It can be difficult to know which units to train in DBZ Dokkan Battle out of the hundreds available across the Dragonball universe.
To save you some time, we’ve compiled our definitive rankings of the most useful units in the game.
Bạn đang xem: Dragonball Z Dokkan Battle Tier List Update 03/2025
Only the UR and LR units were ranked because of the need for efficiency. In our opinion, these are the strongest units available for the late game. Each category will have its own tier list due to the significant disparity in strength between them.
Now that we have that settled, we can proceed.
LR Units
Unit | Type |
King Gotenks, or Majin Buu | Extreme Physique |
Angel Vegeta and Goku | Super STR |
The Young Gohan (Super Saiyan 2) | Super TEQ |
The Full Force, or Jiren | Super TEQ |
Super Saiyan Goku | Super STR |
Unit | Type |
Vegito | Super TEQ |
Gogeta | Super STR |
SS Goku (Kaioken) and SS Vegeta (Evolved) are both Super Saiyan Gods. | Super PHY |
Vegeta’s (Angel) Super Saiyan 2 level. | Super PHY |
Teenage Gohan and young Goten, both Super Saiyans. | Super TEQ |
Young Gohan (Super) | Super AGL |
Caulifla and kale both reach Super Saiyan 2 levels. | Super AGL |
Goku, the Super Saiyan | Super AGL |
(Perfect) Cell | Very high INT |
Unit | Type |
Goku’s Super Saiyan 4 | Super AGL |
Goku and Frieza in their Ultimate Angel Forms. | Super TEQ |
17-, 18-, and 16-inch Androids | Extreme Physique |
Super Saiyan Black Goku. | Very high INT |
Four-Star Vegeta Super Saiyan | Super STR |
God Goku of the Super Saiyans | Super INT |
Broly, the Super Saiyan | Exceptional TEQ |
Boujack (Space Warrior) Power Up! | Extensive INT |
Both Goku and Vegeta have reached Super Saiyan status. | Super INT |
Goku (the Angel) and Vegeta (also an Angel) are both Super Saiyans. | Super PHY |
Unit | Type |
Leemo, Cheelai, and Broly | Extreme Physique |
Super Infant 2 (Huge Ape) | Very High AGL |
Nappa/Vegeta | Very High AGL |
B.Whis & B. Beerus | Super STR |
Perfect Cell and Baby Cell. | Strictly Physique |
Frieza (Max Effort) | Superior STR |
Super Saiyan Black Goku and the Evil Zamasu | Superior TEQ |
Teenage Futurists Trunks and Future Trunks, Mai. | Super STR |
(GT) Goku, Pan, and Trunks. | Super INT |
Unit | Type |
Teenage Super Saiyan Trunks | Super PHY |
Bardock | Super PHY |
The Great Vegeta | Very High AGL |
Gohan (Juvenile) Super Saiyan 2 | Super INT |
Tri-Saiyan God Goku | Super TEQ |
Unit | Type |
Super Saiyan Broly is a legend. | Superior STR |
Kids Trunks and Goten | Super AGL |
UR Units
Please be aware that not everyone is included here. They were ranked lower than F-tier because they weren’t considered useful for the game’s endgame content.
Unit | Type |
Vegeta, the Super Saiyan 2 | Super TEQ |
Cooler | Exceptional STR |
Teenage Future: Trunks | Super TEQ |
Alpha Shenron | Superior STR |
Goku (Kaioken) of the Super Saiyan race. | Super STR |
Gogeta, the Super Saiyan | Super AGL |
Super Saiyan Broly is a legend. | Extreme Physique |
Mechanic 17 | Super PHY |
Future Gohan | Super INT |
Dragon Ball Super: Broly | Abnormally High Physical Demands |
Frieza, in Gold | Superior TEQ |
Awesome Janemba | Very high INT |
Ultimate Gogeta | Super STR |
Goku | Super STR |
Extreme Vegito | Super AGL |
God of the Super Saiyans, Goku | Super AGL |
Young Goku | Super INT |
Piccolo | Super PHY |
Trunks, the Future Super Saiyan | Super PHY |
Unit | Type |
Goku, God of the Super Saiyans | Super PHY |
“Youth” (Gohan) | Super INT |
Vegeta, the Super Saiyan | Super PHY |
Vegeta, God of the Super Saiyans | Super AGL |
Black Goku | Intense Physicist |
