One of the most played role-playing mobile games is Grand Summoners. It has a great adventure with lots of engaging and easy-to-understand fights.
While battles are generally exciting, they can become extremely challenging towards the game’s conclusion. You’ll need the most effective tactics and strongest heroes if you want to win against the game’s toughest challenges.
Bạn đang xem: Grand Summoners Tier List Update 03/2025
Here, we’ll run down all the heroes in Grand Summoners and rate them from best to worst.
To prepare for the game’s hardest challenges, consult this list to see which heroes are worth acquiring and leveling up.
Grand Summoners – A Quick Introduction
The role-playing video game Grand Summoners has an anime aesthetic. There’s a story mode where you can control both canonical characters from Grand Summoner and your own creations as they fight to defend their world from extraterrestrial threats.
Grand Summoners’ combat is turn-based and uses a hybrid of card battles. Playing cards on a grid-based map allows you to launch attacks and defend yourself from oncoming attacks.
There is a marketplace where players can buy, sell, and trade in-game items, including rare ones. This not only gives the player more to enjoy but also encourages player trading.
In addition, there are daily quests that make the game much simpler by giving players more cards and gold for their characters. It’s a fantastic introduction to the role-playing game genre.
To be successful in Grand Summoners, your team of four heroes must be well-rounded in terms of offense, defense, and utility. In today’s post, we’ll go over the Grand Summoners tier list so you can pick the best heroes for your team.
These characters are the game’s top heroes. In any circumstance, they will be at an advantage.
Hero | Role |
Berwick | Sub-Attacker |
Vox | Attacker |
Sanstone, Divine Guardian Blaster | Defender |
Cestina | Sub-Attacker |
Hart | Support |
Juno | Attacker |
Mako | Support |
Priestess | Support/Healer |
Liza | Support |
Asirpa | Support |
Norn | Sub-Attacker |
Emilia | Sub-Attacker |
Holy Rimuru | Support |
Rimuru | Support |
Shadow Fen’s Spy | Sub-Attacker |
Berwick, Swordsman | Attacker |
Fen | Support |
Japan’s Sakura Miku | Sub-Attacker |
To sing in the style of Hatsune Miku | Support |
Rosetta | Support |
Weaver, God of the Dragon Knights | Sub-Attacker |
Celia, the Divine and Ruthless Demon | Attacker |
Rimuru, Samurai | Attacker |
Thetis | Defender |
Kurama | Sub-Attacker |
Melty | Support |
Urameshi Yusuke | Sub-Attacker |
Sonije, the Spirit World Empress | Support |
Luahn | Attacker |
Grand Summoners of the Rem | Sub-Attacker |
Lord Gerald of the Dragon | Defender |
Kisaragi | Attacker |
Favelle, the Ancient Dragon Priestess | Defender |
Riviera | Attacker |
Mira, Sakura Itto-Ryu | Sub-Attacker |
Aristela, the Ancient Queen | Healer |
Blush of Azure Filia | Defender |
Re:Zero’s Rem | Attacker |
Death Dancer Veronica and her Scythe | Attacker |
Feena, Holy Warrior Goddess | Sub-Attacker |
Orvell | Attacker |
Iwatani, Naofumi | Defender |
Milim Kimono | Attacker |
Arcana | Support |
Ashe | Sub-Attacker |
Batiste | Attacker |
Kane, Agent of the Dark | Attacker |
Liese, the Black Cat Detective | Sub-Attacker |
Commander Forte in the Twilight | Sub-Attacker |
Shuri | Attacker |
Yukio Asakura | Sub-Attacker |
These heroes are all top-tier options in the game right now. They are not as potent as S-tier items, but they are more accessible and require less upkeep.
