PvP mode in Pokemon Go, Battle League, is one of the most enjoyable ways to play the game. Taking on gamers from all across the world makes the competition even more heated and rewarding.
It’s critical to plan beforehand before every Battle League encounter with such a vast number of trainers and Pokemon.
Bạn đang xem: Pokemon Go: Battle League Tier List. The Gaming Guide Update 03/2025
A tier list comes in handy in this situation. Great League, Ultra League, and Master League each have their own rankings for best and worst Pokemon to utilize.
To encourage players to utilize Pokemon from both sides of the spectrum, the developers revealed that they divided PvP into three events. Pokémon of the Great League’s S-tier may not be as strong in other modes as those from the Great League (especially PvE content).
That being said, let’s move on to the Pokemon Go Battle League Tier List.
Great League Tier List
The Great League accepts Pokemon with 1,500 CP or more. This league can be accessed by anyone, regardless of rank or experience level.
Pokemon |
Azumarill |
Skarmory |
Altaria |
Galarian Stunkfish |
Venusaur |
Bastiodon |
Tropius |
Sableye |
Swampert |
Umbreon |
Registeel |
Meganium |
Deoxys (Defense) |
Hypno |
Pokemon |
Alolan Marowak |
Alolan Raichu |
Probopass |
Abomasnow |
Melmetal |
Toxicroak |
Drifblim |
Stunkfish |
Cresselia |
Whiscash |
Jirachi |
Dewgong |
Medicham |
Vigoroth |
Shiftry |
Quagsire |
Lanturn |
Mew |
Lapras |
Gengar |
Haunter |
Zweilous |
Pokemon |
Ivysaur |
Uxie |
Skuntank |
Bronzong |
Munchlax |
Togekiss |
Gallade |
Froslass |
Alolan Ninetails |
Mawile |
Alolan Muk |
Wormadam |
Scrafty |
Galvantula |
Ferrothorn |
Sirfetch’d |
Shadow Ivysaur |
Charizard |
Shadow Machamp |
Mantine |
Noctowl |
Jumpluff |
Clefable |
Wigglytuff |
Victreebel |
Blaziken |
Seismitoad |
Leavanny |
Poliwrath |
Alomomola |
Escavalier |
Galarian Linoone |
Perrserker |
Obstagoon |
Beedrill |
Blastoise |
Victini |
Muk |
Magneton |
Marshtomp |
Snorlax |
Steelix |
Magnezone |
Drapion |
Kingdra |
Hitmontop |
Suicune |
Regice |
Regirock |
Sealeo |
Lugia |
Linoone |
Empoleon |
Pokemon |
Raichu |
Lickylicky |
Bellossom |
Grotle |
Serperior |
Qwilfish |
Alolan Graveler |
Alolan Raticate |
Alolan Sandslash |
Alolan Golem |
Tyranitar |
Dustox |
Whimsicott |
Ludicolo |
Gardevoir |
Nidoqueen |
Minun |
Lucario |
Spiritbomb |
Vespiquen |
Dusclops |
Glalie |
Scolipede |
Forretress |
Bayleef |
Shadow Nidoqueen |
Machamp |
Castform |
Primeape |
Hitmonchan |
Weepinbell |
Venomoth |
Golbat |
Ninetales |
Dragonair |
Tentacruel |
Honchkrow |
Galarian Farfetch’d |
Pachirisu |
Hippodown |
Carnivine |
Weavile |
Boufallant |
Shadow Nidoking |
Tangrowth |
Crustle |
Leafeon |
Gliscor |
Klinklang |
Gastrodon |
Amoonguss |
Emolga |
Zebstrika |
Swanna |
Conkeldurr |
Pokemon |
Sawk |
Gothitelle |
Bibarel |
Aggron |
Torterra |
Lickitung |
Sudowoodo |
Feraligatr |
Typhlosion |
Dragonite |
Vaporeon |
Pinsir |
Weezing |
Exeggutor |
Dunsparce |
Electrode |
Cloyster |
Slowbro |
Alakazam |
Vileplume |
Gloom |
Nidoking |
Politoed |
Granbull |
Relicanth |
Breloom |
Banette |
Cradily |
Claydol |
