The Pokémon games have always had a complicated mechanism hidden under a simple facade. Underneath the cute pocket monsters comes a system that should make sense to beginning players while rewarding experienced ones.
When it comes to gameplay, 2016’s massively popular augmented reality hit Pokémon Go sticks closely to the tried-and-true model. Your pokemon’s stats and typing are just as important as what you intend to do with them.
Bạn đang xem: Pokemon Go Tier List. The Gaming Guide Update 03/2025
A Pokemon Go tier list would benefit both novice and seasoned players. It can be used as a guide to help you decide which monsters to raise or find in order to get the most out of your party.
Tier List Methodology
As previously stated, the position of a Pokémon in the hierarchy is mainly dependent on how you want to use them. While some players thrive at both offense and defense, others are better at just one or the other.
As a result of this, three lists will be made available: the best attackers, the best defenders, and the best pokemon overall.
As a result, let’s get right down to the business of making the list.
Best Attackers
1. Rayquaza
In order to make this list, Rayquaza has to be one of the strongest Pokemon in the game. Having this Pokemon on hand means you’re practically guaranteed to win if you don’t have anything else. He’s a terrific investment, but he’s also a formidable foe.
2. Shadow Mamoswine
The next in line is Shadow Mamoswine, who boasts a wide variety of abilities for both offense and defense. Even though ice-types have a negative reputation in Pokémon Go due to their ineffectiveness, Mamoswine’s Ground subtype helps. Ice has a lot of coverage in the game, which is why he’s on the list. It is effective against Dragon, Grass, and Flying-type Pokémon.
3. Deoxys
When in its regular form, Deoxys isn’t all that impressive. Attack-form As an example of a Pokémon with strong attack numbers and powerful moves, consider Deoxys. Overall, Deoxys is a versatile character who can be used in both offense and defense roles.
4. Reshiram
Reshiram, a legendary Fire-type in Pokemon Go, is the next entry on the list. Fire/Dragon dual type makes this legendary beast deadly. Other categories are effectively wiped out by this combination. There is a problem, though, with Reshiram’s Dragon-type techniques.
5. Garchomp
Garchomp, the final Pokémon on the list, is a Dragon-type with a lot of power. After Salamence, at least. Garchomp boasts respectable stats and a select few effective moves. There are better options in this list, but he’s not quite as exciting as some of them.
Best Defenders
1. Metagross
It would be remiss not to include Metagross in a list of defenders. With attributes that make it ideal for this type of play and a plethora of useful techniques, this Pokemon is the pinnacle of defensiveness. To sum it up, Metagross is a very challenging Pokemon to defeat without the aid of elemental weaknesses.
2. Blissey/Chansey
Following them are Blissey and Chansey, both of whom have excellent defense stats and absurd stamina. These two are among the most difficult to fight in a gym because of this. Blissey and Chansey, her alternate form, are terrifying foes when equipped with a well-rounded move set.
3. Snorlax
Xem thêm : Grand Summoners Tier List Update 03/2025
Snorlax is yet another one of the list’s most durable Defensive Pokémon. Snorlax was always a defensive juggernaut in the original games, and that hasn’t altered in Pokémon Go. Snorlax can and will hold its own against any other Pokémon with to its formidable mass and defensive prowess.
4. Slaking
Slaking, on the other hand, is a true powerhouse with incredible stamina. However, when compared to the other three, it still falls short. When the gym is slammed down, you can use Slaking in order to get all three of them.
5. Milotic
While Milotic doesn’t exactly fit the bill as an actual defender, she is one of the best options when you’re short on time. Still, a Slaking or Snorlax is preferable to Milotic when it comes to protecting a gym. However, if you don’t have any other Pokémon, she’s a good choice.
The Best Pokémons in Pokémon Go
Having learned about the greatest Pokémon for various purposes, it’s time to examine how they weigh up against one another in general.
Starting with S-tier (the greatest ones), we’ll work our way down to F-tier (the ones you shouldn’t bother investing in).