Hero | Role |
We’ll refer to him as “Saichi Sugimoto.” | Attacker |
Shion Santa | Attacker |
Hime | Sub-Attacker |
Lian, Empress Flame | Sub-Attacker |
Flame-throwing Lioness, Empress | Support |
Radak | Sub-Attacker |
St. Nicholas | Sub-Attacker |
Shooting Gallery Roy | Attacker |
Master Fox Artist Sumire | Support |
Tamae | Attacker |
Blessed Vermilion Torch | Healer |
Eagle | Defender |
A High Elf Bowman | Sub-Attacker |
Governing Intelligence and Divine Conspiracy | Healer |
Melia, the Twin Illusionary Blades | Attacker |
Amane | Sub-Attacker |
Celia | Defender |
Marzex, the Merciful Destroyer | Attacker |
Rits | Defender |
Calmness, Gratitude, and Rits of Virtuosity | Sub-Attacker |
Saitama | Attacker |
Serah | Sub-Attacker |
Chloe | Sub-Attacker |
Bakoo | Sub-Attacker |
Victoire | Sub-Attacker |
Princess Courtney of the Disappearing Cannon | Crack in the System |
Zeorg, the Hero of the Shadows | Defender |
Garou | Attacker |
Grad | Attacker |
Hiei | Attacker |
Terrible Sealing Dictator Lygor | Sub-Attacker |
Unrivaled Gran Pyreblade Brave | Attacker |
Sonic at the Speed of Sound | Attacker |
Wargul, Knight of the Black Dragon | Breaker |
Tguro, in his youth | Breaker |
Angelas | Attacker |
Benimaru | Sub-Attacker |
Ganan | Attacker |
Hell’s God Ifrit | Attacker |
Millenia | Sub-Attacker |
Milim | Attacker |
Tallis | Breaker |
Aesis | Attacker |
Fosly | Breaker |
Ram | Defender |
Catastrophic Storm | Breaker |
Alvina | Attacker |
Mizuki | Sub-Attacker |
Nies | Sub-Attacker |
Lozze | Sub-Attacker |
Diaz | Sub-Attacker |
Horrendous Snowstorm | Sub-Attacker |
Saar | Sub-Attacker |
Shadie | Support |
Tami-nyan, Princess of the Glaciers | Breaker |
Ginzo | Attacker |
True ‘Velocity’ Noel | Attacker |
Platina, the Brilliant Divine Warrior | Breaker |
Raphtalia | Sub-Attacker |
Beatrice | Support |
Marzex, the portent of doom | Attacker |
Duke | Breaker |
Aluze | Attacker |
Killer of Goblins | Attacker |
Anna Kyoyama | Support |
Lost Inventor Kayas | Attacker |
Ragsherum | Attacker |
Regulus, Knight of Hades, Emperor | Attacker |
Death to the Soul God Zenon | Sub-Attacker |
These heroes are reliable enough to see you through to the endgame. It will be harder to come out on top when using them, especially in more difficult battles.
Hero | Role |
Badoul, the Hades Giant Guardian | Sub-Attacker |
Custodial Feld Igniting | Support |
Matoi Ryuko | Attacker |
Master of the Dual Blaze Orgah | Attacker |
Ashe Toto, a forest god | Support |
Filo | Attacker |
Garlan, the planet-shattering | Breaker |
Louvet, Dragon Master | Attacker |
Dreamlike Valhalla of the Creator Tree | Healer |
The Ice Queen, or Corsair | Attacker |
Est | Attacker |
Pheles, Angel’s Wings | Support |
Akiryuin Satsuki | Breaker |
Selia, the Ice Queen | Support |
Daki, Emperor of the Shining Wings | Attacker |
Liberation of the God-Emperor | Attacker |
Leone | Attacker |
Alulu, Emanation’s First Born | Attacker |
Cygnet | Attacker |
Grohl | Attacker |
Melia | Sub-Attacker |
Nier | Support |
Number 2 | Sub-Attacker |
Arosdea | Sub-Attacker |
Clyde, God of the Bloody Sword | Attacker |
Alma, Spacetime Sorceress | Support |
Paragon Salyssa is a piercing. | Sub-Attacker |
Kane | Attacker |
Lapleh, the Destroyer Goddes | Sub-Attacker |
Virago | Sub-Attacker |
Princess Zeela, The Fox Seal | Support |
Cathemilla | Sub-Attacker |
Duran, Escutcheon, Blessings | Defender |