Iron Ice Chest | Very High AGL |
Zamasu | Severe AGL |
Vegeta’s Super Saiyan 2 Form | Super AGL |
Dragon Ball Super Goku | Super AGL |
Hit | Superior STR |
Turles | Very High AGL |
Vegeta | Strong INT |
Emperor Kai, Eternal Ruler | Super TEQ |
Beerus | Super TEQ |
3rd-level Super Saiyan Goku (Xeno). | Super STR |
Frieza, Original Form | Exceptional TEQ |
It’s Broly (Mean) | Very High AGL |
Ultimate Gohan, Majin Buu | Very high INT |
Buu (Kid) | High-Stakes Physical Activity |
Ultra Instinct Goku | Super INT |
Jiren | Super STR |
SS Vegito, Super Saiyan Deity | Super TEQ |
Gohan (Young) – Super Saiyan 2 | Super STR |
Exemplary Cell | Superior STR |
Hit | Maximum TEQ |
Super Saiyan Black Goku. | Superior STR |
An Ideal Cell | Superior TEQ |
Vegeta’s Super Saiyan 3 form | Super STR |
A Third-Generation Super Saiyan, Goku | Super AGL |
Gogeta’s Super Saiyan 4 | Super TEQ |
Goku’s Super Full-Strength Saiyan-Four | Super TEQ |
Sealas | Superior STR |
For the Black Goku | Very high INT |
Large-Sized Bergamo | Extensive Physical Demands |
Caulifla | Super TEQ |
Future Trunks, a Super Saiyan. | Super TEQ |
Unit | Type |
“Gowasu” and “Zamasu” | Super PHY |
Vegeta (Xeno) has reached Super Saiyan 3 level. | Super PHY |
Frieza, the Angel in Gold | Extensive INT |
Infinitely More Refreshing | Astonishingly Rigid Physicality |
Full-Strength Frieza | High-Stakes Physical Activity |
Hercule | Super INT |
Frieza’s End Game Specs | Superior STR |
Kid Goten, the Super Saiyan | Super STR |
Bulla | Super TEQ |
Vegeta, God of the Super Saiyans | Super TEQ |
Kale | Super STR |
Dabura | Extensive Physical Demands |
Emperor Vegeta | Maximum STR |
Raditz | Superior TEQ |
The Transformed Android 21 | Exceptional STR |
Princess Oto (Oceanus Shenron) | Very high INT |
Gogeta 3, Super Saiyan! | Super TEQ |
This is Brianne de Chateau. | Super INT |
(Super) Buu | Exceptional STR |
Aluminum Chiller | Very high INT |
Ascending Shenron | An Extreme Case of PHY |
SS Vegeta, Super Saiyan Deity | Super TEQ |
Nail | Super AGL |
Three Great Saiyan | Super TEQ |
Teenage Gohan (Super Saiyan 3) | Super INT |
Hirudegarn (Tapion) | Super AGL |
Cell Jr. | Severe AGL |
Broly and Paragus | Strong INT |
Towa, the Darkness | Very High AGL |
Ultimate Gogeta | Super INT |
Future Mai | Super INT |
Beerus | Super STR |
Thouser (the Tank Battalion of Cooler) | Strictly Physique |
Vegeta’s Super Saiyan 4 form. | Super AGL |
Dragon Ball Super: Gotenks | Super PHY |
For this, Android 16 is used. | Super INT |
A Kefla 2 Super Saiyan | Super PHY |
Unit | Type |
Goku’s Super Saiyan 4 | Super STR |
SS Vegito, Super Saiyan Deity | Super PHY |
Amazing Vegito | Super PHY |
Goku, the Super Saiyan | Super PHY |
Gohan, the Greatest | Super STR |
Pan (GT) | Super AGL |
Dragon Ball Super: Gotenks | Super STR |
Youngster Gohan | Super INT |
Teenager Gohan | Super PHY |
Tien | Super TEQ |
Dragon Ball Super Cabba | Super STR |
S3 Bardock, Super Saiyan! | Super INT |
Vegeta and Bulma, Super Saiyan 2 | Super STR |
Super Buu | Physical stress to the extreme |
Vegeta | Strong INT |
Cell, Second Edition | Exceptional TEQ |
Goku, the Super Saiyan God | Super TEQ |
Kaioken Goku | Super TEQ |
Future Gohan, Super Saiyan. | Super PHY |
(Youth) Chi-Chi | Super PHY |
Teenage Super Saiyan 3 Trunks | Super AGL |
Overkill Rilldo | Very High AGL |
Champa | Extensive Physical Demands |
Guru Roshi | Super TEQ |
Vegeta, God of the Super Saiyans | Super STR |
Angelic Super Saiyan 2 Goku | Super AGL |
Hit | Powerful STR |
Exemplary Cell | Strong INT |
Vegeta | High-Stakes Physical Activity |