Pokémon | Type |
Mewtwo | Psychic |
Dragonite | Dragon/Flying |
Lucario | Fighting/Steel |
Blissey | Normal |
Slaking | Normal |
Snorlax | Normal |
Metagross | Steel/Flying |
Garchomp | Dragon/Ground |
Rayquaza | Dragon/Flying |
Kyogre | Water |
Rampardos | Rock |
Tyranitar | Rock/Dark |
Gyarados | Dragon/Water |
Gardevoir | Psychic/Fairy |
Alakazam | Psychic |
Salamence | Dragon/Flying |
Raikou | Electric |
Entei | Fire |
Machamp | Fighting |
Arcanine | Fire |
Donphan | Ground |
Exeggutor | Grass |
Clefable | Fairy |
Togekiss | Fairy/Flying |
Steelix | Steel/Ground |
Milotic | Water |
Mamoswine | Ice/Ground |
Darmanitan | Fire |
Groudon | Ground |
Ho-Oh | Fire/Flying |
Latios | Dragon/Dark |
Lugia | Psychic/Flying |
Zapdos | Electric/Flying |
Latias | Dragon/Flying |
Moltres | Fire/Flying |
Celebi | Grass/Psychic |
Mew | Psychic |
Jirachi | Grass/Steel |
Espeon | Psychic |
Rhydon | Ground/Rock |
Regirock | Rock |
Regice | Ice |
Vaporeon | Water |
Heracross | Fighting/Bug |
Articuno | Ice/Flying |
Flareon | Fire |
Aggron | Rock/Steel |
Scizor | Steel/Bug |
Lapras | Water/Ice |
Pokémon | Type |
Golem | Rock/Ground |
Charizard | Fire/Flying |
Ursaring | Normal |
Typhlosion | Fire |
Swampert | Water/Ground |
Suicune | Water |
Pinsir | Bug |
Gengar | Ghost/Poison |
Jolteon | Electric |
Feraligatr | Water |
Blaziken | Fire/Fighting |
Ampharos | Electric |
Kingler | Water |
Armaldo | Rock/Bug |
Sceptile | Grass |
Aerodactyl | Rock/Flying |
Muk | Poison |
Omastar | Rock/Water |
Hariyama | Fighting |
Walrein | Water/Ice |
Venusaur | Grass |
Porygon2 | Normal |
Scyther | Bug/Flying |
Crobat | Poison/Flying |
Flygon | Ground/Dragon |
Breloom | Grass/Fighting |
Houndoom | Dark/Fire |
Kingdra | Water/Dragon |
Kabutops | Rock/Water |
Tauros | Normal |
Starmie | Water |
Poliwrath | Water/Fighting |
Kangaskhan | Normal |
Nidoking | Ground/Poison |
Hitmonlee | Fighting |
Jynx | Ice/Poison |
Cloyster | Water/Ice |
Granbull | Fairy |
Slowbro | Water/Ice |
Vileplume | Grass/Poison |
Relicanth | Water/Rock |
Slowking | Water/Ice |
Absol | Dark |
Pokémon | Type |
Magneton | Electric/Steel |
Blastoise | Water |
Golduck | Water |
Rapidash | Fire |
Crawdaunt | Water/Dark |
Nidqueen | Poison/Ground |
Gorebyss | Water |
Registeel | Steel |
Tentacruel | Poison/Water |
Zangoose | Normal |
Politoed | Water |
Victreebel | Grass/Poison |
Magmar | Fire |
Meganium | Grass |
Sandslash | Ground |
Exploud | Normal |
Meganium | Grass |
Magmar | Fire |
Sandslash | Ground |
Dodrio | Normal/Flying |
Miltank | Normal |
Grumpig | Psychic |
Shiftry | Grass/Dark |
Manectric | Electric |
Huntail | Water |
Electabuzz | Electric |
Piloswine | Ice/Ground |
Hitmonchan | Fighting |
Lunatone | Rock |
Octillery | Water |
Cacturne | Grass/Dark |
Banette | Ghost |
Primeape | Fighting |
Solrock | Rock |
Ludicolo | Water/Grass |
Weezing | Poison |
Wailord | Water |
Ninetales | Fire |
Masquerain | Bug/Flying |
Tangela | Grass |
Chimeco | Psychic |
Forretress | Bug/Steel |
Bellossom | Grass |
Raichu | Electric |
Xatu | Psychic/Flying |
Seaking | Water |
Cradily | Rock/Grass |
Camerupt | Fire/Ground |
Sharpedo | Water/Dark |
Stantler | Normal |
Pidgeot | Normal/Flying |
Pelipper | Water/Flying |
Mantine | Water/Flying |
Umbreon | Dark |
Sunflora | Grass |
Sudowoodo | Rock |
Hitmontop | Fighting |
Elecrode | Electric |
Seviper | Poison |
Skarmory | Steel/Flying |
Seadra | Water |
Hypno | Psychic |
Torkoal | Fire |
Glalie | Ice |
Venomoth | Bug/Poison |
Lairon | Steel/Rock |
Qwilfish | Water/Poison |
Sneasel | Dark/Ice |
