
This recipe can be found by making Veggie Cupcakes at home or in Happy Home Paradise Restaurant.
Ingredients and supplies needed to make Veggie Cupcakes:
- Whole Wheat White Flour, 1 Tablespoon
- Sugar should not exceed one teaspoon per serving.
- Tomatoes, 1
- Please, as many carrots as you want.
- A spud of any kind
How do you find DIY recipes to craft?
- Messages in bottles can be found on the beach.
- You can shoot down (as many as you want) floating balloons.
- Try to sneak up on your neighbors while they’re busy manufacturing something in their own homes by coincidence…
- Amiibo Cards can be used to attract new guests to your campground (randomised)
How do you get a lot of DIY recipes in Animal Crossing New Horizons?
To ensure that everyone on your island has an equal opportunity to learn a new recipe each day, a Message Bottle will be placed in the hands of each participant. Another technique to get a large number of recipes is to use auxiliary accounts to search for and then drop new recipes for the primary character.
Is there a way to get specific recipes in Animal Crossing?
Basic Cooking Recipes can be purchased at Nook’s Cranny for 4,980 Bells, allowing you to expand your collection of Cooking DIY Recipes. Among the new dishes you’ll be able to sample are Carrot Cake, Organic Bread, and Seaweed Soup, among others
Our Animal Crossing: New Horizons guide contains a Complete Fish List as well as complete listings of fish, bugs, and sea creatures. It’s possible to catch everything from a Coelacanth to a Giant Trevally to a Stringfish to a Golden Trout with our assistance if you’re seeking for something special. All of these creatures will be gone by the end of the month, save for those found on our Kapp’n’s Boat Tour islands.
How to Make Bells in Record Time Tips on Flower Breeding and Homemade Recipes Discover out how to use the Star Wand, Tool Ring, Rock Trick, and more on Harv’s Island. You’ll also learn how to upgrade Nook’s Cranny, where to find characters like Gulliver and Pirate Gulliver and Jack, and how to use amiibos. In this course, you’ll learn how to back up your island data, travel back in time, and more.
Gyroids, Brewster’s Café unlocking or using a new Pro Camera App to capture self-portraits, or enacting new laws or acquiring the Froggy Chair are all things we can assist you with.
Here are links to both the Nintendo Switch version of Animal Crossing: New Horizons and the Happy Home Paradise DLC.
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