EDEN | Support |
Jack the Ninja-Machine | Attacker |
It’s Kazuma Kuwabara. | Attacker |
Mixie, the Demon Master | Support |
Shiki | Sub-Attacker |
Valentia | Healer |
Leon, the Ravaging Destroyer | Support |
Onfuan, Dark Lord of the Arts | Defender |
Fighter of the Black Wings Raki | Attacker |
Zoroaster, the Merciful Warrior | Support |
Zecht on the Max! | Sub-Attacker |
Dargeon of Fate | Attacker |
Emperor Honoka’s Ruby Ninja Court | Sub-Attacker |
Mira | Attacker |
Sun of Confusion, Ultimate Destroyer | Attacker |
Arth | Breaker |
Tumble Catilin the Empress | Support |
Jill, the Mysterious Surgeon | Breaker |
King Luda of the Sword | Attacker |
Mamori, the Magnificent Star Archer | Sub-Attacker |
Saku | Sub-Attacker |
These heroes are helpful, but only to a certain extent. Once the game’s challenging content begins, it becomes more difficult to justify their use.
Hero | Role |
The Late Toshizo Hijikata | Attacker |
Rhodia, Holy Dragoness | Attacker |
Quon | Sub-Attacker |
Divine Palamic Silence | Breaker |
Yomi, Aquarius Queen | Attacker |
Green Vogue, Master Swordsman | Attacker |
Edram | Attacker |
Nogia, the Master of Blades | Sub-Attacker |
Boros | Attacker |
Zechsia, the Divine Executioner | Breaker |
Dahlia | Sub-Attacker |
Daisy, Empress of the Spear | Breaker |
Lily, Queen of Death’s Sickle | Attacker |
Vitz | Attacker |
Strife | Sub-Attacker |
Gaia, the Shining God Knight | Defender |
Elmessio | Sub-Attacker |
Using these heroes to your advantage will be difficult. They have problems that prevent your party from progressing and not enough good points to make up for it.
Hero | Role |
Herck | Breaker |
Nerim, Empress Dragon Guardian | Healer |
Queen Pola of the Haden Flowers | Sub-Attacker |
Legendary assassin Sly | Attacker |
Destroyer of Gods Vaid | Breaker |
Queen Coco, the Evil Demoness | Breaker |
Zeorg | Attacker |
Riana | Attacker |
Rasaou | Breaker |
Keit, Forbidden Information | Sub-Attacker |
Olgeth | Attacker |
God Reyon, Radiant of the Spear | Breaker |
Princess Bride Finale | Sub-Attacker |
Elfalla, the Ethereal Beast | Support |
Roy | Breaker |
Genos | Sub-Attacker |
Liese | Healer/Attacker |
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As of right now, these are the worst heroes available. As soon as upgraded options become available, swap them out as soon as possible.
Hero | Role |
Keiones | Attacker |
Rhiotis | Support |
Voghan | Breaker |
Teriodos | Sub-Attacker |
Iris | Support |
Ragna, the Emperor of Hades | Breaker |
Mizyna | Attacker |
Abaddon | Attacker |
Empress Rishley, Flaming Axe in Hand | Attacker |
Alche | Healer |
Protectress of the Underworld Anna | Attacker |
Zoldes | Breaker |
Grand Summoners Guide: Tips & Tricks for Dummies
Obtaining better units
Keep collecting crystals until you have 50, at which point you can use the x11 hero summon. There are many different hero summons available, but the ones that involve teamwork are the best. To get the most out of your game, you should prioritize acquiring units with at least five stars of evolution. If not, the 4-star evolution units you gathered from summons are still powerful enough to see you through the rest of the game. Do not sell the starter unit that is given to you at the beginning of the game. The reason for this is that it will become extremely powerful once it has evolved to a 5-star level.