Kadabra | Psychic |
Whiscash | Water/Ground |
Lanturn | Water/Electric |
Girafarig | Normal |
Kecleon | Normal |
Machoke | Fighting |
Altaria | Dragon/Flying |
Noctowl | Normal/Flying |
Shelgon | Dragon |
Pokémon | Type |
Dewgong | Water/Ice |
Mr. Mime | Psychic/Fairy |
Golbat | Poison/Flying |
Swalot | Poison |
Claydol | Ground/Flying |
Fearow | Flying |
Quagsire | Water/Ground |
Vigoroth | Normal |
Haunter | Ghost/Poison |
Wigglytuff | Normal/Fairy |
Misdreavus | Ghost |
Mightyena | Dark |
Tropius | Grass/Flying |
Ninjask | Bug/Flying |
Gligar | Ground/Flying |
Beedrill | Bug/Poison |
Roselia | Grass/Poison |
Graveler | Rock/Ground |
Swellow | Normal/Flying |
Arbok | Poison |
Dragonair | Dragon |
Butterfree | Bug/Flying |
Marowak | Ground |
Plusle | Electric |
Marshtomp | Water/Ground |
Volbeat | Bug |
Ariados | Bug/Poison |
Beautifly | Bug/Flying |
Illumise | Bug |
Pupitar | Rock/Ground |
Furret | Normal |
Croconaw | Water |
Raticate | Normal |
Porygon | Normal |
Ivysaur | Grass/Poison |
Ponyta | Fire |
Minun | Electric |
Magcargo | Fire/Rock |
Togetic | Fairy/Flying |
Sealeo | Ice/Water |
Persian | Normal |
Dunsparce | Normal |
Grovyle | Grass |
Gloom | Grass/Poison |
Linoone | Normal |
Quilava | Fire |
Charmeleon | Fire |
Combusken | Fire/Fighting |
Rhyhorn | Rock/Ground |
Mawille | Steel/Fairy |
Castform | Normal |
Weepinbell | Grass/Poison |
Dusclops | Ghost |
Jumpluff | Grass/Flying |
Dugtrio | Ground |
Azumarill | Water/Fairy |
Murkrow | Dark/Flying |
Krabby | Water |
Flaaffy | Electric |
Anorith | Rock/Bug |
Omanyte | Rock/Water |
Pokémon | Type |
Wartortle | Water |
Yanma | Bug/Flying |
Wailmer | Water |
Bayleef | Grass |
Medicham | Fighting |
Sableye | Dark/Ghost |
Delcatty | Normal |
Poliwhirl | Water |
Lickitung | Normal |
Corsola | Water/Rock |
Grimer | Poison |
Magnemite | Electric/Steel |
Kabuto | Rock/Water |
Nidorino | Poison |
Ledian | Bug/Flying |
Spoink | Psychic |
Abra | Psychic |
Aipom | Normal |
Loudred | Normal |
Magby | Fire |
Teddiursa | Normal |
Nidorina | Poison |
Aron | Normal/Rock |
Geodud | Rock/Ground |
Smoochum | Ice/Ground |
Lileep | Rock/Grass |
Machop | Fighting |
Trapinch | Ground |
Sandshrew | Ground |
Chansey | Normal |
Snubbull | Fairy |
Houndour | Dark |
Cacnea | Grass |
Growlithe | Fire |
Clamperl | Water |
Slowpoke | Water/Dark |
Vibrava | Ground/Dragon |
Dustox | Bug/Poison |
Nuzleaf | Grass/Dark |
Oddish | Grass/Poison |
Corpish | Water |
Ghastly | Ghost/Poison |
Koffing | Poison |
Spinda | Normal |
Phanpy | Ground |
Elekid | Electric |
Doduo | Normal/Flying |
Lombre | Water/Grass |
Pidgeotto | Normal/Flying |
Exeggcute | Psychic |
Mankey | Fighting |
Staryu | Water |
Bagon | Dragon |
Clefairy | Fairy |
Goldeen | Water |
Unown | Psychic |
Totodile | Water |
Mudkip | Water |
Chinchou | Water/Electric |
Bulbasaur | Grass/Poison |
Pineco | Bug |
Pysduck | Water |
Natu | Psychic/Flying |
Onix | Rock/Ground |
Shellder | Water |
Eevee | Normal |
Numel | Fire/Ground |
Farfetch’d | Normal/Flying |
Torchic | Fire |
Delibird | Ice/Flying |
Horsea | Water |
Treecko | Grass |
Tentacool | Water/Poison |
Drowzee | Psychic |
Larvitar | Rock/Ground |
Wobuffet | Psychic |
Cubone | Ground |
Paras | Bug/Ground |
Venonat | Bug/Poison |
Dratini | Dragon |
Carvanha | Water/Dark |
Shuppet | Ghost |
Voltorb | Electric |
Slakoth | Normal |
Pokémon | Type |
Mareep | Electric |
Cyndaquil | Fire |
Skiploom | Grass/Flying |
Beldum | Steel/Flying |
Seel | Water |
Charmander | Fire |
Electrike | Electric |
Kirlia | Psychic/Fairy |
Spheal | Ice/Water |
