Since its first release in 2004, World of Warcraft has been the most popular MMO on the market. As a result of the game’s innovative level design, objectives, and engaging gameplay, more people than ever before are getting involved in the game’s vibrant community. Furthermore, there is enough content to keep players busy for thousands of hours and still discover new things in the game’s environment.
After a few weeks of play, it became evident that even though the game had a lot of material at launch, there is always room for more to be added. So Blizzard (the developers behind World Of Warcraft) has published a succession of expansion packs over the past few years, providing players even more reasons to keep returning.
Bạn đang xem: World Of Warcraft Expansions List – Ultimate Guide & Reviews Update 03/2025
1.The Wrath of the Lich King
Expansion 2 continued the tradition of capitalizing on Warcraft III’s success and popularity by centering around Arthas, who was crowned as the new Lich King following The Frozen Throne.
As expected, Northrend was introduced to Azeroth, making it a considerably more intriguing and diversified place than the cold wasteland that we had previously seen in the strategic game.
The Death Knight, the first ‘hero’ class, was introduced in this expansion, but no new races were added. Class-specific professions like Runeforging and their own instanced beginning zone in eastern Lordaeron were all firsts for this race. In terms of tanking and DPS, Death Knights were more popular than other classes.
The level cap was raised from 70 to 80, an increase of ten levels. Wrath of the Lich King brought a significant amount of PvP content, including two new battlegrounds, two new arenas, and Wintergrasp, the first dedicated world PvP zone, in addition to the typical new skills, talent system refinements, and new zones and dungeons.
Finally, the new profession of Inscription, which allowed players to produce special glyphs that would augment or otherwise alter particular skills when a glyph was ‘inscribed,’ was another key feature. Professionals working in this field also created temporary enchantments, as well as vellums that might hold enchantments for use in the future.
After Cataclysm, Azeroth’s in-game world was completely reshaped, as well as the game and its community as a whole. It was only logical that Blizzard would turn to some of the earlier Warcraft villains, and Deathwing was next in line for the chop.
Worgen and Goblins were added to Azeroth in Cataclysm as two new faction-specific races, each with their own unique starting zone. Azeroth’s familiar landscapes were eternally transformed by practically every zone being reworked or redesigned in this expansion, including the introduction of two new races. In addition to Tol Barad, two additional battlegrounds were made available, including one for PvP.
The maximum level has been raised again, this time by five levels, to 85, making it the highest level in the game. As well as overhauling all of the old classes, the talent system underwent a total makeover as well.
Archaeology was the only new profession included in Cataclysm, allowing players to find valuable artifacts. Vendor garbage was often found, but players might also find mounts, pets, vanity items as well as powerful gear.
To further enhance the utility of the gear, Cataclysm includes Reforging, which allows players to change the stat benefits of their gear. It also featured a new feature known as guild leveling, which allowed players to get additional benefits as their guilds progressed through the ranks. For the first time ever, players in Azeroth could now fly.
3.Mists of Pandaria
Due to its focus on a race that was first revealed as an April Fool’s joke, the fourth expansion was not well-received by fans of the game. The tale focuses on the discovery of the mystical island, as well as the ever-present conflict between the Alliance and the Horde on the new continent of Pandaria.
The expansion’s level maximum was raised by five further levels, bringing it up to a new all-time high of 90. Pandaria’s most notable feature is the Pandarens’ ability to join either the Alliance or the Horde based simply on their player’s personal preference.
Additionally, the Monk—a hybrid character that could fulfil the roles of tank, healer or DPS while wearing light armor with fist weapons and staves as weapons of choice—was introduced as the first new class since WotLK.
Once every 15 levels, players can now pick between three distinct abilities instead of having to rely on the old passive advantages that amounted to most of the old skill trees.
Small dungeons built for three players instead of the normal five were also featured in this expansion. Aside from that, 5-man dungeon challenge variants and three new PvP battlegrounds were added.
The Pet Battle System, a turn-based combat minigame based on companion pets, was another new innovation that elicited mixed views from some gamers.
4.Warlords of Draenor
When time travel is utilized as a story technique, many will agree that stories lose impact and writers lose credibility, especially if previous lore is retconned. In a way, Warlords of Draenor comes dangerously close to doing just that.
When Draenor was still whole, the key moment that decided the fate of the Orcish Horde is retold in World of Warcraft. Garrosh Hellscream is the wild card in this scenario, which focuses on what may have happened if the orcs had not forged a covenant with the Mannoroth.