Flygon |
Torkoal |
Lairon |
Hariyama |
Sceptile |
Scizor |
Celebi |
Raikou |
Donphan |
Houndoom |
Piloswine |
Magcargo |
Heracross |
Shadow Dragonite |
Pokemon |
Crawdaunt |
Seviper |
Girafarig |
Gligar |
Lumineon |
Entei |
Darmanitan |
Gigalith |
Delcatty |
Plusle |
Zangoose |
Alolan Exeggutor |
Gothorita |
Milotic |
Shelgon |
Latias |
Latios |
Infernape |
Prinplup |
Mamoswine |
Electivire |
Rhyperior |
Slowking |
Garbodor |
Garchomp |
Scyther |
Kangaskhan |
Heatmor |
Crobat |
Durant |
Farfetch’d |
Slowpoke |
Gyarados |
Genesect |
Aracanine |
Jolteon |
Articuno |
Golduck |
Zapdos |
Furret |
Galarian Darmanitan |
Braviary |
Porygon-Z |
Mesprit |
Duosion |
Azelf |
Golurk |
Cryogonal |
Simisear |
Simipour |
Unfezant |
Beheeyem |
Excadrill |
Lilligant |
Archeops |
Reuniclus |
Simisage |
Pokemon |
Butterfree |
Lopunny |
Corsola |
Sandslash |
Golem |
Kingler |
Marowak |
Hitmonlee |
Chansey |
Seaking |
Mr. Mime |
Ariados |
Xatu |
Sunflora |
Ursaring |
Ho-Oh |
Rampardos |
Swellow |
Masquerain |
Ninjask |
Sharpedo |
Wailord |
Camerupt |
Cacturne |
Pidgeot |
Armaldo |
Absol |
Metagross |
Staraptor |
Shadow Absol |
Ultra League Tier List
To enter the Ultra League, you must have at least two thousand and fifty-five CP. To be eligible, you must have at least three Pokemon with 1,500 CP or more.
Pokemon |
Registeel |
Giratina |
Swampert |
Alolan Muk |
Cresselia |
Snorlax |
Lickylicky |
Shiftry |
Pokemon |
Escavalier |
Scrafty |
Giratina (Origin) |
Uxie |
Togekiss |
Abomasnow |
Zangoose |
Charizard |
Blastoise |
Steelix |
Typhlosion |
Meganium |
Mew |
Articuno |
Lapras |
Gyarados |
Gengar |
Poliwrath |
Clefable |
Sirfetch’d |
Venusaur |
Flygon |
Shadow Machamp |
Obstagoon |
Armored Mewtwo |
Seismitoad |
Conkeldurr |
Melmetal |
Toxicroak |
Drapion |
Garchomp |
Drifblim |
Jirachi |
Regice |
Wigglytuff |
Whiscash |
Shadow Dragonite |
Suicune |
Cloyster |
Primeape |
Machamp |
Dragonite |
Kingdra |
Ursaring |
Pokemon |
Politoed |
Umbreon |
Victini |
Kangaskhan |
Cobalion |
Golurk |
Alolan Sandslash |
Virizion |
Golem |
Gliscor |
Alolan Ninetales |
Gallade |
Lugia |
Feraligatr |
Noctowl |
Lucario |
Honchkrow |
Granbull |
Heracross |
Donphan |
Hariyama |
Breloom |
Blaziken |
Regirock |
Dialga |
Heatmor |
Skuntank |
Glaceon |
Mamoswine |
Latios |
Aggron |
Crustle |
Ferrothorn |
Piloswine |
Scizor |
Crobat |
Weavile |
Thundurus |
Landorus |
Perrserker |
Genesect |
Kyurem |
Zapdos |
Hitmonchan |
Reshiram |
Zekrom |
Jolteon |
Gothithelle |
Pokemon |
Cryogonal |
Leavanny |
Leafeon |
Sawk |
Excadrill |
Heatran |
Mesprit |
Froslass |
Probopass |
Braviary |
Shadow Absol |
Boufallant |
Nidoqueen |
Tangrowth |
Raikou |
Victreebel |
Slowbro |
Magneton |
Dewgong |
Weezing |
Pinsir |
Vaporeon |
Moltres |
Mewtwo |
Forretress |
Mantine |
Tyranitar |
Magnezone |
Ho-Oh |
Sceptile |
Gardevoir |
Milotic |
Absol |
Glalie |
Metagross |
Groudon |
Rayquaza |
Alakazam |
Empoleon |
Shadow Nidoqueen |
Pokemon |
Gigalith |
Cacturne |
Scolipede |
Ludicolo |
Celebi |
Entei |
Crawdaunt |
Hitmontop |
Houndoom |
Darmanitan |
Armaldo |
Banette |
Alolan Exeggutor |
Latias |
Scyther |
Klinklang |