Super Saiyan Broly, a legendary warrior | Superior STR |
Frieza’s End Game Specs | Very High AGL |
Incredible Janemba | Exceptional STR |
Vegeta’s super saiyan form | Super TEQ |
Kaioken Goku | Super PHY |
Kid (Gohan) | Super TEQ |
A18 Robotics | Very high INT |
Incredible Paikuhan | Super STR |
Tri-Saiyan God Goku | Super STR |
Gohan, the Greatest | Super PHY |
A18 Robotics | Exceptional STR |
Cumber | Superior STR |
The Giant Form of Lord Slug | An Extreme Case of PHY |
Gohan, the Greatest | Super INT |
The Greatest Gohan | Super AGL |
Krillin | Super INT |
Dragon Ball Super Goku | Super STR |
Dyspo (Ultra High Velocity) | Super AGL |
Unit | Type |
Vegeta’s Super Saiyan 3 Form | Super TEQ |
Toppo — Devastation God Mode | Super STR |
The Second Great Saiyaman | Super STR |
Future Android Version 18 | Superior STR |
17 (Future) Android | Superior TEQ |
Good Majin Buu | Superior STR |
Asteroid No. 13 | Powerful STR |
Magetta Bota | Super INT |
Piccolo the Demon King | Superior STR |
14 and 15th Generation Androids | Extreme Physique |
Gogeta 3, Super Saiyan! | Super PHY |
Goku (Angel) Super Saiyan 3 | Super TEQ |
Powerful Vegeta | Super INT |
In the Black Goku’s Case | Powerful STR |
Zamasu | Strong INT |
Vados | Super AGL |
“Super Saiyan 2” | Super INT |
Gohan, Teenage Super Saiyan | Super AGL |
Young Goku/Saiyan Gohan: Super Saiyan. | Super TEQ |
Ultimately, Cooler | Severe AGL |
Robotic System Version 18 | Powerful STR |
Frieza, in Gold | An Extreme Case of PHY |
Tien | Strong INT |
Gohan, Teenage Super Saiyan | Super PHY |
Goku (GT) | Super STR |
New Saffron | Very high TEQ |
Frieza (GT Ending Form) | Extreme Physique |
(GT) Cellular (Perfect Form) | Very high INT |
The Great Vegeta | Difficulty in Physicist |
Three-Star Goku (GT) Super Saiyan | Super AGL |
Unit | Type |
Powerful Vegeta and mighty Trunks | Super STR |
Goku’s Super Saiyan 2 (GT) | Super PHY |
Little Janemba | Severe AGL |
The Android No. 13 | Very high INT |
A18 Robotics | Very High AGL |
Young Trunks, the Super Saiyan | Super AGL |
Piccolo | Super STR |
Young Great Saiyaman Trunks | Super AGL |
Gogeta | Super STR |
Extreme Cold (Frost) | Superior STR |
(Youth) Goku | Super STR |
Goku (Angel) Super Saiyan 2 | Super STR |
Third-Semester Ahms | Severe AGL |
The Android 16 | Super TEQ |
SS Vegeta, Super Saiyan Deity | Super INT |
Cooler | Superlative TEQ |
(GT) Cellular (Perfect Form) | Extraordinary Physique |
The Ultimate Form of Frieza (GT) | Strong INT |
Future Trunks, a Super Saiyan. | Super INT |
Hacchan | Super STR |
Pan (GT) | Super STR |
A Chateaubriand named Brianne | Super INT |
(Perfect) Cell | Superior TEQ |
Next-Generation Android 18 | Severe AGL |
Google’s Future Android 17 | Extreme Physique |
Buu (Kid) | Very High AGL |
Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle: The Best INT Characters
Demon Of Destruction And Vengeance Super Garlic Jr.
Garlic Jr., one of Goku’s most formidable foes, has returned adopt a heroic guise when they finally got to the top and took control. In Dokkan Battle, this unit goes by the name “Demon of Destruction and Vengeance Super Garlic Jr.,” and it’s quite the formidable fighter. Death Impact (Super ATK) greatly increases his Attack Power, allowing him to deal devastating amounts of damage to his opponents, while Avenging Defeat (Passive) allows him to temporarily stun foes of the Super type.
This unit excels as a support tank because of its high resistance to damage and its ability to stun enemies. His equipment also lets him heal teammates and set them up to deal with enemies more quickly.