The level cap was increased by ten points in the fifth expansion, making level 100 the maximum. The emphasis in WoD was on streamlining rather than adding new mechanics, therefore secondary stats were deleted and the Group Finder was created as a more efficient way to identify groups in both PvP and PvE.
The gameplay of Battlegrounds has also been improved, and both the inventory and the quest log have been simplified.
Garrisons and graphical improvements were two of the most major additions to the game in WoD. Players were allowed to customize their strongholds to their hearts’ content, but the game’s aesthetics received a much-needed upgrade with new character models and other little tweaks that helped World of Warcraft stay up with the times.
Also new in World of Warcraft are PvP zones Ashran and Skirmishes, which allow players of all skill levels to practice their PvP skills in a more relaxed setting. Both zones are accessible to all players, regardless of level.
Do you recall how Gul’dan met his end in the Tomb of Sargeras in the first place? The events of Warlords of Draenor have reopened it in the’main’ reality, thanks to Gul’dan, an alternate-reality character. There we have it: The major enemy of this story, Sargeras, has been introduced to Illidan’s Burning Legion and Illidan himself.
The Broken Isles are the latest addition to Azeroth’s landscape. In The Frozen Throne, Dalaran, which was originally in Northrend, is now in this region and serves as the game’s primary hub.
The level cap was increased from 100 to 110, and the Demon Hunter hero class was introduced. Although this new class could be used for both DPS and tanking (a hybrid like the Death Knight), only Night Elves and Blood Elves were allowed to join the ranks of Demon Hunters. We also created “Class Orders,” which give campaigns and prizes tailored to particular classes.
Artifact weapons were also included in the expansion, which scaled with the player’s level and served as the player’s primary weapon throughout Legion. This time around, the PvP system was streamlined even further, with the removal of PvP gear and the introduction of an honor system that allowed players to gain new skills instead of gear through the accumulation of honor points.
6.Battle for Azeroth
PvP was a major focus of the game’s first two expansions. Aside from PvP gameplay, Battle for Azeroth also places it at the heart of its narrative. Because the tale of BFA doesn’t focus around a world-destroying supervillain, we may say that this is a non-supervillain story. Instead, a multi-chapter War Campaign storyline focuses on the conflict between the Alliance and the Horde.
Eight new races are included in this update, four for each faction. However, some of these races are more like reskins of already existing races.
The Lightforged Draenei and Void Elves were added to the Alliance initially, while the Highmountain Tauren and Nightborne were added to the Horde’s roster during the Legion expansion for those who had pre-ordered the game. The Alliance later gained the Dark Iron Dwarves and the Kul Tiran people, while the Horde gained the Mag’har Orcs and the Zandalari Trolls.
Battlefield 4 now has a 120-level cap, an increase from the previous level of 110. Massive PvE scenarios modeled after the old Warcraft RTS games were introduced with the introduction of Warfronts.
Players may now turn off PvP on any realm type and the Honor system was reworked, as well as adding two new Arenas. Island Expeditions, a three-player scenario with a PvP component, were added as a PvE option.
WoW’s newest expansion, Shadowlands, focuses on the afterlife of the Warcraft universe. As expected, some of the franchise’s most well-known characters are revisited. However, it also offers one of the most significant overhauls since Cataclysm in terms of gameplay.
Starting with the game’s initial “level squeeze,” which reduces the maximum level from 120 to the original 60, downscaling numbers and shortening the experience, this is a welcome change.
As with previous expansions, Shadowlands brings new zones and dungeons to the game, but this time around the emphasis is on the Covenant system.
The four Covenants of Necrolord, Venthyr, Kyrianor, and Night Fae must be chosen by players as they go through Shadowlands content and reach level cap. Taking part in one of these campaigns will provide you special benefits and skills that will influence your gameplay.
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With the advent of Soulbinding as an additional layer of customization, the player’s skills can be further tailored to their preferences.
8. Burning Crusade
It’s understandable that the original WoW players have a special place in their hearts for this 2007 expansion, since it was the first. Blood Elves for the Horde and Draenei for the Alliance are introduced in this expansion. Illidan Stormrage and the “Warglaive” weapons, which players strove so hard to get, were inspired by the Hellfire Peninsula mythology. There were many fans eager to participate in the Black Temple, Zul’Aman’s Gods, and Sunwell’s Fury Raids.
