One of the most memorable casts in recent e-sports history is Overwatch’s 32 heroes.
Each hero is fun to use thanks to the game’s engaging mechanics and balanced focus on teamwork. However, as is the case with most games, certain heroes in Overwatch are better suited to competitive play than others.
Bạn đang xem: Overwatch Tier List Update 03/2025
The purpose of this ranking is to provide some clarity on the current Overwatch draft. If you’re curious about the best heroes to play right now, keep reading!
Annotated Contents Show
Tier List Methodology
This ranking is accurate for all ranks (maybe excluding Grandmaster) and in line with the 26th season of competitive play.
Before the season begins, all balance changes (both positive and negative) and patches are applied. Different criteria are used to order the heroes, such as:
- The frequency with which a hero is selected in games ranked Bronze all the way up to Grandmaster.
- The average percentage of games in which a hero plays where his or her team wins. Heroes with high win rates but extremely low pick rates, for example, are not automatically placed in the upper rankings.
- How well a hero fulfills their role as an Attacker, Tank, or Support in a team setting.
- Heroes with a wide range of compatible team compositions will have an advantage in Overwatch due to the game’s emphasis on cooperation.
Now that we have that out of the way, we can dive into the most recent Overwatch tier list.
The game’s top heroes, hands down. They have a high probability of being picked and winning regardless of the party composition you choose.
These heroes consistently perform above and beyond expectations, posing serious challenges to their opponents.
Hero | Role | Description |
Moira | Support | Moira’s healing abilities are crucial for any competitive team. She can be easily defended as a top-tier champion due to her high mobility and low cooldowns.
The synergy between Moira and support characters like Ana and Mercy really lets her potential shine. |
Hanzo | Attacker | Hanzo is an adaptable protagonist. He can move quickly and deal decent damage, and players who master him are rewarded handsomely. Hanzo’s sonic arrows make him an excellent scout. |
Destructive Force | Tank | Wrecking Ball is unlike any other hero in Overwatch in terms of gameplay. If you can pull off flashy plays with him, you’ll be the envy of your opponents. But he needs some time to hone his abilities before he can reliably achieve that. |
McCree | Attacker | If your team needs some offense, McCree is at the top of the list. His strengths lie in close combat, where he can easily pick off the weaker opponents.
Players of McCree need to put in a lot of practice time honing their aim because accuracy is the key to the character’s success. |
Baptiste | Support | Baptiste is an excellent choice for a backer. You can trust him to keep your team alive while you take aim at unprotected foes from the safety of the back lines. |
D.Va | Tank | When you’re in charge of D.Va, a lot of things happen. She can take on two distinct appearances, each with its own set of skills and playstyle options.
When it really counts, D.Va’s Defense Matrix can save the day for the entire team as a tank. |
Definition: A type of Tank
A total of 600 HP (500 hp 100 ap)
Wrecking-ball is a necessary addition to this group. Everyone here has mixed feelings about Wrecking-ball. We enjoy the chaos he causes when he is on our side and using his skills effectively, but he is a serious threat when he is working for the opposition.
Weapons and Abilities:
The Wrecking Ball’s primary weapon, the quad cannons, deal low damage, fire quickly, and have few bullets. These are automatically reloaded while using the Roll ability.
Claw, Grasping
Wrecking Ball – utilizes this for mobility, allowing him to swing between obstacles like pillars and terrains.
Wrecking Ball’s swing does damage and knocks down enemies, but it also leaves him open to being stunned or knocked back.
Shield Adaptive
Wrecking Ball gains a shield equal to the number of nearby enemies.
Roll — Power that transforms Wrecking Ball into a ball, granting him superhuman speed. Make use of this talent to avoid getting into a fight.
Piledriver — While in the air, the Wrecking Ball is able to slam downward, dealing damage to nearby enemies and throwing them upward, where they are easily destroyed by the Quad Cannons.
Wrecking Ball’s ultimate ability, Minefield, is a great way to deny an area objective and divert the attention of the opposing team.
The mines have a wider area of effect if used while he is in the air.
