Updated at: 01-03-2023 - By: Leo Hall
Here you will find the current best and most comprehensive King’s Raid tier list, split up into PvE and PvP sections.

There are many useful units to acquire in the strategy role-playing game King’s Raid. The gacha system causes a lot of confusion among players, making it hard to know where to begin when putting together an ultimate team.

Here’s a complete, in-depth rundown of every hero in the game, with ratings from best to worst to assist you in making your decision. In addition to our PvE list, we also provide a separate list of PvP resources.

Each of these game modes employs a unique set of mechanics, making it crucial to understand where your heroes excel.

With that settled, we can begin with the current meta’s King’s Raid Tier List.

King’s Raid – A Quick Introduction

King’s Raid is a thrilling role-playing game (RPG) for mobile devices that has quickly become a phenomenon around the world. It’s easy to see why this title has become so popular, with its simple controls and challenging content.

Kings Raid DPS tier List Tier List - TierLists.com

The goal of King’s Raid is to form a party of heroes and send them into perilous dungeons where they must fight off hordes of monsters in order to emerge with legendary treasure. Having a strong party is crucial to a successful adventure, and the King’s Raid Tier List can help you decide who to bring along.

Controlling a party of up to four heroes through waves of enemies is a breeze in this game. Since each playable character has their own set of combat-relevant skills and abilities, it is crucial to assemble the optimal team for any given mission.

PvE Content Tier List


These heroes are currently the most effective in the game’s PvE content.

Hero Role
Clause Dissipater, or Tank
Neraxis Tank
Glenwys Tank
Erze AoE DPS
Zafir AoE DPS
Artemia AoE DPS
Cleo AoE DPS


These heroes are nearly perfect save for one or two minor issues that prevent them from reaching the S tier.

Hero Role
Loman Protector, Restorer, Healer
Jane Heavy Protective Armor with Sudden Attack Power
Phillop Support, Healer, Burst DPS, and Tank
Viska Quick Damage, Debuffer
Theo Damage, Debuff, and Buffer
Ezekiel One Who Disrupts or Breaks
Epis DPS
Mirianne DPS
Requina Blocker, DPS
Luna DPS
Chrisha Support, Area-of-Effect Damage
Lakrak AoE damage and status effects
Annette Support
Miruru Counterattacker with Area of Effect Damage
Maria Status: Assault and Shield
Nyx Area of Effect, Direct Damage, and a Dispeller
Frey Hold, Main Battle Tank
Laias Helper, Healer
Juno Washer, Backing
Rephy Effective in cleaning and healing
Mediana Assistance Provider, Healer


With the right supporting cast, these heroes can really shine.

Hero Role
Sonia Retarding Device, Helping Hand, and Tank
Aselica Encouragement; Main Battle Tank
Naila AOE, Debuffer
Priscilla Affirmative Action, DPS
Gau Protector, Status Effects Attacker, and Helper
Seria Breaker
Laudia DPS
Tanya Attack Power, Status Effects, and Dispel
Nia Breaker
Reina DPS
Gladi Indirection and Support
Dimael DPS
Shamilla Damage Per Second, Assistance, and a Disruptor
Arch Critical, Assist, and Disruption
Selene DPS
Oddy Support
Kara Support
Esker Group Damage Over Time, Helper
Aisha DPS
Lorraine Concentrated Damage Over Time and Area-of-Effect Status Attack
Lilia DPS, Back-Up
Pavel Status Effects, Area-of-Effect Damage
Ophelia Quick Damage, Backing
Kaulah Help, Counterattack, and Status Effect
Lucias Support
Lavril Assistance, Remedy
Shea Support


These heroes are just about adequate for completing the story so far, but will require more planning for the later levels.

Hero Role
Dosarta Tank
Demia Tank
Morrah Tank, Backing
Ricardo Status-Based Tanking and Attack
Kasel AOE, Debuffer
Scarlet Remover, Purifier, and Disperser
Rodina DPS
Veronica Support
May Helper, Physician
Cassandra Advocacy and Status Attack


These characters are on the verge of being completely forgotten about in the game’s meta. They are not very useful in combat.

Hero Role
Yanne DPS
Mitra DPS
Leo Advocacy and Refuser
Baudouin Affirmation and Status Attack
Lewisia DPS


These heroes are the absolute worst right now and require massive buffs to be competitive.

Hero Role
Nicky DPS
Fluss DPS
Crow AoE DPS

PvP Tier List

This PvP content tier list will come in handy if that’s your thing.

