Anthem’s assassin class is best defined as the Interceptor. If things get out of hand, it has the ability to engage in combat and then retreat if necessary.
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While increasing your damage output is critical with the Interceptor, the limited health and armor of this javelin means that perfecting your movement is just as crucial.
Bạn đang xem: Anthem: Interceptor Javelin Guide. Is interceptor a good Javelin? Update 02/2025
To succeed in this job, players must learn to approach conflicts in a completely different way than the other classes do now that they have chosen this duty. The Interceptor is one of the most nimble javelins in the game, and this tutorial is here to help you get the most out of it.
Choosing Weapons
You must constantly be on the go if you want to succeed as the Interceptor. Your javelin-jumping and-dodging skills will soar as a result of this! Your weapon reload animation will be interrupted by both of these activities, therefore you’ll need guns with fast reload times and rates of fire.
We recommend bringing along SMGs or machine pistols as primary weapons because they have the fastest fire rates and can be reloaded quickly during combat.
The Interceptor’s quick approach to warfare will be bolstered by these new armaments.
Your secondary weapon can be an additional rapid-fire weapon like a shotgun, but don’t be frightened of using it when you’re alone with an enemy tanker.
The Interceptor relies heavily on its ability to move. That’s not the case with this javelin, which prefers to operate from the ground or in the air.
Almost all of your talents necessitate close-range combat. To maintain your health and armor, you must constantly move around the field with the Interceptor because of its brittle nature.
A constant awareness of your surroundings and landing in locations where you can be most effective will be crucial to your survival, as will landing in a safe place.
Make sure you’re in a position to easily take out smaller groups of attackers on your own, but you’ll have to rely on your colleagues to take out the larger ones.
Using Your Speed
The Interceptor’s heat meter fills the slowest of any javelin when flying, making it one of the most adaptable classes for positioning due to its longer dodge, swift turning speed, and triple leap.
While each of these skills has obvious advantages in combat, it’s possible that you won’t instantly see how you may put them to use.
While flying uses up a lot of your heat meter, using your triple jump allows you to get behind an enemy or behind cover far faster than you could if you were flying. This gives the user the ability to quickly reach previously inaccessible regions, something that other forms of javelins just cannot match.
Using Your Ultimate
You can charge your daggers with Assassin’s Blade, which allows you to attack faster and invincibly for a short period of time.
Using this ult will allow the Interceptor to amass an incredible number of kills without having to worry about taking any damage whatsoever.
When you’re trapped in a room full of adversaries with no way out, Assassin’s Blades comes in handy. As soon as you use your ult, you can start creating a road away from the conflict and killing any targets you come across.
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The Interceptor’s Ultimates are more flexible than those of other classes, allowing them to be utilized as a “get out of jail free” card or to deliver additional damage.
Know Your Role
When playing any class in Anthem, understanding the role of your javelin is crucial. The Interceptor’s primary objective is to inflict massive amounts of damage on mobs of adversaries and vulnerable targets.
To avoid being swamped by waves of opponents, keep an eye out for locations that can be cleaned up quickly.
The Interceptor’s role requires a constant balancing act between combat and evasion.
You can have a huge impact on battles without jeopardizing your life if you manage to establish a perfect balance between those two abilities.
In spite of the javelin’s low health and armor, mastering the Interceptor’s lightning-fast movements will ensure that your adversaries will never be able to catch up to you in the first place.
Pick guns that you can reload quickly
In order to get up up and personal with your foes, you’ll need weaponry that can do so, but be careful: reload speed is what really matters. Because of the Interceptor’s rapid mobility, reload speed is critical. It’s imperative that you keep moving at all times in order to avoid being hit by your foes. This includes jumping and dodging, which can cause a delay in reloading your weapons.
SMGs and machine pistols, as well as an assault rifle with rapid fire and reloading, are all excellent choices for the primary weapon slot. Things are a little more open for your backup weapon. A solid shotgun will be your best bet if you’re looking to add some extra oomph to your arsenal. For each encounter, you can use up all the ammo in your shotgun, then swap to your automatic weapon to finish the job. There will be plenty of time for you to reload your shotgun after the conflict is over.
Sometimes switching directions is better than flying
With a single flick of the wrist, the Interceptor may halt and restart its flight. In this case, you can stop flying and turn your character to change directions, rather than turning slowly like a normal javelin would. Whenever you take off in any of the javelins, some of your fuel is immediately consumed. The Interceptor, on the other hand, uses very little gasoline.