Categorization: Advocacy
Total Health Pool of 200 (50 HP & 150 DEF)
It’s no surprise that Zenyatta is in Tier 2 because he is a support hero who can hold his own in combat. He has a high DPS and a simple set of abilities that even beginners can master. Zenyatta provides the meta with everything they could possibly need. It’s also very satisfying to strike his eyes.
Weapons and Abilities:
Zenyatta’s primary weapon is the Orb of Destruction, which he uses to fire fast-moving orb projectiles and deal enormous damage to his foes. The ability to charge it allows Zenyatta to launch up to five orbs at once.
The target of an Orb of Discord takes significantly more damage from all sources when the orb is activated.
Zenyatta’s closest enemy will be targeted automatically, but the effect will be cancelled if he switches targets, loses sight of the enemy for more than three seconds, or dies.
The Orb of Harmony, on the other hand, can be used to bless a specific friend. While the orb is active, the ally’s health will slowly replenish.
Zenyatta’s closest ally will be targeted automatically, but the effect will end if he switches targets, loses sight of the ally for more than three seconds, or dies.
Zenyatta’s greatest power is her ability to transcend. For a few seconds after activation, he will be immune to harm. It also generates a healing aura that benefits nearby allies.
Zenyatta is unable to use any other skills or weapons while this ability is active. He can still be hit, and will take knockbacks but no damage.
Tank is a Classification
Total Health: 600 (300 300) (300 Health, 300 Defense)
Happy news, everyone! The much-beloved superstar D.Va has returned. She wasn’t playable until her most recent overhaul, before which every other tank was preferable. You have valid reason to include her in your Dive compositions now. Get in the faces of your enemies and annoy them to the point where they stop fighting. Her Defense Matrix will undoubtedly save the day for the squad.
Weapons and Abilities:
D.Va’s primary weaponry consists of Fusion Cannons, which can continuously fire projectiles at a single target without reloading. Unfortunately, D.Va can only move 40% as fast as usual while firing.
These cannons were designed for close combat, firing 11 bullets per round to ensure that targets had no chance of avoiding being hit.
When the defense matrix ability is in effect, these weapons become inoperable.
D.Va’s light gun becomes her primary weapon after her mech is destroyed, and its fast projectile bullets still do significant damage to foes. When it comes to firing at a far distance, this is superior to the fusion cannons.
D.Va’s primary defensive ability is the Defense Matrix, which, when activated, causes a barrier to appear in front of her mech. During that time, it will deflect any incoming projectiles.
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Instead of using it as your primary blocking tool, use it as a quick shield against powerful attacks.
While backing away from an attacker, activate this ability to shield yourself from their attacks.
Activating D.Va’s boosters will cause her mech to soar into the air and propel her forward at a brisk rate. Enemies who collide with D.Va while this ability is active can take melee damage and be knocked back.
CONNECTED: Second-Tier Rainfall Forecast
Micro Missiles – Fire missiles from D.Va’s mech that travel in a straight line and destroy any solid target they come into contact with, including D.Va herself.
A hero whose attack can be interrupted does not fall victim to this.
D.Va’s ultimate ability, “Self-Destruct,” involves her being ejected from her mech and its subsequent explosion three seconds later, dealing enormous damage to the immediate area. D.Va’s Call Mech ability will be fully charged after a successful use of this ability.
D.Va’s ultimate ability “Call Mech” allows her to summon a replacement mech if her current one is destroyed.
Supportive categorization
200 HP Total (200 Health / 0 Defense)
Moira’s healing ability is something you should strive for if you are the competitive gaming type. One of the most popular characters among lower-tier players due to her high mobility and short cooldowns. Moira is at her best when paired with other support characters like Ana and Mercy.
Weapons and Abilities:
With her left hand, Moira can channel biotic energy to heal nearby allies.
Long-range beam weapon that heals Moira and refuels her biotic energy as it drains the health of her enemies with the right biotic grasp.
Moira’s Biotic Orbs can either heal friendly targets or deal damage to foes, depending on the target they pass through.
Moira’s Fade ability grants her superhuman speed and makes her immune to harm.
While this is active, Moira will be defenseless.
Coalescence is Moira’s ultimate ability, and it allows her to shoot a beam that can either heal allies or deal damage to foes from a great distance.