The game will remind you every day that you can use a free summon, so take advantage of this perk to acquire an extra unit at no cost to you. You can also try a fresh start by deleting the game and reinstalling it. If you intend to do this, make sure that your account is not bound. Crystals are the best way to spend real money in this game. The paid x11 hero summon ensures you at least one 5-star evolution unit.
Superhero festival hero summon opens twice a month for a limited time. There, on rare occasions, we will drop our best and brightest units for all to enjoy. For that purpose alone, you should set aside as many crystals as you can.
Setting up your party
After that, your main party should consist of your strongest units. You can only have a maximum of 4 units in each of the 7 available party slots. A five-star evolution unit should be used as the party’s leader to gain the most benefit from the position. Units of the same element can also be grouped together. They shine against foes and bosses who share that elemental weakness. The list of substances they are resistant to follows.
- Red fire units are effective against green earth ones.
- In battle, Earth units fare well against their blue counterparts.
- When pitted against Fire units, Water units fare well.
- Both the yellow and purple units are powerful, but only when pitted against one another.
- White, non-elemental units have no advantages or disadvantages.
Obtaining better equipment
Also, you’ll need 30 crystals to use the x11 equip summons. Don’t freak out if the equip summons don’t net you a five-star piece of gear just yet. Do the Events with bosses that drop rare equipment if you prefer not to use your crystals.
Select ‘Manage Equipment’ from the Units submenu afterward. Some units, you’ll find, have access to gear of rarities other than the standard 5-star. You can use the ‘Auto Equip’ button if you don’t know which tools to give your unit. The game will automatically give your whole party the best gear.
Quests and Exploring
In the beginning of the game, it is recommended that you complete the main quests (Main Menu->Quests) because they are simple and straightforward. For the first week of completing the main quests, no resources will be used. Always get one crystal by finishing all three quest missions. If you tap the magnifying glass next to each quest, you can see what you need to do to finish all three tasks. If this is your first time playing, I recommend using the “Auto” setting for combat. All of your units’ Arts and equipment skills will be stored until the final boss fight. This allows your units to deal more damage to the boss and fill the boss break gauge much faster.
Exploring (Main Menu->Exploring) is where you’ll find the best events, daily quests, and boot camp quests, all of which you should complete. Many of the items you find can be used to upgrade existing units or to unlock rare ones.
Strengthing your units – Enhancement Tasmon units
You can bolster your troops in four main ways:
- Enhance
- Evolve/Awaken
- Limit Violation
- Tasmon quanta
By repurposing weaker units as enhancement units, you can raise the level of stronger ones. Units prefixed with “Metal” (Metal Egg, Metal Chicken, etc.) are excellent choices for this role. Your units will gain a disproportionate amount of experience from them compared to other units. The ‘Silver Bird of Exploring’ quest (Main Menu > Exploration > Boot Camp) is where you can get your hands on ‘Metal’ units. Instead of using metal chicken keys, you can simply complete the ‘Holy Land of Experience’ quests to give all of your units a massive boost in experience.
Tasmon units can be used as enhancement units to boost certain aspects of a unit’s performance. Tasmons come in three varieties, and each has its own unique statistic:
- Increases ATK (Kilmon)
- Enhances Defense (DEF) Monitor
- Max Health Increased by Tufmon
The ‘Spirit of Exploration’ quest (Main Menu > Exploration > Boot Camp) is the only way to acquire these Tasmon units.
In the event that you find yourself short of Gren, you can always perform the “Golden Cat of Exploring” in exchange for Golcat units, which can be sold for a large sum of Gren.
Strengthing your units – Evolve/Awaken Limit Break
If your unit has reached its maximum level, you can evolve it to raise that maximum level. There are various material requirements for each unit. By tapping and holding the material unit, you can see which quests reward that item. The “Invitation to Evolution” quest (Main Menu > Exploring > Daily) is the only way to acquire these material units.