King's Raid Tier List 2023 (Best Characters)


Hero Role
Loman Protector, Restorer, Healer
Requina Defense Positioning System, Blocker
Miruru Damage over Time, Area of Effect
Rephy Purifier, Remedy
Leo Assistance, Disserter


Hero Role
Demia Tank
Ricardo Assault Tank, Status Attack
Chase Protection System, Back-Up
Scarlet Device for Purifying and Dispersing
Fluss DPS
Mirianne DPS
Dimael DPS
Nyx Area-of-effect Damage Dealing Device, Dispeller
Maria Defense, Status Attack
Ophelia Quick Damage, Backing
Pavel DPS Dealt in an Area of Effect, Status Effects
Cassandra Affirmation and Status Attack
Juno Defecant, Adjunctive
Lucias Support


Hero Role
Sonia Armor, Dampener, and Backing
Dosarta Tank
Phillop Protection, Short-Term Damage, Assistance, and Healing
Viska Overwhelming Devastating Strike, Debuffer
Kasel Damage Per Second; Debuffer
Naila Damage Dealt, and Debuffing Effects
Gau Defend, Attack, and Support
Priscilla Support, DPS
Epis DPS
Ezekiel Equalizer, Equalizer
Erze AoE DPS
Nia Breaker
Laudia DPS
Tanya Effects on Damage Done, Status Effects, and Dispeller
Luna DPS
Arch Defense, Protection, and Disruption
Shamilla Damage Per Second, Back-Up, and Circuit-Changer
Zafir AoE DPS
Kara Support
Lakrak AoE damage and status effects
Lilia Protection System, Back-Up
Baudouin Backing, Status-Based Attack
Mediana Helper, Advocate
Laias Helper, Physician


Hero Role
Aselica Encouragement; Main Battle Tank
Jane Anti-Tank, High-Damage-Infliction Burst
Neraxis Tank
Theo Defense, Buffer, and Attack
Gladi DPS, Back-Up
Reina DPS
Selene DPS
Annette Support
Oddy Support
Rodina DPS
Crow AoE DPS
Chrisha Damage over Area, and Helping Hands
Artemia AoE DPS
Aisha DPS
Lorraine Status Effects, Area-of-Effect Damage
Cleo AoE DPS
Shea Support
Frey Back, Tank
Kaulah Tonic, Debuff, and Status Attack


Hero Role
Yanne DPS
Lewisia DPS
Lavril Contributor, Healer


Hero Role
Clause Armor, Suppressor
Morrah Protective Structure, Backing Tank
Glenwys Tank

Using this list, you should be able to better construct your ultimate team and plan for games.

Who’s the best Hero in King’s Raid PvE?

According to our testing, ARTEMIA is the top pick for PVP in King’s Raid. Because of her devastating area-of-effect (AoE) damage, she is a top pick for wiping out large groups of enemies. Think not that she will have trouble dealing damage to the bosses, for she tears through them as easily as the minions. If she’s behind the right Tank, she can do incredible things.


As you may be aware, King’s Raid contains a particularly challenging and lucrative raid. In this instance, we have the Black Dragon Assault. A difficult obstacle for any player seeking better equipment. In order to complete this raid at max level (75 ), you will need a perfectly synergistic group of heroes. It’s not an easy goal to reach, and you’ll have to put in a lot of time testing your team’s mettle and grinding out low-level raids to equip your characters with useful gear. Given this, we’ve decided to give all you courageous and self-reliant King’s Raid fans a little something extra by way of a bonus table here in this article.

We have included a table with stats for all the characters you should think about when planning your Black Dragon Raid strategy.