While coalescence is being triggered, Moira’s biotic energy is also passively recharging.
Typical Label: Tank
Total Health Pool of 500 (350 HP 150 DEF)
In Overwatch, creating havoc in the enemy’s back lines is a skill that will always come in handy. If you know how to make the most of his abilities, Winston is the best character to use for this because of his high mobility and “second life” ultimate ability.
Weapons and Abilities:
This is a Tesla cannon.
Winston can leap forward into the air with the help of his Jump Pack, landing on an enemy and dealing damage to them.
With his Barrier Projector power, Winston can generate an energy dome that will shield him from harm. Allies within the dome will be safe from enemy fire, but they will still be able to defend themselves.
Winston’s greatest power is his primal rage. Activating this makes Winston nearly invincible, increasing his health to a whopping 1000 (850 Health | 150 Armor). This improves his melee attack and frees up his Jump Pack for more uses. While this ability is active, no other weapons may be used.
Categorization: Impairment
200 HP Total (200 Health / 0 Defense)
Hanzo is still a reliable damage dealer despite the fact that snipers are no longer the dominant force in the metagame. Those who put in the effort to learn Hanzo will be rewarded, as he is highly mobile and has decent damage output. Using his mobility and damage per second, he can one-shot even the most defenseless heroes, and when combined with another crowd control ultimate (like Zarya’s, for example), the opposing team can kiss goodbye.
Weapons and Abilities:
Hanzo relies solely on his Storm Bow, which has an infinite supply of arrows and can also be used for melee attacks to knock an opponent to the ground.
Hanzo can use his Wall Climb ability to jump up and scale walls up to four meters in height.
To help Hanzo locate his foes, sonic arrows are equipped with sonar tracking devices that leave a visible mark.
Hanzo’s Storm Arrows allow him to quickly unleash multiple arrows, albeit at diminished damage.
Hanzo can double-jump with his Lunge ability, making it easier for him to traverse uneven ground.
The ultimate power Hanzo possesses is called Dragonstrike. The activation of this ability causes the release of a Dragon Spirit, which deals damage to any foes it encounters. Hanzo’s Ult Charge will increase by 1% every few seconds while this ability is active.
Damage Categorization
The 225-health maximum allows for zero armor.
Mcree’s proficiency at killing foes at any range makes him a top contender. Mcree will deal the necessary damage to bring you closer to the flavor of victory, whether you empty your clip at close range on a tank or hit a headshot from across the map. You can easily get “team wipeout-YouTube video material” by mastering his ultimate ability. Just go out to the range and practice.
Weapons and Abilities:
Cassidy relies heavily on her primary weapon, the Peacekeeper. A single, lethally accurate bullet is fired from the primary weapon at the intended target. While the second shot allows Cassidy to quickly use up the rest of the magazine.
Cassidy can roll forward a short distance in the direction he is already moving thanks to his combat roll ability.
While he’s rolling, this reloads his primary weapon, the Peacekeeper.
Cassidy can launch a small grenade in a forward arc with her Flashbang ability. Enemies in the area take minimal damage and are temporarily stunned by the explosion.
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Cassidy’s greatest talent is his deadeye aim.
After activation, Cassidy’s movement speed decreases, but he enters a targeting mode in which his foes are highlighted for as long as they remain in his field of view. After aiming, Cassidy can shoot at each of the highlighted locations.
While this effect is in place, Cassidy cannot use any other skills.
Supportive categorization
Maximum Health: 200 (200 / 0)
Baptiste required significant nerfs a few patches ago. To be fair, they did a respectable job. Now that he’s been nerfed and given an incredible immortality field and healing, Baptiste is a fantastic pick for the vast majority of players. As if that weren’t enough, both his damage and ultimate have recently been improved. The fact that Baptiste deals twice as much damage explains why he is here.
Weapons and Abilities:
Baptiste’s primary weapon is a Biotic Launcher. The primary weapon fires highly destructive three-round bullets.
It has a secondary fire that can launch healing projectiles to help nearby allies.
Baptiste can crouch and jump further thanks to his passive ability, Exo Boots.