Squirtle | Water |
Pikachu | Electric |
Chikorita | Grass |
Ekans | Poison |
Remoraid | Water |
Snorunt | Ice |
Vulpix | Fire |
Gulpin | Poison |
Luvdisc | Water |
Slugma | Fire |
Ditto | Normal |
Swablu | Normal/Flying |
Poliwag | Water |
Spinarak | Bug/Poison |
Shedinja | Bug/Ghost |
Shroomish | Grass |
Makuhita | Fighting |
Barboach | Water/Ground |
Surskit | Bug/Water |
Baltoy | Ground/Water |
Nincada | Bug/Ground |
Taillow | Normal/Flying |
Wingull | Water/Flying |
Meowth | Normal |
Spearow | Normal/Flying |
Nidoran M | Poison |
Nidoran F | Poison |
Swinub | Ice/Ground |
Ledyba | Bug/Flying |
Rattata | Normal |
Jigglypuff | Normal/Fairy |
Skitty | Normal |
Pidgey | Flying/Normal |
Meditite | Fighting |
Hoothoot | Normal/Flying |
Diglett | Ground |
Cleffa | Fairy |
Poochyena | Dark |
Duskull | Ghost |
Togepi | Fairy |
Seedot | Grass |
Wurmple | Bug |
Silcoon | Bug |
Ralts | Psychic/Fairy |
Igglybuff | Normal/Fairy |
Wynaut | Psychic |
Cascoon | Bug |
Zigzagoon | Normal |
Pokémon | Type |
Magikarp | Water |
Feebas | Water |
Azurill | Normal/Fairy |
Kakuna | Bug/Poison |
Caterpie | Bug |
Weedle | Bug/Poison |
Marill | Water/Fairy |
Pichu | Electric |
Tyrogue | Fighting |
Smeargle | Normal |
Shuckle | Bug/Rock |
Sunkern | Grass |
Metapod | Bug |
Pokémon GO Best Pokémon for New Players
Mewtwo has been a go-to choice for nearly every team in Pokémon GO since its appearance back in the first raid update. With so many re-appearances, the famed legendary Pokémon learned a slew of new moves that helped it become a formidable opponent for just about any other Pokémon in the game, thanks to its absurd power.
When Mewtwo isn’t available in raids, you should be able to find players eager to trade one or two for something exceptional in your collection, thanks to its varying windows of availability and meta popularity. This item will put you on your road to raiding with the finest.
Pokémon GO users must first assemble a team capable of soloing a three-star raid battle like Machamp before they can participate in a legitimate raid. To fast gather stacks of Pokémon GO’s best tier creatures, you must be able to do this. To this day, Machamp’s lightning-fast Counter/Dynamic Punch moveset still appears as a top counter to numerous Pokémon.
As long as you aren’t going up against Psychic or Flying-type Pokémon, Machamp’s quick availability and tremendous damage make it a go-to choice in almost any battle. Taking on a three-star raid boss requires you to use all of your resources. You can use it as a motivating factor if you can’t solo it.
However, this glass cannon is still capable of delivering a powerful mental blow, even in the early stages of Pokémon GO. Before Alakazam succumbs to a charged strike, it has the ability to take down several of the raid’s most powerful monsters. In three-star raids, Machamp can be a typical sight after a lull in events. It’s a lot easier to obtain than Machamp, making it a valuable counter to have.
Gengar, a glass cannon of a different type, may be found pretty easily. As long as you can time your charged attack dodges correctly, Gengar is a rather straightforward target to knock down when it appears in raids. Like Machamp and Alakazam, it slams into its prey hard and fast, turning them into mush.
It’s a good idea to have a few of them in your raid party if you’re going up against Mewtwo or Giratina, two top-tier Psychic-type Pokémon. Tossing powerful Shadow Balls at the sought-after target while they’re taking severe strikes and delivering chip damage.