In practice, this makes the Interceptor faster than any other javelin, and it is especially adept at changing directions quickly when in a confined space. The Interceptor, unlike the other javelins, is able to change directions in a matter of seconds, unlike the other javelins. If you wish to use the Interceptor’s full speed, you’ll need to master this challenging talent.
Your ultimate is a great ” Get out of jail free” card
The Interceptor’s ultimate allows it to slash through adversaries with dual knives. Despite the fact that this talent can be used to inflict damage on both groups and individuals, it also provides additional benefits. As an example, the javelin’s ultimate can be an excellent way to escape out of trouble quickly because the Interceptor does everything up close and personal. As a result of its effectiveness, it shields you from all forms of attack while it is in effect. If you find yourself in over your head, use your ultimate to wipe out as many enemies as possible before escaping.
Dodging and jumping can be just as good as flying
In Anthem, most javelins must rely on rockets to reach out-of-the-way regions, but the Interceptor’s triple jump makes those leaps a breeze. The Interceptor is sometimes better suited jumping than flying due to this and its extremely lengthy dodge. Storm or Ranger may fly above an enemy’s head while an Interceptor sprints around it and arrives at its destination twice as fast when you need to reposition behind a shield to hit their weak area. When flying, use the increased height and distance to your advantage, and only use it when necessary.
Pick abilities that do things your guns can’t
Adding skills that compensate for the Interceptor’s deficiencies can be advantageous because the best weapons for the Interceptor are close range and fast reloading. A long-range, single-target ability on the Interceptor is a smart notion simply in case you need to deal with far-off threats. Plasma Star and Searching Glaive allow you to do a lot of damage at long range without sacrificing much in terms of short-range power.
Interceptor Combos
Because the Interceptor lacks long-range detonation abilities, most of your damage will be dealt point-blank to the target. Prioritise Components that increase your shield and armour capacity, ideally while enhancing your selected elemental priming assaults, as you’ll be battling at close range a lot. For the Interceptor, melee damage enhancements are always a good thing to have.
Combo hits grant Interceptor an aura that causes the primer’s effect to spread to foes in its vicinity. For example, it can be utilized aggressively or as a means of survival. ” Three distinct yet equally effective setups are presented here.
Acid state can be inflicted by Venom Bomb, which is a reliable primer (Acid reduces enemy resistances by a third). Use your incredibly effective spinning air melee strike to land and set off the combo after hurling the bomb. This is a great way to get rid of weak mobs.
If you’re playing the game solo and don’t want to spend too much time chopping up hordes of foes, this is an excellent set-up to use. If you’re facing epic foes or bosses, use the Venom Bomb in conjunction with Tempest Strike or the Venom Spray alone for even more devastating results.
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With the Cryo Glaive, you can only frost a small number of foes, but when you explode it, it gives you an ice aura. An interceptor can benefit from an icy aura since it prevents adversaries from causing harm. This construct may be useful in more difficult game types and strongholds, where the enemy’s damage output is greater and the stakes are higher. Use Tempest Strike to deal massive damage once more.
Interceptor play style
In some respects, the Interceptor is a paradoxical race. The dual knives and close combat specialization implies that they are a hero-assassinating rogue class, yet they really clear mobs well, and especially massive monsters like Titans and Stronghold bosses prefer to easily trample Interceptors at close range. A support role for Interceptors in these situations is employing combinations to remove monsters and applying status effects when appropriate to the boss.
You can use the status-freezing rally cry in co-ordinated play, but Target Beacon, which increases the target’s damage taken from all sources, should be your primary support system. A target that has both Target Beacon and Acid on it will take a ton of damage from you and your friends.
In order to be impenetrable and long-lasting, your ultimate locks you into melee strikes. When activated, this will deal damage to large bosses that would normally swat you down. It can also be used to get away from a potentially fatal situation. If you encounter a tough mob, don’t be afraid to use the super. It recharges swiftly. It is capable of destroying Epic and Legendary foes in a matter of seconds.
Interceptor abilities
Taking an ability that isn’t a primer or a detonator in Anthem isn’t worth it, which is bad news for the Interceptor’s attacks. Primers and detonators make up the bulk of this list, which I’ve arranged roughly in order of importance. My favorites from the 25 hours I’ve spent with the game so far are Venom Bomb, Cryo Glaive, Tempest Strike, and Venom Spray.