Tentacruel |
Arcanine |
Rhyperior |
Ninetales |
Hippowdon |
Alolan Golem |
Darkrai |
Gastrodon |
Dusknoir |
Electivire |
Carnivine |
Raichu |
Whimsicott |
Zebstrika |
Spiritbomb |
Archeops |
Garbodor |
Reuniclus |
Amoongus |
Alomomola |
Pokemon |
Galvantula |
Beheeyem |
Stunkfish |
Durant |
Zweilous |
Galarian Stunkfish |
Galarian Darmanitan |
Munchlax |
Palkia |
Bronzong |
Qwilfish |
Nidoking |
Golbat |
Vileplume |
Golduck |
Muk |
Hypno |
Exeggutor |
Seaking |
Lanturn |
Bellossom |
Sudowoodo |
Slowking |
Skarmory |
Rampardos |
Blissey |
Vigoroth |
Pokemon |
Wailord |
Altaria |
Cradily |
Relicanth |
Kyogre |
Sandslash |
Infernape |
Grotle |
Torterra |
Staraptor |
Roserade |
Shadow Nidoking |
Master League Tier List
In order to compete in the Master League, you must have a minimum of three Pokemon with 2,500 CP or above.
Pokemon |
Groudon |
Dialga |
Togekiss |
Snorlax |
Kyogre |
Palkia |
Giratina (Altered) |
Giratina (Origin) |
Garchomp |
Pokemon |
Zekrom |
Dragonite |
Mewtwo |
Mew |
Lugia |
Swampert |
Metagross |
Melmetal |
Hydreigon |
Shadow Dragonite |
Machamp |
Regice |
Landorus |
Reshiram |
Conkeldurr |
Darkrai |
Heatran |
Mamoswine |
Rhyperior |
Magnezone |
Lucario |
Latios |
Shadow Machamp |
Regirock |
Zapdos |
Hariyama |
Tyranitar |
Suicune |
Pokemon |
Gyarados |
Raikou |
Armored Mewtwo |
Kyurem |
Articuno |
Regigigas |
Excadrill |
Heracross |
Milotic |
Ursaring |
Jirachi |
Gengar |
Rayquaza |
Registeel |
Leafeon |
Latias |
Gallade |
Aggron |
Gardevoir |
Blaziken |
Alolan Muk |
Typhlosion |
Moltres |
Vaporeon |
Virizion |
Sirfetch’d |
Weavile |
Golurk |
Pokemon |
Cresselia |
Mesprit |
Cobalion |
Uxie |
Thundurus |
Gliscor |
Venusaur |
Glaceon |
Rampardos |
Charizard |
Absol |
Celebi |
Ho-Oh |
Granbull |
Steelix |
Lapras |
Pinsir |
Golem |
Alakazam |
Shadow Absol |
Pokemon |
Blastoise |
Jolteon |
Entei |
Donphan |
Crobat |
Meganium |
Scizor |
Genesect |
Arcanine |
Alolan Sandslash |
Tangrowth |
Electivire |
Dusknoir |
Alolan Golem |
Alolan Ninetales |
Alolan Exeggutor |
Escavalier |
Victini |
Klinklang |
Gigalith |
Hippowdon |
Sawk |
Terrakion |
Scrafty |
Pokemon |
Cryogonal |
Lickylicky |
Empoleon |
Honchkrow |
Blissey |
Clefable |
Magneton |
Cloyster |
Exeggutor |
Scyther |
Feraligatr |
Bellossom |
Sceptile |
Drifblim |
Ludicolo |
Breloom |
Flygon |
Crawdaunt |
Pokemon |
Infernape |
Sandslash |
Torterra |
Roserade |
Galarian Darmanitan |
Important terms
Being aware of the Pokémon you may and cannot employ in a tournament is critical, as is becoming familiar with the most metarelevant Pokémon that are most well-represented. In order to establish a great Great League team, it is essential that you understand the following:
In a fight, “Lead” refers to a Pokémon that is excellent at being the first Pokémon to take the reins, since they have high coverage and resistances, although they typically rely on burning a shield or two to offer them the best chance of victory.
With no shields left in the game, close-knit Pokémon are the best option. They have excellent type and attributes, combined with fantastic moves that allow them to avoid relying on shields.
