There are few things more frustrating for a gamer than starting up their preferred multiplayer game only to be met with unplayable lag.
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Every second counts in a multiplayer game, and lag can be the difference between winning and losing. Although lag can never be completely eliminated, there are ways to lessen its impact, and we’ll go over those here.
Bạn đang xem: How To Reduce Ping In All Games Update 03/2025
To better your experience when playing with others or checking out a game streaming service, or even just to increase your chances of winning, read on for some helpful hints on how to decrease the amount of lag you experience in-game.
What Is Ping?
Ping and lag are often used interchangeably, but they refer to entirely different phenomena.
While ping is a network tool specifically developed to measure latency, lag is shorthand for delay.
The name “ping” comes from sonar terminology; you’ve probably seen a radar “ping” an object’s location in a game or a film, and the software measures the amount of time it takes for one device to communicate with another device (typically a server).
Although your computer doesn’t actually broadcast radio waves, it does communicate with other machines by sending “echo request” packets and then waiting for their responses. Ping makes sense as a name for the program after reading this.
To measure how long it took for the “echo” to return to your device after sending an echo request packet, we use a unit of measurement called latency, which is measured in milliseconds. A question about your ping actually refers to your latency.
The reason that high latency is bad for online gaming is obvious: it causes you to receive data after your opponents, making you appear to move at a slower rate than they do.
So, how can you lessen the lag time between your input and output?
How to measure ping speed, the most widely used online speed test (fun fact: Speedtest was even featured in one of the Iron Man films), can be used to measure the lag time of your internet connection. Pings below 20 milliseconds are considered excellent, while those above 150 milliseconds may cause noticeable lag.
Even if you have the most powerful gaming PC, you’ll be at a disadvantage in online competition if your ping is too high and your actions take too long compared to those of your opponents.
The Causes Of High Ping
You could be forgiven for assuming that the term “high ping” refers to brisk movement. To the contrary, this is the case. A ping is the sound made by a signal as it rebounds off a target and returns to its source.
In this context, a high ping means that this action is taking longer than desired. Ping can be either low or high depending on a few different factors:
Internet Speed
The pace at which you can engage in online activities depends on how fast your internet is. How much information can be sent and received simultaneously is directly proportional to the network’s speed, which is expressed in Mbps.
Network Congestion
Ping can increase if your internet connection is slow because of the large number of users or devices sharing the network. The middle of the day, when many people at once attempt to access the internet, can be extremely busy for networks.
Amount Of Data
Ping results can vary depending on the tasks you’re attempting to complete. When engaging in bandwidth-intensive pursuits like online gaming or video conferencing, a noticeable increase in ping time is likely to be noticed.
Outdated Equipment
Ping can also be affected by using antiquated hardware or software such as computers, routers, or programs. See if there is anything that needs updating and do so.
Lag can be very annoying when you’re trying to have a conversation or finish a task in a game. Fortunately, there are a few options for dealing with the problem and reducing ping, which may lead to faster progress toward a more harmonious environment.
How To Reduce Ping In All Games
A Wired Ethernet Connection Is Always Better
It’s easy to forget that before the advent of Wi-Fi, PCs were limited to using wired connections. Of course, Wi-Fi has its advantages, but it also comes with a few drawbacks. One of these is delay, or latency.
In the first place, Wi-Fi is constantly battling interference from other sources, such as other routers and other wireless devices in the area. In addition, walls can greatly increase your latency because the wireless signal has to travel through them.
A wired connection, on the other hand, is not affected by this kind of noise and is thus much quicker. In order to use a wired connection, you don’t need to spend extra money on an expansion card because every modern motherboard has at least one Ethernet port built in.
If you’re experiencing lag, trying switching to a wired connection may help. If it doesn’t, then there’s probably some other issue contributing to the delay.
Improving Your WiFi Connection
There are several methods by which a wireless connection can be strengthened if a wired one cannot be established on a personal computer.
A first option is to switch your modem/router to the 5G band. Because of its higher operating frequency (5 GHz), this band will experience less interference than the more common 2.4 GHz band.
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The 5 GHz signal has the advantage of being less affected by obstructions, but it has a shorter range.
A Wi-Fi extender is a useful device to have if you are located too far from your router. Nonetheless, there are a few other things you can try before shelling out the cash for Wi-Fi extenders or 5G modems.
What about this?
- Get that computer nearer the wireless router. Obviously, the PC’s signal strength will improve the closer it is to the router.
- Lessen the number of roadblocks. By “fewer walls,” we mean fewer obstacles for the signal to overcome on its way to its destination. We’re not suggesting you break down walls in your house, but it may help if you relocate your computer so that fewer obstacles stand between it and your wireless access point.
- You can free up bandwidth by lowering the number of connected devices. Only people who share their homes with other people, such as in a family or a roommate situation, will run into this problem. Multiple devices streaming high-definition or ultra-high-definition video will likely have a negative impact on your internet speed and latency because of the increased demand for the network’s resources.