When activated, Baptise’s Regenerative Burst grants him and nearby allies temporary health restoration for a number of seconds.
By activating a device, Baptiste can create an “immortality field” that keeps allies’ health at or above 10% at all times.
If a hero enters the dome with less than 10% health, they will be instantly healed to that amount.
Baptiste’s ultimate power is his amplification matrix. Ally projectiles have their damage and/or healing increased by 100% while in the matrix. The use of an EMP weapon by the enemy can render this useless.
These heroes are effective and have good compatibility with a wide variety of team compositions.
Even though they aren’t as powerful as S-tier heroes in the current meta, skilled players can still easily win with these heroes on their team.
Hero | Role | Description |
Reaper | Attacker | Reaper’s weapons consist primarily of two shotguns, which he uses for close quarters battles. His damage output is respectable, but his defense and health are lacking.
His passive lifesteal ability is useful and can swing the tide of battle in his favor. |
Lucio | Support | Lucio is a key contributor to the team in both defense and offense. The team can quickly retreat or chase down enemies thanks to his movement buff.
Lucio can scout enemies and change positions with ease thanks to his unparalleled mobility thanks to his wall run. |
Reinhardt | Tank | Tank personified, that’s Reinhardt. His shield can block a lot of damage before it breaks, and the area it protects is quite large.
He has no weaknesses to speak of, and his damage potential is respectable thanks to his “Charge” ability. |
Sigma | Tank | The newest member of the team is featured prominently. Sigma excels as a tank, but he’s also a pleasant surprise as a decent damage dealer.
He contributes equally to the team’s offense and defense. The downside of Sigma is his high maximum level of skill. Sigma matches require a very good player to bring out the best in her. |
Echo | Attacker | Since Echo was added in Season 21, not many players have had much experience with her, which could explain her low pick rate.
Echo’s damage output and mobility are both truly remarkable. If you can master it, “Duplicate” is one of the best abilities in the game. |
Mercy | Support | Do you remember when Mercy’s pick rate was almost 90%? While those days are long gone, Mercy’s emergency healing and buffing abilities have kept her in the A-tier.
Her ability to rise from the dead also gives her team an immediate advantage. |
Ashe | Attacker | Ashe is one of the few genuine nukers around. She is useful in team fights due to her ability to inflict large amounts of damage quickly.
Ashe’s lack of mobility is a downside to his offensive prowess. If the enemy team singles Ashe out at the outset of battles, they can effectively neutralize her. |
Zarya | Tank | Zarya isn’t exactly weak when it comes to tanks. The passive ability of her shields to increase her damage makes her even more versatile.
A battle of attrition is almost guaranteed if Reinhardt and Zarya are on the same team as you. |
Roadhog | Tank | The Roadhog is probably the first tank you ever played as. Simply put, he’s a blast to use. Because of his high health and regeneration, he is also very useful in team battles.
As long as the player positions him well, he can deal decent damage thanks to his skill set. |
Ana | Support | Ana’s pick and win rate remains high despite her reputation as one of the game’s most challenging heroes. It takes some practice to get used to the targeting requirements of Ana’s healing and buffs.
However, this is balanced out by how valuable her abilities are. Once you’ve gotten the hang of controlling Ana, you’ll be using arguably the best support hero in the game. |
- Roadhog
The combination of Roadhog’s hook combo and self-heal makes him an unusual case, allowing his healers more time to focus on dealing damage and keeping the weaker characters alive. - Mercy
Mercy is one of the original heroes in Overwatch, and she has always been a great pick for teams that need a healer. She can either heal her team to full health or significantly increase their damage output. The ability to bring back a hero who has recently died is a powerful and useful one. The lack of a large shield tank in this meta makes her quite vulnerable to the enemy’s snipers, which is why she is not in a higher tier. Her DPS is also below average. - Zarya
Zarya’s preferences have changed frequently due to the players’ actions. From being a hidden gem to an essential selection. She appears to have reached a point of equilibrium at last. A meta hero with unrivaled crowd control and combo potential thanks to her divine ultimate. - Reinhardt
- The recent improvements made to our favorite tank, Reinhardt, have made us ecstatic beyond words. After being nerfed a few patches ago, Reinhardt went from being the pinnacle of every strategy to being widely disliked by top-tier Overwatch players. Thanks to the recent patch, Reinhardt now has more health and damage output, and the tides of battle appear to be turning in his favor once again. Together with Zarya, he is currently experiencing a meta phase.