Even though Moltres has been around for quite some time now, the Fire-type Pokémon is almost always present in any battle that calls for one. Aside from Entei, Moltres has recently been employed to take on giants like Dialga, Zamazenta, and especially Genesect.
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Moltres (as well as the other two birds in its alliance) were once accessible for capture after defeating Giovanni. Prior to this, they might be found in raids and even Research Breakthroughs every week. There are several ways to get this fiery fowl, but no matter how you get your hands on Shadow Moltres, it will prove its worth.
Even while Tyranitar is no longer as popular as it was in the ancient days of four-star raids, it is still a powerful Pokemon that should be sought for whenever possible. When it comes to destroying Psychic-type Pokémon like Mewtwo, this pseudo-legendary Pokémon possesses the weight and strength to take on everyone save Machamp, Lucario, and a few other strong Fighting-type powerhouses, such as Bite/Crunch and Stone Edge.
When Pupitar isn’t part of the Raid roster, it’s difficult to get your hands on, but it will be a reward during the Season of Heritage.
Mamoswine has been storming through Pokémon Unite with a lot of force for a long time in Pokémon GO. This massive Ice/Ground-type Pokémon was embraced when Rayquaza made its shiny debut, and its base form Swinub spawned just about everywhere to provide players with sufficient means to take down the mighty dragon.
This Incense bonus ensures trainers have plenty of opportunities to add a premium counter to their armory even now that Zekrom, Reshiram, and Kyurem are in the raid limelight. Back in the day, Powder Snow and Avalance were the go-to moves, but it’s now a great Ground-type attacker that plays toe-to-toe with Team GO Rocket leaders.
It’s expected that Rampados will become more widely available in the following months. While Tyranitar focuses on Rock-type attacks against Flying-type opponents, this goofy-looking dino packs a similar punch. Regardless of the list’s type, its raw power helps it gain entry. So, if you ever get an opportunity to get your hands on one of them, do it. One of the best improvements to the game in recent years, despite the fact that it’s a fragile beast.
Some have referred to Giratina as ‘the new Mewtwo’ following its recent entrance in the Raid roster. You can thank its Origin and Altered variants for at least some of its appeal. The former is what you should be on the lookout for, not the latter. The fact that this Pokémon has legs just serves to push it further down the rankings, so try to find the more serpent-like kind if you can. However, its moveset remains the same regardless of the situation. Make sure you obtain one if you can. It’s even better if it’s Giratina Origin Forme.
The pseudo-legendary spawn rates of Metagross once made it an extremely uncommon Pokémon. However, a well-timed Community Day changed all of that. This isn’t going to let you solo raids inside the time restriction, but it will be a fantastic counter to many Pokémon while being durable enough to withstand some hard strikes. Keep this monster in your collection because it’s a fantastic counter to the Team GO Rocket Leader’s resilience in the Raid.
In Pokémon GO, Eeveelutions will always hold a particular place. When it comes to Sylveon and its evolutions, they’re rather commonplace and easy to obtain, but they’re also fairly easy to manipulate. While Glaceon is still a must-have, Fairy-types like Syvleon can significantly aid with the growing Dragon meta and the power of Dark-type Pokémon. This is a must-have item if you plan on taking on any of the game’s Dragon-type raids.
For now, this list of the greatest Pokémon in Pokémon GO should offer you a sense of where to put your time and attention. If you’re going to play this game, you can’t just rely on random spawns in the wild. Instead, begin battling raid Pokémon by any means necessary. In terms of Pokémon GO’s best-tiered animals, they’re the most common source.
What is s Tier Pokémon?
Tsareena, Greedent, Mr. Mime, Sylveon, and Venusaur make up the S-Tier.
What is s tier in Pokemon go?
Section. The current Metagame is dominated by these Pokemon. They are the pinnacle of their respective types’ power and may either fit into teams without the need for Super Effective damage or simply represent the pinnacle of a highly useful type.
How do you get mega energy?
Raid Battles and specific research jobs can reward you Mega Energy, which can be used to enhance your Pokémon’s abilities. If you’ve already Mega Evolved a Pokémon in your Buddy Pokémon’s Evolutionary line, you can occasionally gain Mega Energy by strolling with your Buddy Pokémon.
In Pokémon Go, there are simply too many creatures to keep track of. Prioritizing monsters that perform better or have higher-level evolutions later on is critical if you want to advance in the game.
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