Turn Off Background Software And Updates
In 2022, nearly everything and everyone appears to have an online presence, and we’ve already discussed how competition from other devices can quickly drain available bandwidth. But what if your personal computer is the bottleneck?
It’s possible that your latency will be affected by a number of different programs and applications, especially if you’re using a slow internet connection and they’re all updating or communicating with a server.
In the event that Steam is the offending program, it is recommended that you navigate to the program’s settings and then click “Downloads,” where the box labeled “Allow downloads during gameplay” should be unchecked. The use of a torrent client might also interfere with your gaming experience, so disabling it is recommended.
Also, if your CPU has a low core count, your RAM is limited, or you’re using a hard disk drive (HDD) as your primary storage device, it’s best to keep the amount of background activity to a minimum while playing games.
Avoid VPNs
A virtual private network (VPN) has many potential benefits when conducting online activities, but it is not recommended for use while playing online video games.
Using a virtual private network (VPN) means that your connection will always go through a VPN server before reaching the game server. This can cause noticeable lag if the VPN server is located far from you and the game server.
It goes without saying that if you’re using a VPN service, you can simply disable it while gaming. It may be annoying to have to manually turn it on and off all the time, but doing so is essential if you want to reduce lag while playing.
Keep Your PC Free From Viruses
Inevitably, the ever-present danger of viruses must be mentioned when discussing methods for increasing a computer’s processing speed. If your computer is running slowly and your connection is sluggish, it is possible that a virus or other malware is to blame.
Having a reliable anti-malware program installed and performing regular scans is essential for keeping your computer secure from malware such as viruses, trojans, spyware, and the like.
However, anti-malware programs can be resource-intensive on their own, so they are high on the list of those background processes that you would want to turn off while playing games, especially on a weaker PC.
Turn Off Windows Auto-Update and Location Services
We’re all aware of how Windows has a nasty habit of demanding that you install updates at the worst possible times. Simply navigate to Settings > Updates & Security > Windows Update > Advanced Options if you don’t want Windows 10 to automatically download updates and use up your bandwidth.
You can temporarily halt updates by using the drop-down menu under the “Pause Updates” section. You’ll have to go through this process once a month or so, though, because updates are automatically enabled on the date you’ve chosen.
In addition, the Windows Location service consumes a lot of data, but it can be disabled if necessary.
You can toggle Location on or off by going to Settings > Privacy > Location and selecting the appropriate setting there.
Restart Your Modem/Router
Latency is no match for the tried-and-true “turning it off and on again” solution.
Rebooting your modem/router on occasion will clear out the DNS cache and refresh your connection. Also, it helps whether you’re hardwired or wirelessly connected because it resets your IP and reconnects you to your Internet service provider.
However, modems, like any other piece of hardware, become obsolete over time and will eventually need to be replaced. As was previously mentioned, it may be wise to invest in a dedicated gaming modem that supports the 5G band.
Talk To Your ISP
If you’re having issues with your internet connection, it may not be your computer at all, but rather your ISP. It’s possible that your ISP’s network is being overloaded, causing significant speed drops and latency spikes at certain times of the day (like the early evening).
It’s possible that you’re receiving subpar service without ever being made aware of the discrepancy; after all, the business likely won’t do anything unless you specifically request it.
There are many things to think about if you suspect your internet service provider is at fault, including the ISP’s general reputation, the slowdown pattern (as mentioned above), the number of local internet users, the type of connection, and so on.
It goes without saying that a fiber optic connection is the best you can get at the moment if you decide to switch to a different ISP and choose a new internet package.
If it’s out of your price range or not available in your area, alternatives like cable or ADSL will still suffice for the vast majority of users. For obvious reasons, satellite connections have the highest latency and are the least stable, so it’s best to avoid them if at all possible.
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Ultimately, it is up to you to determine which type of connection and which ISP will provide you with a fast and stable connection that can meet your requirements, given that there are so many factors that will inevitably vary based on where you live.
Pick The Right Game Server
Major online games typically have dedicated servers in multiple regions. In order to minimize latency, it goes without saying that you should always choose the region that is geographically closest to your location.
Peer-to-Peer hosting, in which players’ devices communicate with each other rather than with a central server, is used by some games that don’t have dedicated servers.
There are advantages to using a P2P host, such as increased stability for lower-populated games, but also significant drawbacks to consider.
First and foremost, it’s challenging to keep a large number of players synchronized; if even a single player is experiencing a slow connection, it could ruin the entire game for everyone else.
If you’re experiencing lag while playing a specific game, you may want to investigate the hosting situation. It’s possible that the slowdown is due to a subpar P2P connection or subpar dedicated servers. However, as was the case with the prior group, even a modest amount of investigation can yield significant results.
How to Lower Your Ping on Roblox
The first thing you should do when playing Roblox online is adjust the visual settings. If your PC isn’t up to snuff for high-resolution graphics, you might see a ping improvement by reducing the quality.
- To access the main menu, press the Escape key on your keyboard.
- Select Graphics to access the settings menu.