A Pokémon with the best ability to take out an opponent’s remaining Pokémon with shields is called an Attacker. In spite of their size and powerful attacks and defenses, they are able to overcome them.
When you have shields and your opponent is all out, Defenders are your go-to Pokémon. As a result of their large size and variety of types, they are able to operate as sponges, absorbing damage and not needing shields.
Now that you know what each category is made up of, let’s take a look back at some of the most successful Pokémon in each category in past tournaments and discuss why they were so successful.
Beginning in Season 6, Jellicent has been an undisputed leader in the game’s popularity charts. Water and Ghost-type duals generate a lot of shield pressure and work well with many different team configurations.
In addition to being extremely large, Jellicent also has a very spammable moveset thanks to its Fast Move, Hex. There are numerous ways to play Jellicent, and each of the moves it can learn is a viable choice that will keep your opponent guessing and on their toes.
One of the highest DPE Fast movements in the game, Hex, is one of Jellicent’s moves. There is nothing else that can be said about this Jellifish.
On this list, Trevenant appears a lot, and for good cause. Pokémon GO’s most recent addition is not a joke. For numerous roles and genres, Trevenant has quickly risen to the top since its debut in 2021’s Halloween event.
Grass and Ghost make it immune to all six types of damage: normal, fighting, water, ground, grass, and electric. The Great League uses these typings frequently, indicating that this tree is a meta-destroyer par excellence.
Trevenant isn’t the bulkiest Pokémon, but it has a shield advantage that allows it to inflict significant damage to nearly every Pokémon in the metagame.
Since Season 1, Medicham has been a fan favorite. With the introduction of XL Pokémon, these Fighting and Psychic-type Pokémon’s power and mass have both increased.
As a result of its improved stats, Medicham is now better able to deal with Pokémon like Azumaril, which it previously struggled with. Medicham can be used in a variety of ways based on your playstyle.
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Some like to use Power-Up Punch to inflict further pain on the Counters, Ice Punch to deal with Medicham’s nemesis, Flying types, and even Psychic to do massive STAB damage.
Great League teams can’t go wrong with Azumarill, better known as the blue egg. Azumarill is a natural counter to many of the popular metagame choices right now. Despite taking some direct strikes, Azumarill’s great defense keeps it in the game. You can count on it to make dramatic comebacks without the need for protection.
Ice Beam is an effective counter to many Grass-type Pokémon, but it should only be used as a last resort. Also, Play Rough works well against several of the most popular Great League selections, such as Sableye and Medicham.
Even an Alolan Marowak with no shielding can be nearly wiped out by Hydro Pump’s huge neutral damage output.