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Two limit break stones are at your disposal, and they can be used to limit break any unit. Those limit break stones are best used on your most powerful unit. The unit’s overall stats are raised by 1, its luck is raised by 1, and its equip limit is raised by 1 star. Only the Alchemist (Main Menu > Town > Alchemist > Exchange) sells limit break stones. A better use for a spare unit is as a limit break material.
The Rayas limit break units can be found in the main quests and should be used exclusively for your main party. This will give Rayas a significant early-game advantage and increase your chances of finding and collecting materials.
Strengthing your equipment
The Smith can be accessed from the main menu by selecting Equip. Here, you can make, upgrade, and even break the rules on your gear. Ores can be used in place of standard enhancement materials to give your gear a performance boost. The ‘Mysterious Materials’ quest (Accessible via the Main Menu > Exploration > Daily) will reward you with ore.
Multiplayer and Arena
Battle other players for arena medals, which can be redeemed for keys, food, and LB stones, as well as other rewards. Keep in mind that each fight will deplete an arena orb, which can be replenished once per hour. It’s highly recommended that you wait until later in the game to attempt the multiplayer stages. For extremely rare items, you won’t be able to do so until your units are sufficiently powerful. The fact that entering a multiplayer room does not drain your energy supply is fantastic for farming.
Other town features – Diner and Adventurers Guild
You can obtain some useful items by exploring the town (Menu > Town) and tapping on the sparkling effects you find there. Before heading into battle, I recommend cooking up some food at the Diner to give everyone a stat boost (Choose Food). At the Adventurers Guild, you can choose to engage in side quests in exchange for alternative keys.
Daily Logins and Missions
I recommend checking in every day for the daily rewards and the collab rewards, even if you don’t play the game very often. Complete all of the ‘Today’s missions,’ as doing so will net you not only a variety of rewards, but also a crystal. After that, you should concentrate on the Weekly Challenge, as completing all of them will reward you with a limit break stone. The crystal missions are completely optional and can be completed whenever you like.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. What is the goal of this Grand Summoners tier list?
This Grand Summoners tier list was made to assist you in assembling a competitive roster. Using unexpected characters is a great way to catch your opponents off guard.
2. Who would benefit from the Grand Summoners tier list?
If you’re just starting out and want some guidance on which characters to prioritize, check out the Grand Summoners tier list. Experienced players can use this to improve their roster by cutting weaker members and adding more useful additions.
3. What would a strong team consist of in the game?
In Grand Summoners, the best teams feature four heroes who complement one another well. They need powerful offensive and defensive capabilities, as well as a variety of status effects to choose from.
4. Which Grand Summoners tier list should I use?
The S-rank is the most formidable ranking system, so choose that one if at all possible. An A or B grade, however, may be adequate in a few instances. Which ranking system you employ should be determined by your specific circumstances.
5. What are some important features I should look out for when trying to find the best unit?
There are many things to think about before settling on a specific unit. Choose units with high base stats and give weight to those with special passive skills that could come in handy in combat.
6. How do I use the Grand Summoners tier list?
Check out the rankings and see which personalities appeal to you most. Keep in mind that these are just some suggestions for how you can improve your team. As long as they are sturdy, you can construct them however you like.
7. How often this Grand Summoners tier list be updated?
Please check back frequently, as this Grand Summoners tier list will be updated weekly. In this way, you won’t fall behind the curve as the competition evolves.
8. Why do players use tier lists?
Tier lists are used by players to determine which characters are best for their squad. You can easily see which ones are the best and most popular right now.
Final Words
Knowing the strengths and weaknesses of each character archetype is crucial in Grand Summoners. Find out which Grand Summoners class is best for you with this handy tier list!
We trust that you’ve gained some useful insight into the Grand Summoners tier list that you can take into battle with your squad. Feel free to share your thoughts and ask further questions below.
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