Several of the skill descriptions you see in the Forge are incorrect at the time of writing, so bear that in mind when reading this. As a bonus, there’s a good possibility you’ll see a lot of amazing drops on some of the less desirable talents.
Acid damage and the Acid status effect are dealt by the Venom Bomb primer. Intensely potent when facing massive numbers of weak adversaries You can receive an aiming reticule by holding down the button for a few seconds.
Frost damage is dealt by Cryo Glaive, a primer. Despite the ability’s description, I’ve only ever seen it hit two adversaries at a time (the official Anthem site also indicates this ability targets two enemies). Enemies are paralyzed and ready for a detonation with this strike.
An extremely strong detonator that’s difficult to target, the Spark Dash. It’s possible to fly off sideways and hit nothing because the Dash boosts the Interceptor’s direction rather than the camera’s.
An very powerful single-targeted throwing star known as the Searching Glaive. None of the above choices apply.
The Interceptor’s most worthless ability is the Cluster Mine. opponents must step right on them to set it off because it has neither priming or detonator. Damage can be dealt in a more efficient manner.
System of attack
Storm Strike: A powerful detonator that deals massive damage to a single target. Basically, you may utilize it from the air to bash down on your foes with this powerful melee assault.
Detonating Strike is not a detonator since Anthem is in many ways a disaster. With a very short range, it is an electrical primer. As a result, the Interceptor’s electrical aura can only be obtained this manner. An electricity aura you obtain from comboing off this weapon will zap nearby adversaries, and they in turn will do the same to their friends. Not the most efficient method of dealing with several opponents. Using this ability causes an adversary to explode, which is fun, but not as efficient as Venom Bombing a bunch of enemies with a Venom Bomb melee combo.
Venom Spray: A short-range acid shotgun blast that is extremely powerful. However, I’ve attempted repeatedly to test this on a few bosses to see if it causes the Acid status effect, and I couldn’t get it to work, although Venom Bomb always does. In any case, this strike completely depletes the health of its target. The Venom Spray is a good high-damage alternative if you don’t want to use Tempest Strike to destroy your combinations.
One enemy is hit by the projectile, and the next enemy closest to your target is also hit. No status effects are inflicted, and it is not a priming or a detonator, according to its description. Using Venom Spray instead of Wraith Strike will do a lot more damage and hit more targets if you’re close enough to utilize it.
There is no priming or detonator in Plasma Star, but you may lob a large number of them at a time and they deal a significant amount of damage to a single enemy. It’s not the most effective technique to deal damage to a single enemy, and it’s tedious and unrewarding to employ. Although it’s described as having some armour penetrating powers, I haven’t observed it to be any more successful against difficult opponents in practice.
List of Interceptor Abilities
Assault Systems
- Searching Glaive — A missile with a razor-sharp point that aims for the closest target.
- The Venom Bomb is a grenade that sprays acid on foes in its immediate vicinity when detonated.
- Target-locking projectile that, when it strikes a nearby target, instantly freezes it.
- A set of mines that detonate when they come into contact.
- Spark Dash: Use this ability to leave a trail of electricity behind you, damaging nearby enemies as you go.
Strike Systems
- As long as the victim is still alive while it is charged, Detonating Strike deals additional AOE damage.
- Plasma Star: A single-target shuriken with plasma infusion.
- Creates a wraith-like projection of the Interceptor that can be used to attack adversaries.
- Tempest Strike — Deal more damage to a single target while stunning nearby adversaries with this special attack.
- Inflicts corrosive acid damage on all opponents in its path.
Support Gear
- Target Beacon – Identifies a specific target so that further damage can be dealt to it.
- Rally Cry – Removes all adjacent allies’ status affects.
Melee Ability
- An endless flurry of stabs with the use of a double-bladed dagger.
Ultimate Ability
- Slashes through foes at great speeds and becomes invincible.
Is interceptor a good Javelin?
When it comes to fighting, the Interceptor is all about avoiding harm. As a result, it is also the fastest and least forgiving class in Anthem. Because the Interceptor’s abilities are primarily designed for usage at close range, you’ll need to remain in close proximity to your opponent at all times if you want to deliver damage.
Is the interceptor good Anthem?
The Anthem Interceptor Javelin is the obvious pick if you’re looking for speed. However, despite the fact that it can’t absorb much damage, its swift movement and fast attacks make it one of the most effective options in Anthem.
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