Gau Retain (Carbohydrates, Chloride, and Buffer) S
Yanne Merchant (Primary) S
Annette Amplification (CC Immunity) S
Neraxis Protective Tank S
Clause AsSlow Tank (Protector) S
Glenwys Assault Vehicle (or Tank) S
Lakrak Trading Post (AoE, CC) A
Priscilla Consignor (seconary, Buffer) A
Laias Manabattery Back-Up A
Miruru* Agent-in-Equity (with a Certificate of Capitalization) A
Lorraine Authorized representative (Continental United States) A
Phillop Shredder/Amplifier Tank A
Chrisha* AOe Amp Subdealer A
Zafir Consignor (Aoe) A
Luna Purveyor (Primary) A
Frey To protect (provide support for) A
Lavril Backing (buffer, low-power heal) A
Roi Car Trader (One-Shot) A
Theo Dealer (Sub, CC, Amp) A
Ezekiel Marketer (Common, Defensive) A
Naila* A sub-dealer (Amp, CC) A
Artemia Tradesman (AoE) A
Reina Distributor (Single Item) A
Rephy Facilitate (Detox, Mend) A
Kaulah Aid (Channel Config, Buffer) A
Gladi* Dealer (Amplifier) A
Mediana Back up (S3, Buffer) A
Loman* Tank (Amplify, Purify, Protect) A
Requina Reseller (Amp, Blockred.) A
Sonia CC, Amp Tank B
Veronica* Retain (Buffer, Amplify) B
Dimael A (Sub-)Dealer who deals in a little of everything. B
Crow Vendor (AoE) B
Cleo Salesperson (Area of Expertise) B
Kara Replace Shea or Rip with B
Mirianne Broker (Single Intended) B
Arch Dealer (M.Shield, Defpen) B
Selene Merchant (Primary) B
Lilia An intermediary or (sub-)dealer. B
Juno Help (Irradiate, Banish) B
Tanya Purveyor of (Sub-)Silence (and Dispelling) B
Viska* Dealer (Sub, Amp, Shred) B
Kasel Indiscriminate (Accusation-Refuting-Deflection) B
Nia Merchant (Defpen) B
Epis Authorized Reseller B
Jane To amplify and shred like a tank B
Ophelia Seller (Buffer, Burst) B
Aisha Consignor (Single Intended) B
Chase Con artist (Buffer-Stop) B
Morrah Amphibious Protector/Defender Tank B
Seria Consignor (Defen, always crits) B
Laudia Shopkeeper (Single Item) C
Rodina Shopkeeper (Single Item) C
Lucias Help (Preventing Physical Harm) C
Ricardo Protector (CC, Tank) C
Aselica* Holding Tank (Amplifier) C
Demia Fighting tank (PvP) C
May Facilitation (Buffler, Healer) C
Scarlet A (Secondary) Merchant (of) Purification and Exorcism C
Esker To act as a (Sub-)Dealer (Buffer, Aoe Amp) C
Oddy Encouragement (CDR) C
Shea* Help out (with) everything C
Pavel Dealer (Controlled Company, Area of Effect) C
Shamilla Dealer (Sub, Dispel, PvP) D
Maria Consignment and commission salesperson D
Fluss Anti-Magic Dealer D
Cassandra Assistance (Interrupter, Cushion) D
Nyx Distributor (AoE, Dispel) D
Erze Salesperson (Area of Expertise) D
Dosarta Fighting tank (PvP) D
Lewisia Shopkeeper (Single Item) F
Baudouin (s3, Buffer, CC) Backing F
Mitra Trader (One-Shot) F
Leo You can rely on (s3, Shred, Dispel). F

If you want to challenge the Dragon Raid, we recommend assembling a team consisting of the following members, in order of preference:

2-3 Tanks

1-2 DPS

A couple of Middlemen/Agents of Evil/Stunners

To maximize your damage per second (DPS), naturally you should equip magical damage amplifiers with your magical damage dealers and physical damage amplifiers with your physical damage dealers.

King's Raid: How to Get Heroes - Gachazone

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Who is the best hero in King’s Raid?

Since tastes and playing styles vary, there is no one correct response to this inquiry. However, the S tier features some of the most well-known characters who qualify as top-notch.

2. What factors should I consider when choosing a character?

The character’s skills, statistics, and intended role on your team are all things to think about.

3. How often is the King’s Raid tier list updated?

Any time a new character is added to the game or if there are substantial balance changes, the King’s Raid tier list is updated to reflect the balance changes.

4. How accurate is the King’s Raid tier list?

Players’ opinions and polls were used to compile the ranked list. On the other hand, it’s not objective and might not hold true for all situations.

5. Why is the S tier at the top?

The best characters in King’s Raid are found in the S tier, making it the best tier overall. They have strong abilities and are versatile, making them ideal for a number of roles.

6. Which tier should I avoid?

Avoid E tier characters if you want to succeed in King’s Raid, as they are the weakest available. While they have their uses, in most cases, the alternatives are superior.

Final Words

To help you decide who to put on your team, we’ve compiled this King’s Raid tier list. To find your optimal strategy, try out a variety of permutations while keeping in mind that each player is unique and that there is no universal “right” answer.

We appreciate you taking the time to read our article. Leave a comment below with your questions or thoughts. If you have any comments or questions, please let us know.