Battle To Reach The Top Super Saiyan Vegeta
Even though Goku is the one who first transforms into his Super Saiyan 4 form in Dragon Ball GT, Vegeta shows that he is more than capable of holding his own in battle. This is demonstrated by a Vegeta unit in the game. His Galick Gun (Super ATK) not only increases his own defenses but also deals significant damage and reduces the defenses of his opponents. At the same time, the massive increase in attack power afforded by Unrelenting Final Shine Attack (Active) makes it possible to deal maximum damage to foes.
Just looking at the numbers and synergies, this version of Vegeta has a fantastic tanking skill set and can deal a lot of damage with a single attack. He has a lot of great teams that can back him up thanks to his extensive network of links. Many of his ATK buffs, however, require a “GT” archetype ally, and there aren’t that many of them.
Eerie Sense Of Despair Frieza (3rd Form)
Frieza’s third form, which he assumes just before his full transformation, is incredibly fast and fills the Z Fighters with dread. In-game, this manifests as the third iteration of Frieza’s Eerie Sense of Despair. Super Monster (Passive) increases his ATK and DEF while increasing the chance of dishing out more attacks in the same turn, and Crazy Finger Beam (Super ATK) increases his DEF while dealing great damage to enemies.
Frieza, in his current incarnation, is a formidable tank and heavy hitter, and he has many connections to other villains. However, his abilities only benefit a small number of allies, so players will need to carefully curate this unit into a specific build.
True Warrior Race Super Saiyan God SS Evolved Vegeta
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After tremendous battles in Dragon Ball Super, Goku eventually reaches Ultra Instinct, while Vegeta achieves his own enhanced version of Super Saiyan God. This Vegeta unit in the game serves to illustrate this. Critical hits are more likely to occur thanks to the abilities Pride Of Our Warrior Race (Super ATK) and Final Flash (Ultra Super ATK). The passive version of the Power to Keep Promises can also bring Vegeta back from the dead.
This version of Vegeta has excellent technical tanking and damage tools. Given that he is resilient enough to survive KO attacks, his abilities lend credence to his potential for longevity. Fans would have preferred it if he worked better with the “Warrior Gods” and “Super Saiyans,” but alas, he doesn’t.
Instinctive Destruction Legendary Super Saiyan Broly
Despite his monstrous power as the Legendary Super Saiyan, Broly is a highly skilled and intelligent fighter. The way Broly is depicted in the game reflects this. Fiendish Destruction (Passive) reduces his damage taken while increasing the likelihood of his attacks becoming Supers, and Gigantic Meteor (Super ATK) increases his ATK before dealing massive damage to enemies.
When it comes to attack and defense, the Legendary Super Saiyan is a monster. Because Saiyan units are so common, Broly must deal with a large force. The absence of Links prevents Broly from reaching his full potential.
Strike Of Full Anger Super Saiyan Goku
When Krillin is killed by Frieza, Goku finally becomes angry enough to fully embrace his Saiyan heritage and transform into Super Saiyan. The game’s depiction of Goku as Super Saiyan captures this pivotal moment. The Super Saiyan’s Final Showdown (Passive) allows for additional Super attacks, making it possible to deal devastating finishing blows with Fierce Hand-To-Hand Battle (Super ATK) and Super Kamehameha (Ultra Super ATK) respectively.
This version of Goku, when Linked with the right people, is a formidable tank and damage dealer. With the right stat stacks, he can increase his damage potential indefinitely. His damage output is subpar because he specializes against Frieza opponents.
Saiyan Pride Vegeta/Goku
At their first meeting, Vegeta mocks Goku for trying to protect Earth despite his race. Saiyan Pride Vegeta/Goku is a reflection of this in the game. His incredible Attack and Defense stat increases come from his abilities Massacre Breaker (Super ATK) and Amazing Impact (Ultra Super ATK). Vegeta can “revive” himself by exchanging places with Goku when their health drops below a certain threshold thanks to his Pride (Passive) ability.
This unit serves double duty as a tank and damage dealer, able to take on the focus of even the most aggressive foes without taking much damage themselves. The unit’s ability to transform into a Super Unit, however, negates any advantage Goku might have otherwise had. Unfortunately, there aren’t enough foes in the Planet Namek Saga for them to really show off their abilities.
Fused Super Power Super Saiyan Goku & Super Saiyan Vegeta
There’s no denying that when archrivals Goku and Vegeta join forces, they’re an unstoppable force, and the game captures this moment perfectly by depicting this merged unit. Their superior attack power is displayed in their devastating Kamehameha and Big Bang Attack (Super ATK) and Final Strategy (Ultra Super ATK). Potara Fusion, where they exponentially increase each other’s strengths, is possible if they have the Strongest Duo (Passive) ability.