Long-time players will remember this as one of the more rewarding expansion packs because of the challenging gameplay. A must-play for fans of the franchise, especially as many of those long ago elements helped shape the worlds in more contemporary plots. In addition, the new soundtrack and high-quality voice acting are still being talked about.
9.Mists of Pandaria (2012)
The introduction of a new class (the monk) and a new race (the troll) were two of the most anticipated improvements for the Mists of Pandaria expansion pack (the Pandaren). The genesis tale of the Pandaren is what sets them apart from other races. On April Fools’ Day, a game creator invented the Pandaren for Warcraft III, wanting to make something ridiculous and stupid for the game.
This would become an integral part of the in-game world, eventually making its way into discussions over its inclusion in World of Warcraft.. Because players can select between the Alliance and Horde, the Pandaren are unique in that they don’t automatically join one or the other from the start.
Challenge modes, a new way to play the game that motivates players to complete dungeons as quickly as possible in order to earn medals and incentives, were also added to the game. The Pet Battle System, a unique feature to the game, allows in-game pets that were previously used for non-combat purposes to engage in battle with one other.
Players were able to further modify their pet’s abilities through the introduction of a new class system for pets. As a result, the level cap has been raised to 90.
10. World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth (2018)
The overall level ceiling was raised from 110 to 120 in the Battle for Azeroth expansion, which also included two new continents. Allied races, formerly linked with only one group, have been incorporated into the game’s design, making it more fascinating than ever.
Once a quest chain has been completed, players will be able to recruit races that were once exiled or defected from their group to aid them.
In addition, the game’s system requirements have been increased. The majority of the game’s requirements can likely be met by a low-cost gaming PC. Raids, on the other hand, necessitate a more powerful gaming PC with a better CPU.
11. World of Warcraft Classic (2019)
Rather than being an expansion, World of Warcraft: Classic added new servers that allowed players to experience the game as it originally was. Newer players who haven’t yet had a chance to play the original Vanilla version of World of Warcraft can now do so thanks to these “Classic” servers.
After the 1.12.1 patch, you can play the game as it was in September of 2006, just before the Burning Crusades expansion was released.
What is World of Warcraft?
This online role-playing game (MMORPG) has been described as a cult favorite since its release in 2004. For Microsoft Windows and Mac OS, Blizzard has produced the game. It has a wide range of customization options, from character skins to pets, that make it appealing to gamers.
It has gotten increasingly difficult to play the game as it has evolved over time, often forgoing “maintenance” tasks like feeding pets in favor of exploring the worlds more thoroughly. A separate server for people who seek the most realistic old-school WoW experience was introduced by Blizzard this year, at the request of fans.
Players have always had the opportunity to purchase one of numerous expansion packs, each with its own unique theme and gameplay opportunities.
How much does WoW cost with all expansions?
Expansion packs can be purchased individually or as a bundle, and many gamers prefer to do so. As a newcomer to the game, this is especially true for expansion packs that were released after the game’s debut date. Unfortunately, this was predicted by Blizzard and they’ve now adjusted their pricing plan.
You had to buy the game and then pay $14.99 a month to play online with other people and access the server in the original version. When the expansions were published, you had to buy them as well. You no longer have to purchase the game outright; instead, you can choose to subscribe to it. You won’t have to pay for each expansion pack or server anymore. If you’ve never played the game before, you may sign up for this membership and access all of the available expansions for a low one-time price.
For Battle for Azeroth, the 2018 World of Warcraft expansion, you must buy it separately. In order to access these levels, you’ll need an active subscription. The ordinary and deluxe editions of this expansion are both available. There are more perks with the deluxe, such as:
- Mounts for the Primal Flamesaber and the Gilded Ravasaur
- Baby Tortollan pet named Tottle
- Emotes, speech lines, and player icons based on the Overwatch universe
- the card set Azeroth is on Fire
The difference between the ordinary and deluxe versions of the game, which includes these digital bonuses, is roughly $20. Both plans include a 30-day trial subscription.
Finally, all of the expansions for World of Warcraft that have been released thus far have been displayed here. It’s clear that the World of Warcraft of today is a far cry from the game of yesteryear, and the series of expansions and modifications is unlikely to come to an end very soon. As always, we’ll have to wait and see what Blizzard has up its sleeve for the next chapter in the series.
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