- The Graphics Mode should be switched from Automatic to Manual.
- Now that you know what to expect, try turning down some of the game’s settings and seeing how it goes.
If you can strike a balance between style and function, you should see an uptick in your ping times.
How to Lower Your Ping on Fortnite
If you’ve already done everything you can to ensure a stable connection to the game server, it’s time to look into the game settings that may improve your experience.
- To exit the game, use the keyboard’s Escape button.
- The next step is to select Preferences.
- You can adjust your game’s settings by selecting the cog-shaped icon in the main menu.
- Find the Matchmaking Region drop-down menu in the Language and Region menu.
- The regions you can use will appear on the right side of the screen. The latency is listed in parentheses next to each region’s name, and you should choose the one with the lowest value. You could, for instance, come across the following: north-northwest (52 degrees minutes seconds). The average ping time in the western part of North America is a respectable 52 milliseconds.
Then, once you’ve selected the region with the lowest ping, you can close the options menu and get back to the game.
How to Lower Your Ping on PS4
These steps will help you reduce ping time on your SONY PlayStation 4:
- Select Settings from the main menu.
- Choose Network.
- Click the Internet Connection Setup option.
- Choose your preferred network type (Wi-Fi or LAN) from the drop-down menu. For clarity, a local area network (LAN) is simply an office that uses an Ethernet cable for communication.
- Press the controller’s Option button after selecting your router from the list. Whether it operates at 5 GHz or 2.4 GHz can now be verified. A 5 GHz channel is the best option if your PS4 and router are in the same room. Otherwise, choose the 2.4 GHz frequency.
- Now, configure the following choices:
- Auto-Configure IP Addresses
- Do not specify a DNCP host name.
- Manually Configure DNS
- Changing the domain name system settings is the next step. These are location-specific, so adjust the following values as appropriate for your area:
- The Good Ol’ USA
Primary Domain Name Server:
It’s for the secondary DNS. - Europe
First-Priority Domain Name Server Address:
Subsequent Domain Name System Address:
- The Good Ol’ USA
- Finally, you can save your changes and leave the menu.
With these adjustments, your ping time should drop dramatically. To find out what to do if this is the case, read the introductory paragraph of this piece.
How to Lower Your Ping on Xbox
If your Xbox still has ping problems after you’ve followed the steps in the first section of this article, you may need to reset its network settings using a hard button. Here’s the procedure:
- To adjust how your Xbox connects to the internet, select “Network Settings” from the controller’s main menu.
- Select the Go offline button now.
- Watch for the console to go offline.
- After it goes offline, give it a few minutes to cool down.
- Once your Xbox has connected, you can go online by selecting Go online.
If you do this, the router will give your console a new address, resulting in a decrease in latency.
How to Lower Your Ping on a PC
If you’re using a PC, you should start by trying all of the solutions suggested in the first section of this article. Here’s something else to try if those don’t work.
Assuming you have a firewall, antivirus software, or both installed on your computer, whitelisting your favorite online games is a must. Because of this, game traffic between the client and server will be ignored by the firewall and/or antivirus software. This will lessen the frequency with which security scans are run, which could slow down your connection and cause your ping to rise.
How to Lower Your Ping in Valorant
There is not much you can do besides the things mentioned above if you are experiencing a high ping in Valorant. Go through all of them, but paying special attention to using the closest servers to your location.
How to Lower Your Ping in Minecraft
If you’re experiencing lag in Minecraft because of a high ping, turning down the graphics settings should help. If the high ping continues after changing the game settings, you know it’s not your connection.
- To adjust your video settings in-game, select Options from the main menu.
- Turn on Fast Graphics.
- After that, disable Smooth Lighting.
- It is highly recommended that Render Distance be drastically decreased.
- Change the maximum frame rate to 60.
If the stuttering has stopped, you can experiment with the visual options again to find a comfortable setting for your game.
Additional FAQ
What Does Lowering Ping Mean?
If you want to improve your gaming experience, one way to do so is to reduce your ping times, or the amount of time it takes for your computer to send and receive data from the server you’re connected to.
How Can I Reduce My Ping?
If you want to improve your connection speed and decrease your ping, you’re doing the latter. Several methods for lowering your ping have been discussed above. If you’re experiencing issues with your wireless connection, try repositioning your router or connecting it directly to your computer via Ethernet cable. In addition, it is recommended that you link up with regionally-specific or locally-based servers.
Why Is My Ping so High?
Poor Wi-Fi reception, network interference from nearby devices, or connecting to a server in a far-flung location are three of the most common causes of this problem. In addition, the game may occasionally stutter if the graphics settings are too high.
Is Higher Ping Better Than Lower Ping?
Absolutely not. How long it takes for your computer to send a signal to the server is indicated by a higher ping. Ping values will increase if the transaction takes longer than it should. That means that the time it takes for data to travel from your device to the server should be as short as possible.
The Final Word
And those are all the considerations to keep in mind if you play any multiplayer games and want to lower your ping and eliminate frustrating lag.
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