This squad is fantastic all-around, and their recovery skills can be game-changing in tight contests. They can also easily form Links with a wide variety of other characters. Unfortunately, players will need to postpone battles in order to make effective use of their toolkit, as Transformation takes time.
Brief Paternal Moment Majin Vegeta
In one of the series’ most heartbreaking scenes, Majin Vegeta comforts his son Trunks before incapacitating him to protect him from harm. Vegeta’s Resolve (Passive) can reduce damage taken if Trunks is on his team, and his Final Impact (Super ATK) can increase his ATK and DEF while dealing massive damage to his enemies.
In terms of data, Quick Daddy Moment It’s safe to say that Majin Vegeta has more power than any other Extreme INT unit. He’s a fantastic tank with lots of attack power. His lackluster collection of Links is highlighted by the fact that he needs Trunks to succeed. His Active Skill may be formidable, but it comes at a high price in terms of HP.
Opening Of A Super Godly Fight Super Saiyan God SS Goku/Super Saiyan God SS Vegeta
It’s one thing to see Goku and Vegeta working together to save the world, but it’s another to see them fighting to the death for that cause. Another Goku/Vegeta fusion in the game is used to illustrate this point. Super God Flash (Super ATK) provides a massive attack boost in addition to devastating damage, and Let’s Do This Without Any Reservations (Passive) has a chance to grant additional attacks and may even transform them into Supers.
You won’t find many better Super INT units than this one. This unit is an excellent tank, and it also has a wide variety of damage buffs and an easily accessible Active Skill. They need to maximize the buff time to make this unit effective, but the additional boosts from Goku and Vegeta only last for a few turns.
7 Starting Tips For Dragon Ball Z: Dokkan Battle
Choose A Guest Card That Meshes
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Before embarking on a quest, players select a Guest Card that will grant them a Leader Skill useful to the group. Two leader skills can be active at once in a team: one from the player’s own team, and one from the Guest Card.
A Guest Card should be selected that can help the team as a whole. For instance, an increase in the team’s Attack from a Guest Card would be very useful for a “glass cannon” (low HP, high damage) team that specializes in that type of play.
Only Summon “Must Have” Units
In Dragon Ball Z: Dokkan Battle, players have access to a wide variety of units. A player can be set back if they get disoriented while summoning, waste their rare summoning material on a useless unit, and then have to start over from square one.
Before rooting for a character, it’s smart to do some research online to find out if they’re good or bad. In the end, it could end up saving them a lot of money.
Play The Story Mode
When it comes to gathering resources, the story mode will be the player’s best friend. Playing through the story mode is the most efficient way for a player to obtain summoning materials early on.
They can obtain a vast array of resources for use in-game by completing the story mode for the first time. If you’re a free-to-play player who relies solely on in-game loot, this is a fantastic purchase.
Play Through Events
Throughout the course of Dragon Ball Z: Dokkan Battle’s existence, a number of different events will take place. Whether it’s currency or materials for summoning, a player can rest assured that a restocking event is always just around the corner.
There are four distinct types of events that a player should always strive to accomplish. There are several types of events, including Z-Battles, Challenge Events, Growth Events, and Story Events. All four are fun to play and offer varied challenges for the player.
Aim For Stars In Hidden Potential
Throughout the game, players will rely on Hidden Potential to increase their characters’ abilities. Briefly put, players need to use Potential (which is only given in weekly events) in order to activate Hidden Potential; once an area on a grid is activated, the character will gain strength. However, this can only be done once per week.
In a Hidden Potential grid, the stars are where you want to focus your attention because they provide enormous bonuses to your character. Aiming one’s course toward stars helps maximize the effectiveness of each unit.
Grind Through Stage 4’s Area 11
Players have figured out that replaying the same level in story mode is the quickest way to level up their characters. In Area 11, this is the fourth and final level.
This is because, despite being the shortest stage in the region, it rewards the player with a great deal of experience. It’s a good place to farm experience until you reach higher levels and can level up your characters more quickly.
Re-Roll At The Beginning
If you’re just starting out in the game, a good strategy is to re-roll your account until you find a partner who can help you out significantly.
A player can quickly go through all of their weaker summons and go straight for the good ones once they receive their first free summon. In the event that this does not yield positive results, the player can simply delete the app, reinstall it, and try again until they find a character who can assist them right away.
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