- Reaper
Reaper was popular during the era when large, powerful tanks dominated the meta. He shatters HP like it’s made of butter. But now that the meta has shifted, he can only deal damage to the weaker heroes, severely limiting his damage output. There are so many excellent DPS heroes to choose from that Reaper often falls to the wayside. The choice between killing a Reinhardt or an Orisa is clear, though. His passive life-steal ability is also helpful and reliable. - Lucio
The outcome of the game may hinge on Lucio’s performance. His arsenal is perfect for both assisting your team and frustrating the opposing one. When everyone uses his greatest strength in concert, they can overwhelm any defense. However, he’s a situational pick due to the need for coordinated communication and push execution. Only if your foe is employing a bunker defense strategy. - Sigma
Since his days of being a meta-defining figure, Sigma has declined. His team is still safe from multiple fronts thanks to his strength, but the nerfs he took were enough to make him a more well-rounded hero overall. You’ll need a lot more self-control and coordination to beat him now that he can’t spam his shield so quickly. - Echo
Echo’s high mobility and damage can be used in a variety of combinations to surprise-burst enemies from unexpected directions. When she is in full flight, her small character model makes her difficult to hit. Echo’s ultimate ability, however, presents a challenge. Before deciding on Echo, you should have a strategy mapped out. That is, you have to have a model hero in mind. If you choose Echo, think carefully about who else is on your team. - Tracer
While it’s true that Tracer is a challenging hero to play well, once you figure out how to play to her strengths, she becomes an unstoppable killing machine. When facing a skilled Tracer, it can feel like the enemy team has an extra hero. Tracer is the best hero in Overwatch due to the DPS she provides, her mobility, and, okay, the voice acting. Gents, poke and scurry. - Ana
It makes sense to have Ana here, as she has a high average pick rate (even in higher ranks) and a very consistent win rate percentage. It’s obvious that she has healing and disable abilities in numbers that few other heroes can match.
These heroes are solid and can work well with those of the same or lower tier. They maintain respectable pick/win percentages and thus avoid being dropped from the competitive meta.
Hero | Role | Description |
Zenyatta | Support | Zenyatta is promoted as a reliable support hero who can also hold his own in combat. He’s more of a mediocre support hero with average damage output than anything else. |
Winston | Tank | Strong tanks and mobile supports are currently the meta for winning team fights.
Winston simply doesn’t belong there. The claim that Reinhardt is a superior version of him and that you should play him instead has not gone away. |
Genji | Attacker | Mastering Genji, like any other hero, can be challenging but will pay off handsomely for you and your team. He can move incredibly fast and deal a lot of damage.
The most skilled Genji players can zip around the field and pick off enemies with ease. |
Widowmaker | Attacker | The Widowmaker is the best sniper in the game, but she is also very difficult to master.
Due to the fact that you need to think about where to aim and where to position your grappling hook during a fight, she has a very high skill ceiling. |
- Junkrat
Junkrat has always been on the cusp of being a meme hero, but his high damage potential has made him a popular pick, especially in areas where movement is restricted (such as the Temple of Anubis or King’s Row). His ability to deal massive damage in a concentrated area poses a serious threat to his opponents. - Genji
Genji is adored by all. He’s a blast to control, and no other character gives you the same sensation of climbing walls and slashing through enemies. The music inspires a desire to master his style. Genji’s risk-reward structure and learning curve are too steep at the moment for the metagame to support them. At least his fire rate was increased, giving him a much-needed boost to his damage output. If you’re a Gold, Silver, or Bronze level Genji player, feel free to slash away.