Since the dawn of time, Skarmory has been a mainstay of the Great League. Grass types fear it, and it plays well versus nearly everything else (even Bastiodon).
Skarmory really outdid himself with this one, as it is immune to 10 different types of damage, including poison, grass, bug, steel, psychic, normal, flying, fairy, and dragon.
When your opponent’s shields are down, you can unleash the full might of Skarmory’s wrath with the help of Brave Bird, which can often one-shot or inflict enormous nuclear damage to anything in its path.
Registeel is a classic Pokémon that has been around since the beginning. However, even with the reduction in the power of its Charge Moves, it is still capable of dealing a significant amount of damage.
As a result, Registeel has a simpler time displaying its full potential if it’s paired with Pokémon that can counter its vulnerabilities, such as Galarian Stunfisk, Swampert, and Medicham.
Adding Sirfetch’d to your Pokémon GO collection gives you a whole new set of options. It can close off games with its outrageously strong Fighting type Charge Move, Close Combat, which has amazing adaptability and is such a strong Pokémon. In order to use Close Combat most effectively, you should charge up to two Close Combats and use them one after the other before your opponent has a chance to hit you.
Pokémon in the Great League meta may be dealt with by using Counter and Leaf Blade together, as their combined energy charges up exceptionally quickly.
Sirfetch’d also has access to Brave Bird and Night Slash. Sirfetch’d is a versatile deck that can be tailored to any team’s needs. It also blends in nicely with the metagame and has a wide range of favorable matchups.
The Alolan Marowak has been a mainstay of the Great League for quite some time. It’s a Ghost-type move that delivers somewhat less damage than Shadow Ball, but has a 20% chance of lowering the opponent’s protection by a single level.
Fighting, Bug and Steel-type opponents are no match for its dual Ghost and Fire typing. Ground-type Bone Club can do 40 damage to Alolan Marowak and can be used as bait to trick an opponent into giving up their health.
There you have it, the “grasshole” Pokémon, which many trainers despise seeing leading because they know what their opponent’s other two Pokémon are almost always Razer Leaf users. Season 4 saw a rise in the employment of this method, which sparked a backlash from trainers on social media.
As a matter of fact, this list wouldn’t be complete without include Bastiodon, which is currently the best attacker in the game. Its only true “danger” is from Fighting and Ground-type Pokémon, yet even those don’t affect Bastiodon all that much. It can still take a few solid blows to the face and keep going.
Bastiodon XL is one of the strongest Pokémon in the Great League thanks to XL Candy. Without the proper counters in place, it might be a headache to dismantle the system.
Even while it will cost you a lot of stardust if you want to use it on your Great League squad, it will be well worth it and be a tremendous addition to your team in the long run.
In several cup competitions, Diggersby has become a popular choice because to its bulk, spammy moveset, and shield pressure.
For example, Galarian Stunfisk, Sableye, Nidoqueen, Skarmory and Bastiodon all have good matches with this Pokémon.
Two possibilities are available for Diggersby’s moveset. It is essential to have Fire Punch because of its baiting and spamming abilities. Earthquake or Hyper Beam, two potent nukes that can be used in a variety of ways, are available to trainers as a second option.
Swampert is your best bet if you’re seeking for an overpowering Water/Ground-type Pokémon. Many current meta options can be countered by Swampert’s well-rounded stats and type. Swampert’s Hydro Cannon can be a game-changer if it is swiftly charged and spammed.
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Swampert’s biggest problem is its double vulnerability to Grass attacks. With a single charge move, Venasaur can annihilate Swampert and steal your life if you’re not careful.
Swampert’s Hydro Cannon is a lifesaver and one of the best moves in the Great League. As a bonus, it gives Swampert access to Earthquake, which may inflict considerable damage.
In the Great League, Swampert and Skarmory are two of the most popular cores due to their ability to deal with nearly every other meta Pokémon in the game.