- Ashe
Ashe is a highly adaptable, mid-range hit-scanning hero. If you’re having trouble with an Echo, Tracer, or Mcree, she’s your best bet because her rifle can deal significant damage. Simply pressing a button activates “Bob,” making him an effective and simple tool. Both new and seasoned players will find her to be a solid option. - Widowmaker
The HP nerf the developers gave Widowmaker and the shift in the meta toward a more dynamic style of play account for her low placement. However, she is still a viable option if you prefer to deal damage from afar, though you should prioritize your own safety. - Orisa
Orisa’s shield was very effective during the Shields meta, but she is now a terrible attacker due to her lack of mobility and coordination. Orisa can still do an excellent job if you need to hold down a position in a place with choke points. Her fortify ability was slightly improved, making her slightly more durable.
If the team is well-balanced and the player is skilled at using them, even mediocre heroes like these can achieve victory.
They don’t have any distinguishing qualities or obvious flaws. It’s possible you could start winning streaks by using mostly C-tiers in your next match, but it might take a while.
Hero | Role | Description |
Doomfist | Attacker | Even though Doomfist isn’t used by many players, he still manages to win well over half of his matches.
A skilled player can quickly engage and disengage with enemies using Rocket Punch and his other abilities. |
Brigitte | Support | Brigitte’s hybrid capabilities as a tank/support hero prevented her from being ranked lower.
Her ultimate is her greatest strength, and it helps the team win fights significantly when other tanks are present. |
Tracer | Attacker | The face of Overwatch needs a major upgrade. There was a time when Tracer’s speed and accuracy made her unstoppable on the battlefield, but those days are long gone.
As of right now, she is more valuable as a harasser than a nuclear weapon. The best attackers can usually end the game on their own, making this a crucial consideration in competitive play. |
Private 76 | Attacker | Soldier 76 excels at a wide variety of tasks. His set is fairly simple, making him an excellent starter character. His primary attack deals good damage and has less recoil than that of most heroes.
His “Sprint” ability allows him to enter and leave battles rapidly, and his area-of-effect healing can be crucial at the right moments. Despite his best efforts, Soldier 76 is merely a mediocre hero in every respect. |
Junkrat | Attacker | Junkrat’s arsenal of area-of-effect attacks can be a constant source of frustration for the opposing team.
While not as damaging as some heroes’ attacks, this is a great way to annoy foes. When Junkrat dies, he drops live grenades, making him a viable option in the clutch. |
Orisa | Tank | It is generally agreed that Orisa, as a “complementary tank,” works well with other tanks of similar tier. She deals respectable damage at range and is immune to massive damage thanks to her “Fortify” ability. |
- Bridgitte
Bridgitte’s flail and tanky personality are clearly influenced by Diablo 3’s Crusader class. Currently a defensive support specialist, Brigitte has found little stability as of late. DPS, not Support; you heard correctly. Although she is a good choice against heroes that poke at you due to her high close-range damage and barrier, she is rarely used in offensive compositions. When you’re in a group formation, Tracer will have a hard time poking anyone. Keep close to your teammates and keep moving forward. - Doomfist
Yes, I’d like to discuss Doomfist. Don’t misunderstand us; Doomfist simply has a fantastic playstyle. His mobility and ability to one-punch an opponent are both exceptional. However, professional teams almost universally avoid him as a pick due to his large character model and reliance on his cooldowns for damage. - Man Number 76
Soldier 76 is the most honest hero in the history of heroes. He possesses standard soldier abilities plus an automatic aim ultimate. If you’re playing Soldier 76, he’ll be a natural fit for your DPS role. Simply eliminate the opposition from a strategic flanking position. The only thing working against him is his mobility; he can run quickly, but he lacks the flying ability of an Echo or the abilities of a Tracer. - Bastion
The damage that Bastion deals is, without a doubt, his finest trait. It’s one thing to fire those shots accurately; it’s another to do so without getting killed in the process. However, Bastion is incredibly difficult to master, and his many shortcomings may make you wonder if you’re better off with another character.
This group of heroes serves a specific purpose. Their abilities aren’t completely useless, but there are better candidates for any given position.
Hero | Role | Description |
Mei | Attacker | With her debuffs and ice wall, Mei is great for annoying foes. She does average damage and has a high skill ceiling. Be sure you can commit long-term if you want to main Mei. |
Pharah | Attacker | Pharah possesses rudimentary abilities that are accessible to newcomers, but that’s about it. Her effectiveness drops off after a certain threshold, and her rockets’ precision is highly sensitive to the player’s skill. |
These heroes have been completely phased out of competitive play, and can only be used in Quick Play for experimenting. Put these heroes to work if you care about them. Just don’t assume that everyone else in the arena is following your lead.
Hero | Role | Description |
Torbjorn | Attacker | A lot of people don’t like facing Torbjorn because he’s too strong, but because they don’t like his playstyle, which is based on camping one spot.
Torbjorn isn’t very helpful to the team during battles because he is usually too far away to make a difference. |
Sombra | Attacker | Your team needs superb communication and coordination to make Sombra shine.
When fighting breaks out and chaos ensues, this is almost never the case. Sombra struggles when the match requires her to “react” to unforeseen circumstances. |
Symmetra | Attacker | Symmetra’s incredibly low pick rate is proof that she is only good in the hands of a small number of players. Her lack of mobility in team fights persists despite the changes made to her character.
She can be a bother to tanks, but her short life means she doesn’t always get the chance. |
Bastion | Attacker | The amount of damage Bastion can deal is unquestionably his best trait. However, it’s a whole other ballgame to make those shots without getting killed in the process. Mastering Bastion is challenging due to his incessant configuration changes.
You may start to question whether or not he is worth the effort of practicing because of his many shortcomings. |
- Pharah
Pharaoh is compared to a fly in this metaphor. Although she may be a constant source of annoyance and distraction, she poses no real threat (other than to your own peace of mind). If the enemy team isn’t hit scanning well, Pharah can be a good choice because she doesn’t require a Mercy’s support, but if they are, that Mercy isn’t helping the rest of their team. - Torbjorn
The turrets of Torbjörn and Ashe may look similar, but their ultimate abilities, Bob, could not be more different. Torbjörn is dependent on his turret to do all the work, while Ashe has some potential for high damage. A turret that doesn’t move very much, and the players have figured out how to destroy it quickly as a priority. The correct use of his ultimate still makes him powerful, but not powerful enough to move him up the list. - Symmetra
Because of her skills, Symmetra has never been a top pick. While her teleporter is convenient, its hiding places have been thoroughly searched, at least at the higher levels. They will be quickly discovered by the enemy and annihilated. However, she can be quite helpful in certain circumstances, such as the final desperate hold. A hero’s timely return to combat can make all the difference. - Mei
Mei used to be a must-pick for both sides thanks to her Ice Wall and sniping abilities. After all, if she strategically places an ice wall, she can split her foes in two, giving you a huge advantage. However, as Overwatch has progressed, players have learned to counter these cheeky strats, making her a less appealing choice. - Sombra
Certain heroes are interesting in theory but rarely work in practice. Sombra is the name of this Overwatch character. Even though her invisibility and translocator give her some flanking potential, her damage output is low. There’s work to be done on Sombra before she can be considered a competitive character.
Which platforms can I play Overwatch on?
Almost every system out there can play the game! It can be purchased right now for PC, Xbox One, PS4, and Switch. Unfortunately, multi-platform support is not yet available.
How many heroes are in Overwatch?
There are currently more than 30 heroes to choose from, each with their own special roles, weapons, and abilities. Tanks, Damage dealers, and Supporters make up the three primary classes of heroes.
Is Overwatch an online game?
Yes. Six players make up a team that, depending on the mode, must complete objectives to defeat the opposing team.
How many game modes are available to play?
There are currently seven play modes available in the main game, each with its own rules and environments.
- Assault
- Control
- Escort
- Hybrid
- Fight to the Flag
- Deathmatch
- Elimination
Seasonal celebrations often inspire the introduction of new gameplay modes.
Time to put in an inquiry. “I’m not sure what I’m supposed to take away from this piece.”
The game Overwatch is constantly evolving. The items here are currently the most “efficient” options available. However, all we gamers want to do is have a good time. So, choose a hero and jump into the fray!
Since Overwatch is constantly evolving, so too will this Tier List. We promise to keep you informed of the latest game developments while also adding our own unique spin on things.
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