Sableye is now one of the greatest options for a safe switch in the game. Returned can do massive neutral damage because of its pure state. Due to its strong Attack stat, this move can inflict significant damage on your opponents.
Sableye has access to Shadow Claw, one of the most effective Fast Moves in terms of damage and energy expended every round. Foul Play, a 45-energy attack with a 70-damage cap, is also in its repertoire.
Sableye is a staple for Fairy types, but possessing Return means that you can turn the tables on those who don’t appreciate this heavy-hitting move, and oftentimes you can reclaim the upper hand from difficult situations.
The latest enhancement to Poison-type moves has made Drapion more popular. It may be used as a safe swap to take out most Pokémon with shields and Charge Moves thanks to its spammy moveset and adaptability.
Because Crunch has a one-in-a-million chance of lowering your opponent’s Defense by one stage, it can turn the tables on difficult matches.
As a bait move, Drapion has Aqua Tail, which can also protect it from Galarian Stunfisk, one of the most common opponents of Drapion in the wild.
Vigoroth is well-known for having one of the Great League’s most spammy play styles. If you don’t know how to deal with Vigoroth, it can be a nightmare to face. Many popular choices, such as Bastiodon and Galarian Stunfisk, are vulnerable to its quick-hitting counter move.
Vigoroth’s signature charge move is a Body Slam, and you’ll be ready to unleash it before you know it. It’s hard to believe that a Normal-type move like Body Slam can do so much damage. Taking your opponent by surprise with this much damage is a surefire way to win a lot of games.
While Vigoroth was a must-have in season 1 of the Silph Arena Jungle Cup, many believed it should be banned because it was too powerful.
All of this comes to an end with the Galarian Stunfisk. Galarian Stunfisk is a force to be reckoned with, according to PvPoke.com’s overall rankings. Galarian Stunkfisk is the undisputed king of the Great League thanks to its massive stature and devastating Charge Moves.
Stunfisk Galarian counters popular options like Skarmory, Altaria Bastiodon Galvantula, and Alolan Marowak among others. Despite Earthquake’s reputation for being a heavy-hitter, its Quick Move Mud Shot has a very high EPS, allowing it to charge up quickly (Energy Per Second).
Pairing a Galarian Stunfisk with a strong Pokémon like Azumaril will put a lot of pressure on your opponent and give you coverage against a wide range of top-tier Great League Pokémon.
What Pokémon are best for Battle League?
In Pokemon Go’s Great League, the CP cap is set at 1500. Azumarill, Galarian Stunfisk, and Abomasnow are three of the greatest fighters in the Great League, and Trainers often utilize them as a team to protect themselves against most of the league’s most dangerous foes.
What is the best team for ultra League in Pokemon go?
The maximum CP in the Ultra League of Pokemon Go by Niantic is 2500. Registeel, Cresselia, and Swampert are three of the greatest fighters in the meta and give adequate coverage against common foes in Pokemon Go’s Ultra League.
What is tier in Pokemon go?
It’s on the upper level. The best Pokemon in the current Meta are these: the gold standard Pokemon. The high power and/or utility of these characters means that they will commonly be selected for raid teams due to their exceptional talents or the critical niches that they fill.
Having a diverse squad structure can help you win in the competitive Pokémon GO PvP scenario.
In PvP, you never know what to anticipate from your opponents or how their squad is set up until battle begins. If your opponent has a non-meta team or uses a Pokémon about which you know nothing about the moves it possesses or how well it will perform, they can utterly stump you.
For a tournament, it’s impossible to provide you a definitive list of the best Pokémon to employ. However, this article provides a general overview of how to use some of the most popular Pokémon in current meta and explains which roles they excel in.
With the help of the strategies presented here, you can either utilize them yourself or assemble a squad that knows just how to defeat them. As a result, it is highly recommended that each Pokémon team have at least one member that can play a certain function in battle. A broad group of people will help you to form a team that can handle any situation that may happen during a conflict. Avoid using raw force and instead rely on your opponent’s lack of information to win.
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